  • Tunol
  • Tunol was a female Cardassian officer of the Cardassian Guard. In 2323, Tunol was a dalin serving as the first officer aboard the warship Kashai under Skrain Dukat. She was responsible for informing Dukat of the bombing of Cemba Station and was later responsible for helping him steal a Tzenkethi marauder and then bombarding Bajor with it. It is unknown whether this Tunol is related to, or actually is, Meka Tunol.
  • Tunol was a female Cardassian officer of the Cardassian Guard. In 2323, Tunol was a dalin serving as the first officer aboard the warship Kashai under Skrain Dukat. She was responsible for informing Dukat of the bombing of Cemba Station and was later responsible for helping him steal a Tzenkethi marauder and then bombarding Bajor with it. In 2328, Tunol was still serving under Dukat, but this time aboard the Vandir and as a dal. While aboard the Vandir she helped search for Starfleet spies Alynna Nechayev and Gwen Jones. She also informed him when Rhan Ico of the Obsidian Order wanted him. (TLE - Terok Nor novel: Day of the Vipers) It is unknown whether this Tunol is related to, or actually is, Meka Tunol.