  • Rio Dolorosa
  • The Rio Dolorosa was a river in the New Willamette Valley on the planet Belle Terre. In the early days of colonization, mills and logging camps were set up along the riverbank, including Willamette Station. The river and its environs were part of a holoprogram created by Daniel Sean Bryce. (Junction Point) Steve Tecklenberg went white water rafting down the Rio Dolorosa in his youth. (Star Trek: Pendragon)
  • The Rio Dolorosa was a river in the New Willamette Valley on the planet Belle Terre. In the early days of colonization, mills and logging camps were set up along the riverbank, including Willamette Station. The river and its environs were part of a holoprogram created by Daniel Sean Bryce. (Junction Point) Steve Tecklenberg went white water rafting down the Rio Dolorosa in his youth. (Star Trek: Pendragon)