  • The Divine Comedy
  • Venice, Italy The Huntik Team finds out that the diabolical Organization had its roots in the Legendary Titan of the Mind. The Professor himself created the Organization very quickly by dominating the Suits' minds. But when the mystery is unveiled, it's already too late. Dante's house is under attack, and the Organization seizes Lok's father's diary and the Amulet of Will.
  • The poem starts when Dante finds himself lost in the woods and meets the ancient Roman poet Virgil. Virgil guides Dante through the nine circles of Hell. The two travel through the Earth and emerge on the other side of the planet. The only land mass there is Purgatoty, which is in the form of a mountain leading up to heaven. Virgil accompanies Dante through Purgatory but can not accompany him to Heaven because he was not a Christian. Dante is guided through heaven by Beatrice, his platonic love.
  • The poem is in three main parts, or cantiche: * Inferno (Hell) - 34 cantos * Purgatorio (Purgatory) - 33 cantos * Paradiso (Heaven) - 33 cantos. Each of these is divided into a number of cantos (or canti) as indicated; there are 100 cantos in total. Each canto is around 130-150 lines long. Some consider Inferno I to be a prolog to the work as a whole, which gives 33 cantos in each part plus the prolog.
  • 1
  • 4
  • 5
  • ?
  • Archwarder
  • King Basilisk
  • Nordrake
new spells
  • Acidheart
  • Slipstream
  • Firebrand
  • Fireswarm
  • Lightcoat
  • Drybite
  • Cutrace
  • Darksleep
new titans
  • 25
  • 3
  • 4
  • ?
  • Meso-Titan
  • Litho-Titan Warrior
  • Litho-Titan Sharpshooter
  • 9
  • Ice Blast
  • Makes high power Titans hard to control
  • Stonegaze
  • 250
  • Average
  • Large
  • The poem is in three main parts, or cantiche: * Inferno (Hell) - 34 cantos * Purgatorio (Purgatory) - 33 cantos * Paradiso (Heaven) - 33 cantos. Each of these is divided into a number of cantos (or canti) as indicated; there are 100 cantos in total. Each canto is around 130-150 lines long. Some consider Inferno I to be a prolog to the work as a whole, which gives 33 cantos in each part plus the prolog. The entire work is written in terza rime, a rhyme scheme where lines, each of eleven syllables, are in groups of three (terzine). The first and last lines of each terzina rhyme with each other, while the second rhymes with the first and last lines of the next terzina. For example, the first three terzine of each canto have the rhyme scheme ABA, BCB, CDC. Each canto ends with a single line, which rhymes with the second line of the final terzina, ie ... WXW, XYX, YZY, Z.
  • Venice, Italy The Huntik Team finds out that the diabolical Organization had its roots in the Legendary Titan of the Mind. The Professor himself created the Organization very quickly by dominating the Suits' minds. But when the mystery is unveiled, it's already too late. Dante's house is under attack, and the Organization seizes Lok's father's diary and the Amulet of Will.
  • The poem starts when Dante finds himself lost in the woods and meets the ancient Roman poet Virgil. Virgil guides Dante through the nine circles of Hell. The two travel through the Earth and emerge on the other side of the planet. The only land mass there is Purgatoty, which is in the form of a mountain leading up to heaven. Virgil accompanies Dante through Purgatory but can not accompany him to Heaven because he was not a Christian. Dante is guided through heaven by Beatrice, his platonic love.
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