  • Torrid Yavin
  • The Torrid Yavin was a piece of backbeat-driven dance mix that was popular on the planet Coruscant a few years after the Yuuzhan Vong War. It was mostly used as an anthem during the rebuilding of the world. In 44 ABY, Wraith Squadron member Voort saBinring paid a band to play a loud dance music to attract a crowd during a mission. The band played a ragged but spirited version of Torrid Yavin.
  • legends
  • The Torrid Yavin was a piece of backbeat-driven dance mix that was popular on the planet Coruscant a few years after the Yuuzhan Vong War. It was mostly used as an anthem during the rebuilding of the world. In 44 ABY, Wraith Squadron member Voort saBinring paid a band to play a loud dance music to attract a crowd during a mission. The band played a ragged but spirited version of Torrid Yavin.