  • Solari
  • Solari
  • Solari
  • Solari
  • Solari
  • Le negoziazioni furono quasi un disastro. Il Coro di Riva, del quale egli si avvaleva per comunicare, fu ucciso da un membro di una delle fazioni Solari. Alla fine, Riva fu convinto a rimanere ed a cercare di mediare senza l'aiuto del suo coro, dando una possibilità alle fazioni di risolvere le loro divergenze. (TNG: "Rumoroso come un sussurro")
  • Solari was a recurring character on Xena: Warrior Princess. She was a member of the Telaquire Amazon tribe and a loyal friend of Gabrielle and Ephiny during Velasca's betrayal. Although she was not of any importance, she was shown to be a very close friend of Ephiny's. When she was thrown in the dungeon for siding with Gabrielle and Ephiny and against Velasca, Autolycus removed the pin from her bra to open the door. She was killed in the battle with the Romans that also lead to Ephiny's death.
  • The insulated construction of the exterior is comprised of multiple layers of aluminum covered with a protective neoprene outer sleeve. The bottom support swings up to become a carrying handle. The compact size of the cooker should make it easy to transport. The fresnel solar cooker is equipped with a battery-powered temperature sensor that transmits real-time data to the user's smartphone via the Solari mobile application.
  • Die Solari sind eine humanoide Spezies und Bewohner des Planeten Solais V.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages on this wiki. Make sure you type [[Category:Solari]] on the page before you save it to make it part of the Solari wiki. Solari (SU group page | SU comments page // [ group wiki pages]) This is a stub entry for a wiki page associated with a SU group. Please customize this web page by replacing the stub, {{Stub group}}, with improved content!
  • Solari was a captain in the Imperial Navy who commanded the Goliath, a Carrack-class light cruiser stationed over Nam Chorios. As a result of the successes of the local insurgency, Solari and most of his crew were stationed on the surface to act as extra guards. The local commander, General Athok Dinvar, was a resistance agent, and a traitor. When a crewman began searching for the traitor, Dinvar attempted to blame Solari and another officer for treason. However, he was exposed, but he shot Solari and killed him before he was apprehended.
  • Solari is the official monetary unit of the Imperium. It's purchasing power is set at quadtricentennial negotiations between the Guild, the Landsraad, and the Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe.
  • The Solari was the official monetary unit of the Imperium. Its purchasing power was set at quatricentennial negotiations between the Guild, the Landsraad, and the Emperor.
  • The Solari were a humanoid species native to the planet Solais V. The Solari people were engaged in constant planetary war dating back to the 9th century. In 2365, they requested the help of Federation mediator Riva to bring their war to an end. The talks were nearly ended by the assassination of Riva's chorus, but he resolved to stay with the Solari and use the loss of his chorus as a starting point for peace negotiations. (TNG episode: "Loud as a Whisper")
  • Solari oli yksi vanhimmista ja voimakkaimmista valosapeleihin käytetyistä kiteistä. Sitä kykenivät käyttämään ainoastaan jedit, jotka seurasivat Voiman valoisaa puolta. Pimeä puoli ei voinut korruptoida sitä ja kiteen omistajan sydämen täytyi pysyä puhtaana, jotta kide jatkaisi toimintaansa. Solaria oli hankalaa löytää, koska se oli näkyvissä ainoastaan myöhään illalla ja sitä löydettiin ainoastaan Sacorrialta.
  • Before the great Jedi Master Ood Bnar initiated his life-cycle change after a thousand years of serving the Order, he bequeathed the Solari crystal to his most promising student, a young Jedi named Shaela Nuur. When Shaela disappeared shortly after the end of the Great Hunt, the Solari crystal vanished with her, but was later found by a reformed Revan in the tomb of Naga Sadow on Korriban.
  • thumb|right|El cristal Solari. El cristal Solari de Shaela Nuur fue uno de los cristales de sable de luz más antiguos y poderosos de la Orden Jedi. Era una gema naranja que sólo un Jedi que fuera puro de espíritu y ardiente seguidor del lado luminoso de la Fuerza podría usar. No podía ser corrompido por el lado oscuro y su dueño debía permanecer siempre puro de corazón para que funcionara.
  • The Solari were a humanoid species native to the planet Solais V. In 2365, they requested the aid of the Federation mediator Riva, hoping to bring to an end a war that had lasted for fifteen centuries.
  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  • Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy
  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (novel)
  • A Solari
  • yes
  • *Galactic Empire **Imperial Navy
  • Solari
  • Solari
  • Brown
  • Solari
  • Solari
  • yes
  • yes
  • Solari
  • Solari
  • Солари
  • Солари
  • Solari
  • Fair
  • 6
  • 1500
  • Rome,
  • Le negoziazioni furono quasi un disastro. Il Coro di Riva, del quale egli si avvaleva per comunicare, fu ucciso da un membro di una delle fazioni Solari. Alla fine, Riva fu convinto a rimanere ed a cercare di mediare senza l'aiuto del suo coro, dando una possibilità alle fazioni di risolvere le loro divergenze. (TNG: "Rumoroso come un sussurro")
  • thumb|right|El cristal Solari. El cristal Solari de Shaela Nuur fue uno de los cristales de sable de luz más antiguos y poderosos de la Orden Jedi. Era una gema naranja que sólo un Jedi que fuera puro de espíritu y ardiente seguidor del lado luminoso de la Fuerza podría usar. No podía ser corrompido por el lado oscuro y su dueño debía permanecer siempre puro de corazón para que funcionara. Antes de que el gran Maestro Jedi Ood Bnar iniciara su cambio de ciclo de vida después de mil años de servir a la Orden, él le legó el cristal Solari a su estudiante más prometedora, una joven Jedi llamada Shaela Nuur. Cuando Shaela desapareció poco después del fin de la Gran Cacería, el cristal Solari desapareció con ella, pero años después fue descubierto por el reformado Revan en la tumba de Naga Sadow en Korriban. Aunque el cristal Solari era un artefacto de poder del lado luminoso, los cristales Corazón del Guardián y Manto de la Fuerza podían remover la restricción del lado luminoso y permitían que cualquier usuario de la Fuerza empelara el cristal. Otros cristales Solari, aunque raros, eran más fáciles de encontrar que otros cristales para sable de luz más raros. Un cristal Solari sólo podía ser visto al final de la tarde en los planetas Sacorria y Rhen Var. Estos cristales incrementaban el ancho de la hoja en un sable de luz, lo que incrementaba la habilidad de un Jedi para desviar disparos de bláster. [[Archivo:Cleansing of Korriban.JPG|thumb|150px|left|Shaela Nuur usando el cristal Solari.]] Aunque el cristal de Shaela Nuur era de color naranja, otros cristales Solari eran de diferentes colores.
  • The Solari were a humanoid species native to the planet Solais V. In 2365, they requested the aid of the Federation mediator Riva, hoping to bring to an end a war that had lasted for fifteen centuries. The negotiations were nearly a disaster. Riva's chorus, whom he used to communicate, were killed by a member of one of the Solari factions who was opposed to peace between the groups; the rogue Solari was subsequently killed by his comrade. However, in response to the murder of the chorus the away team beamed out along with Riva, making it seem that the fighting would continue and that no mediation or peace would occur. Eventually, Riva was convinced by counselor Deanna Troi to stay and try to mediate without his chorus, bringing the possibility of an end to their conflict. (TNG: "Loud As A Whisper" )
  • Solari oli yksi vanhimmista ja voimakkaimmista valosapeleihin käytetyistä kiteistä. Sitä kykenivät käyttämään ainoastaan jedit, jotka seurasivat Voiman valoisaa puolta. Pimeä puoli ei voinut korruptoida sitä ja kiteen omistajan sydämen täytyi pysyä puhtaana, jotta kide jatkaisi toimintaansa. Solaria oli hankalaa löytää, koska se oli näkyvissä ainoastaan myöhään illalla ja sitä löydettiin ainoastaan Sacorrialta. Jedimestari Ood Bnar lahjoitti tälläisen kiteen lupaavimmalle oppilaalleen, nuorelle Shaela Nuurille. Shaela käytti solaria valosapelissaan, mikä myöhemmin kävi hänelle kohtalokkaaksi. Hän nimittäin lankesi pimeälle puolelle rakkaansa kuoltua ja aloittaessaan taistelun terentatekeja vastaan, hänen valosapelinsa sammui pimeän puolen vaikutuksesta. Myöhemmin jediksi palannut Revan löysi Nuurin ruumiin ja otti tämän kiteen haltuunsa.
  • Solari was a recurring character on Xena: Warrior Princess. She was a member of the Telaquire Amazon tribe and a loyal friend of Gabrielle and Ephiny during Velasca's betrayal. Although she was not of any importance, she was shown to be a very close friend of Ephiny's. When she was thrown in the dungeon for siding with Gabrielle and Ephiny and against Velasca, Autolycus removed the pin from her bra to open the door. She was killed in the battle with the Romans that also lead to Ephiny's death.
  • The insulated construction of the exterior is comprised of multiple layers of aluminum covered with a protective neoprene outer sleeve. The bottom support swings up to become a carrying handle. The compact size of the cooker should make it easy to transport. The fresnel solar cooker is equipped with a battery-powered temperature sensor that transmits real-time data to the user's smartphone via the Solari mobile application.
  • Before the great Jedi Master Ood Bnar initiated his life-cycle change after a thousand years of serving the Order, he bequeathed the Solari crystal to his most promising student, a young Jedi named Shaela Nuur. When Shaela disappeared shortly after the end of the Great Hunt, the Solari crystal vanished with her, but was later found by a reformed Revan in the tomb of Naga Sadow on Korriban. Although the Solari crystal was an artifact of light side power, the Heart of the Guardian and Mantle of the Force lightsaber crystals could remove the light side restriction and allow a non-lightsider to use the crystal.
  • Die Solari sind eine humanoide Spezies und Bewohner des Planeten Solais V.
  • The Solari were a humanoid species native to the planet Solais V. The Solari people were engaged in constant planetary war dating back to the 9th century. In 2365, they requested the help of Federation mediator Riva to bring their war to an end. The talks were nearly ended by the assassination of Riva's chorus, but he resolved to stay with the Solari and use the loss of his chorus as a starting point for peace negotiations. (TNG episode: "Loud as a Whisper") In 2381, a Solari man was among the refugees at the iy'Dewra'ni refugee camp on Pacifica, following the Borg Invasion of 2381. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace)
  • You can use the box below to create new pages on this wiki. Make sure you type [[Category:Solari]] on the page before you save it to make it part of the Solari wiki. Solari (SU group page | SU comments page // [ group wiki pages]) This is a stub entry for a wiki page associated with a SU group. Please customize this web page by replacing the stub, {{Stub group}}, with improved content!
  • Solari was a captain in the Imperial Navy who commanded the Goliath, a Carrack-class light cruiser stationed over Nam Chorios. As a result of the successes of the local insurgency, Solari and most of his crew were stationed on the surface to act as extra guards. The local commander, General Athok Dinvar, was a resistance agent, and a traitor. When a crewman began searching for the traitor, Dinvar attempted to blame Solari and another officer for treason. However, he was exposed, but he shot Solari and killed him before he was apprehended.
  • Solari is the official monetary unit of the Imperium. It's purchasing power is set at quadtricentennial negotiations between the Guild, the Landsraad, and the Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe.
  • The Solari was the official monetary unit of the Imperium. Its purchasing power was set at quatricentennial negotiations between the Guild, the Landsraad, and the Emperor.
is Spezies of
is Native Species of