  • Zagstruk
  • Zagstruk is a ferocious disciplinarian with absolutely no tolerance for stupidity, incompetence or failure. He is more than happy to put a few rounds through the skull of any Greenskin who displays such traits around him, a fact that tends to keep even the biggest and most truculent Orks in line. Known simply as "Da Boss" by the awed Stormboyz who flock to his banner, Zagstruk's thermonuclear temper is legend. He never lowers his voice below a bellow, and can fly into a murderous rage with no provocation whatsoever. The rumour is that Zagstruk has never gone a single solar day without killing something. Da Boss inspires fanatical awe in the Stormboyz who queue up to fight alongside him, and for every underling that he shoots dead there are always two new recruits ready to join the ranks.
  • Zagstruk is a ferocious disciplinarian with absolutely no tolerance for stupidity, incompetence or failure. He is more than happy to put a few rounds through the skull of any Greenskin who displays such traits around him, a fact that tends to keep even the biggest and most truculent Orks in line. Known simply as "Da Boss" by the awed Stormboyz who flock to his banner, Zagstruk's thermonuclear temper is legend. He never lowers his voice below a bellow, and can fly into a murderous rage with no provocation whatsoever. The rumour is that Zagstruk has never gone a single solar day without killing something. Da Boss inspires fanatical awe in the Stormboyz who queue up to fight alongside him, and for every underling that he shoots dead there are always two new recruits ready to join the ranks. He is well known for his characteristic wargear, Da Vulcha's Klawz. After confronting a Space Marine Dreadnought unsuccessfully in battle which resulted in having both of his legs ripped off, the vicious Warboss had a pair of piston-driven bionik replacements made for them which are actually two Power Klaws attached to his leg stumps. He uses these weapons to jump on top of enemies with the help of his Rokkit Pack and rip his victim apart.