  • Agnar's Journal
  • Down the cliff of Dive Rock is the Matron standing over Agnar's body. It is a troll and when killed will drop body parts of Svenja. Apparently Agnar came from Solstheim and was married to the Chief's daughter until the Matron's offspring killed everyone. A champion then killed the Matron's offspring (which is your character, the Nerevarine, if you completed the quest from the Morrowind expansion pack; Bloodmoon). Svenja had nightmares about the beast and they decided to track the Matron which obviously ended their lives. Her body parts are like Mort Flesh. Inside the Uderfrykte Matron, one can also find the enchanted Frostwyrm Bow (frost damage, 15) mentioned in the journal.
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  • Agnar's Journal
  • Agnar's Journal
  • Down the cliff of Dive Rock is the Matron standing over Agnar's body. It is a troll and when killed will drop body parts of Svenja. Apparently Agnar came from Solstheim and was married to the Chief's daughter until the Matron's offspring killed everyone. A champion then killed the Matron's offspring (which is your character, the Nerevarine, if you completed the quest from the Morrowind expansion pack; Bloodmoon). Svenja had nightmares about the beast and they decided to track the Matron which obviously ended their lives. Her body parts are like Mort Flesh. Inside the Uderfrykte Matron, one can also find the enchanted Frostwyrm Bow (frost damage, 15) mentioned in the journal.