  • Bajoran death chant
  • The Bajoran death chant was a traditional funeral ritual practiced among some conservative Bajorans and was over two hours long. Ro Laren was one Bajoran who was disdainful of the chant. (TNG: "The Next Phase" ) Some speculate that the Bajoran rituals seen in DS9: "Battle Lines" and "Shakaar" may be Bajoran death chants. The ritual performed by Kira Nerys in "Battle Lines" was described as Bajoran death chant in the script of the episode. [1]
  • A Bajoran death chant is a dirge sung by Bajorans in the event of a death. Bajorans believe that individuals who do not have the Bajoran death chant performed at their time of death do not go the Celestial Temple and instead return as borhyas during the Rising. (DS9 video game: Harbinger) Bajoran death chants can last for two hours. (TNG episode: "The Next Phase") In 2383, Kira Nerys offered to have a Bajoran death chant sung for Elias Vaughn but Prynn Tenmei wanted something simpler. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Plagues of Night)
  • The Bajoran death chant was a traditional funeral ritual practiced among some conservative Bajorans and was over two hours long. Ro Laren was one Bajoran who was disdainful of the chant. (TNG: "The Next Phase" ) Some speculate that the Bajoran rituals seen in DS9: "Battle Lines" and "Shakaar" may be Bajoran death chants. The ritual performed by Kira Nerys in "Battle Lines" was described as Bajoran death chant in the script of the episode. [1]
  • A Bajoran death chant is a dirge sung by Bajorans in the event of a death. Bajorans believe that individuals who do not have the Bajoran death chant performed at their time of death do not go the Celestial Temple and instead return as borhyas during the Rising. (DS9 video game: Harbinger) Bajoran death chants can last for two hours. (TNG episode: "The Next Phase") In 2383, Kira Nerys offered to have a Bajoran death chant sung for Elias Vaughn but Prynn Tenmei wanted something simpler. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Plagues of Night) Kira's prayer over the dead body of Opaka in "Battle Lines" is referred to as a Bajoran death chant in the script of the episode.