  • Tempestos
  • Tempestos is one of the Dark Arcanoi used by Spectres to help them navigate and survive the winds of a Maelstrom. It also offers the user limited control over the storm. Spectres who most frequently use this art include the first troops to reach a Necropolis ahead a Great Maelstrom. Haints are also skilled users of Tempestos and use them to torment Harbingers and other Tempest-based travelers.
  • Tempestos is one of the Dark Arcanoi used by Spectres to help them navigate and survive the winds of a Maelstrom. It also offers the user limited control over the storm. Spectres who most frequently use this art include the first troops to reach a Necropolis ahead a Great Maelstrom. Haints are also skilled users of Tempestos and use them to torment Harbingers and other Tempest-based travelers.