  • 830th Air Force Ground Expeditionary Special Operations Wing
  • The 830th Air Force Ground Expeditionary Special Operations Wing (830th SOW) is a groundborne regiment-scale special operations force of the UNSC Air Force Special Operations Command that is implicitly subordinated to the operational control (OPCON) of the UNSC Progressive Warfare Command, 1st Unconventional Warfare Group. The 830th Special Operations Wing is the only surfaceside AFSOC asset that is operationally qualified for PROGWARCOM assignments, and it comprises the sole Air Force contribution to the UNSC Progressive Warfare Command. Its operators are also operationally embedded within the Joint Special Operations Task Force 452, known otherwise as "Contingency Strike Force One".
  • The 830th Air Force Ground Expeditionary Special Operations Wing (830th SOW) is a groundborne regiment-scale special operations force of the UNSC Air Force Special Operations Command that is implicitly subordinated to the operational control (OPCON) of the UNSC Progressive Warfare Command, 1st Unconventional Warfare Group. The 830th Special Operations Wing is the only surfaceside AFSOC asset that is operationally qualified for PROGWARCOM assignments, and it comprises the sole Air Force contribution to the UNSC Progressive Warfare Command. Its operators are also operationally embedded within the Joint Special Operations Task Force 452, known otherwise as "Contingency Strike Force One". In contradistinction to the more conventional "Air Expeditionary Special Operations Wings"—which operate Special Operations Capable aircraft (e.g., the D72-TC King Pelican) in support of surfaceside SOF teams—the 830th SOW exclusively comprises groundborne Air Force special operators which perform a number of special mission requirements—frontline terminal attack direction for close air support (CAS) or close combat attack (CCA) delivered by a variety of aerial platforms (e.g., B65 Shortsword bombers or unmanned AQ99E Electric Wombat drones); forward firepower control for groundborne artillery or orbitally-launched weapons (e.g., Archer missiles or MAC rounds); special reconnaissance and surveillance of designated ground targets (typically to preface or evaluate the suitability of an airstrike or orbital attack) as well as battle damage assessment (BDA) post-strike; combat search and rescue (CSAR) of downed vehicular crews or wounded/incapacitated ground personnel and on-site emergency tactical medicine; and limited direct action raids on high-value targets (HVTs) or operationally pertinent targets.