  • Amber Ponikowski
  • Amber Ponikowski is the most attractive woman in Columbia University's School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS). She is flat chested, thin and plain of face. She discovers that Brian Chupp is a supervillain, and finds that "HAWT!" She is likely to be the female sidekick that has been sighted along Mister Cool. That person has been described as going more for a Harley Quinn motif than "sidekick of Mister Cool:" she used a rubber chicken containing an ice bomb to put a MCO agent in the hospital.
  • Amber Ponikowski is the most attractive woman in Columbia University's School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS). She is flat chested, thin and plain of face. She discovers that Brian Chupp is a supervillain, and finds that "HAWT!" She is likely to be the female sidekick that has been sighted along Mister Cool. That person has been described as going more for a Harley Quinn motif than "sidekick of Mister Cool:" she used a rubber chicken containing an ice bomb to put a MCO agent in the hospital.