  • Racnoss
  • Racnoss
  • Les Racnoss étaient de grands êtres mi-humanoïdes, mi-arachnéens, avec une peau rouge et luisante. Ils avaient trois paires d'yeux: deux yeux au-dessus du nez, et les quatre autres sur le front. Ils avaient dix membres, dont deux qui servaient de bras et avaient une forme de lame (DW: The Runaway Bride).
  • The Racnoss appear like massive, red skinned arthropod-like creatures with six pairs of jointed limbs, four to five of which are used for locomotion. Their upper bodies resemble that of a humanoid, making them the vague arachnoid equivalent of a mystical centaur, or Drider. They have a crested skull and three pairs of eyes, and their mouth is human-looking rather than insectile, but contains razor-sharp white teeth. Their abdomen produces a substance similar to spider silk, which can be used to construct vast webs and immobilize prey.
  • The Racnoss looked like large half-humanoid, half-arachnid beings, with blood-red skin and a crested skull. They had three pairs of eyes – one pair in the place where humans have theirs, and the remaining ones on the forehead. They had ten razor-tipped limbs, two of which were arms that strongly resembled blades. They had spinnerets at the base of their abdomen, allowing them to produce miles of webbing. (TV: The Runaway Bride)
  • Racnoss Empire
  • Racnoss
  • Humanoid arachnid
  • Humanoïde arachnéen
Instant mémorable
  • Doctor Who - Ultimate Battle The Doctor vs Empress Rachnoss - BBC
  • Racnoss
  • Empire Racnoss
  • The Runaway Bride
  • Les Racnoss étaient de grands êtres mi-humanoïdes, mi-arachnéens, avec une peau rouge et luisante. Ils avaient trois paires d'yeux: deux yeux au-dessus du nez, et les quatre autres sur le front. Ils avaient dix membres, dont deux qui servaient de bras et avaient une forme de lame (DW: The Runaway Bride).
  • The Racnoss appear like massive, red skinned arthropod-like creatures with six pairs of jointed limbs, four to five of which are used for locomotion. Their upper bodies resemble that of a humanoid, making them the vague arachnoid equivalent of a mystical centaur, or Drider. They have a crested skull and three pairs of eyes, and their mouth is human-looking rather than insectile, but contains razor-sharp white teeth. Their abdomen produces a substance similar to spider silk, which can be used to construct vast webs and immobilize prey.
  • The Racnoss looked like large half-humanoid, half-arachnid beings, with blood-red skin and a crested skull. They had three pairs of eyes – one pair in the place where humans have theirs, and the remaining ones on the forehead. They had ten razor-tipped limbs, two of which were arms that strongly resembled blades. They had spinnerets at the base of their abdomen, allowing them to produce miles of webbing. (TV: The Runaway Bride)
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