  • Servitor drone
  • During the End War, many of these servitors were aboard the Spear of Adun under the control of Phase-smith Karax. Upon reactivating the Spear of Adun, Karax had the servitors begin severing the nerve cords of the Aiur zealots in stasis to prevent their corruption by Amon. While aboard the Spear of Adun, Karax would regularly have to perform maintenance on the servitors.
  • During the End War, many of these servitors were aboard the Spear of Adun under the control of Phase-smith Karax. Upon reactivating the Spear of Adun, Karax had the servitors begin severing the nerve cords of the Aiur zealots in stasis to prevent their corruption by Amon. While aboard the Spear of Adun, Karax would regularly have to perform maintenance on the servitors. When the Daelaam returned to Aiur and Karax and Talandar were assigned to destroy the second khaydarin crystal powering the psionic matrix, Karax took two servitors with him on the battlefield. These allowed him to warp in temporary photon cannons, as well as take control of protoss machinery corrupted by Amon.