  • Screw the Rules, I Make Them
  • Just as some think they are above the law because they can buy their way out of it, some think they are above the law because they enforce and/or make the laws. Through influence, political power, being in office, or sheer force, they believe that the law does not apply to them, or will allow them to do as they please. This is especially done by or in reference to the kinds of things that the laws are intended to protect against - corrupt policemen, politicians, gang leaders and the like.
  • Just as some think they are above the law because they can buy their way out of it, some think they are above the law because they enforce and/or make the laws. Through influence, political power, being in office, or sheer force, they believe that the law does not apply to them, or will allow them to do as they please. This is especially done by or in reference to the kinds of things that the laws are intended to protect against - corrupt policemen, politicians, gang leaders and the like. Often expressed by the comment, "I am the (insert governing body here)!" (but saying it is not enough, there has to be some authority the character has). Probably inspired by "L'Etat, c'est moi" (I am the State.) from Louis XIV (although he may not have actually said it). * Bob is charged with enforcing the rules. * Bob does things not even he is allowed to do, because he now feels he is above the rules. * Abuse of authority that one actually has. * Being granted permission to be above rules most other people must follow. Screw the Rules, I Have Connections is when a friend or relative takes advantage of people who follow this trope. Compare, of course, Screw the Rules, I Have Money, The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard, Loophole Abuse. Railroading, when done in defiance of the rules as written, qualifies too. Contrast Forgot I Could Change the Rules (someone is empowered to change the rules, but forgets that power at first).