  • Bacab
  • Bacab is the generic Yucatec name for each of the four pre-Spanish, aged Maya deities of the interior of the earth and its water deposits. The Bacabs have more recent counterparts in the lecherous, drunken old thunder deities of the Gulf Coast regions. The Bacabs are also referred to as 'Pauahtuns'.
  • In Maya mythology, Bacab is a generic Yucatec name used to refer to each of the four Maya gods assigned to uphold the sky. The Bacabs are also refer to as Pauahtuns and Chacs.
  • Bacab is the generic Yucatec name for each of the four pre-Spanish, aged Maya deities of the interior of the earth and its water deposits. The Bacabs have more recent counterparts in the lecherous, drunken old thunder deities of the Gulf Coast regions. The Bacabs are also referred to as 'Pauahtuns'.
  • In Maya mythology, Bacab is a generic Yucatec name used to refer to each of the four Maya gods assigned to uphold the sky. The Bacabs are also refer to as Pauahtuns and Chacs.