  • Teragen
  • Many novas in Aberrant are content with their status as superhumans working among humanity, working with Project Utopia, independently or as the mercenary elites. However, a number of novas, led by the charismatic Divis Mal, have different opinions on the place of Nova in the society. These novas form the Teragen. teratology: a collection of tales about mythical or fantastic creatures, monsters, etc (derived from: "study of marvels and monsters," 1678, from comb. form of Gk. teras (gen. teratos) "marvel, monster" + -logy.)
  • Many novas in Aberrant are content with their status as superhumans working among humanity, working with Project Utopia, independently or as the mercenary elites. However, a number of novas, led by the charismatic Divis Mal, have different opinions on the place of Nova in the society. These novas form the Teragen. teratology: a collection of tales about mythical or fantastic creatures, monsters, etc (derived from: "study of marvels and monsters," 1678, from comb. form of Gk. teras (gen. teratos) "marvel, monster" + -logy.) Members of the Teragen see novas as an evolution of humanity, a whole new breed of creature that should be able to do whatever they wish on Earth as its rightful heirs and not bow to the inadequate laws or limited worldviews of their developmental predecessors. Among themselves the Teragen adherents call themselves Terats and refer to the Teragen as "the movement".