  • Photon Blast
  • Photon Blast ist ein kombiniertes Arte des Elements Licht.
  • Photon Blast (フォトンブラスト Fotonburasuto?) is a Compound Special Attack in Tales of Symphonia, performed by Colette Brunel and Raine Sage.
  • Photon Blast is a Tier 5 Gadgets power in the Devices tree.
  • In Phantasy Star Online, a mag can utilize up to 3 different photon blasts on its attack palette when it levels up to level 10, level 35 and level 50. The type of photon blast obtained by each specific level is determined by what the mag evolves into.
  • After their first evolution, Mags possess the ability to summon Phantom Beasts, which use Photon Blasts in combat. Currently, there are fifteen differant photon blasts available to the five Phantom Beasts. Four of the beasts each have one blast available to a level 30 mag and two variant blasts available from level 100 onward. The fifth phantom beast, Ilios, can only be obtained through devices.
  • Photon Blast ist ein kombiniertes Arte des Elements Licht.
  • Photon Blast (フォトンブラスト Fotonburasuto?) is a Compound Special Attack in Tales of Symphonia, performed by Colette Brunel and Raine Sage.
  • After their first evolution, Mags possess the ability to summon Phantom Beasts, which use Photon Blasts in combat. Currently, there are fifteen differant photon blasts available to the five Phantom Beasts. Four of the beasts each have one blast available to a level 30 mag and two variant blasts available from level 100 onward. The fifth phantom beast, Ilios, can only be obtained through devices. The player can find the photon blast in the custom skill menu, and set it into a subpalette. Evolving and changing forms replaces a mag's photon blast. A character can also replace a mag's photon blast by using a device.
  • Photon Blast is a Tier 5 Gadgets power in the Devices tree.
  • In Phantasy Star Online, a mag can utilize up to 3 different photon blasts on its attack palette when it levels up to level 10, level 35 and level 50. The type of photon blast obtained by each specific level is determined by what the mag evolves into. Of the 6 available photon blasts in the game, each one can be either powered up by members of the party when they donate PB strength or by performing a PB chain. Each member will be marked with a number that will determine when their PB will be unleashed on the enemy if they decide to chain. Everyone in the chain as well as those who donated will obtain the benefits of the blast.