  • I Have No Idea What I'm Doing
  • Stock Phrases used when someone is about to, is doing, or has done something important, dangerous, dramatic or all of the above. Phrases include: * "I Have No Idea What I'm Doing." * "I know almost exactly what I'm doing." * "I'm making this up as I go." * "I trusted my instincts" * "It was a lucky guess." * "I bluffed." * "I didn't [know]." May be related to Indy Ploy. See also How Did You Know? I Didn't.. Examples of I Have No Idea What I'm Doing include:
  • Stock Phrases used when someone is about to, is doing, or has done something important, dangerous, dramatic or all of the above. Phrases include: * "I Have No Idea What I'm Doing." * "I know almost exactly what I'm doing." * "I'm making this up as I go." * "I trusted my instincts" * "It was a lucky guess." * "I bluffed." * "I didn't [know]." May be related to Indy Ploy. See also How Did You Know? I Didn't.. Examples of I Have No Idea What I'm Doing include: