  • Phineas's Father (The Truth)
  • It was the hight of the Iraq war. In a medic tent lay a dying man, his jeep was hit by a RPG missile and it blew off his entire lower half. He was loosing too much blood and the doctors doubt he would make the night. Overhearing their conversation he demanded a paper and pen and wrote his lasts words and epitaph before his clammy fingers lost grip of the pen. His vision was starting to blur and his pulse was going haywire. This would be the last day of Master Sergeant George Flynn's life, Husband of Linda Flynn and father of 8 year old Candace and a 3 year old Phineas.
  • It was the hight of the Iraq war. In a medic tent lay a dying man, his jeep was hit by a RPG missile and it blew off his entire lower half. He was loosing too much blood and the doctors doubt he would make the night. Overhearing their conversation he demanded a paper and pen and wrote his lasts words and epitaph before his clammy fingers lost grip of the pen. His vision was starting to blur and his pulse was going haywire. This would be the last day of Master Sergeant George Flynn's life, Husband of Linda Flynn and father of 8 year old Candace and a 3 year old Phineas.