  • Arvis
  • Arvis
  • Arvis
  • Arvis
  • Arvis
  • Arvis (アルヴィス Aruvisu, Alvis in the Japanese version) is an antagonist of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. After the death of King Azmur, he is appointed as the emperor of Grannvale. He is the son of Duke Victor of Velthomer and Cigyun, and the descendant of Fala on his father's side and Saint Maira on his mother's side. Arvis is said to possess the "gift of Kings", a talent and toughness that he had even as a child, allowing him to lead Velthomer at an early age after his father's suicide. He is largely manipulated by Manfroy because he has minor Loptyr blood, making him the key to Manfroy's dark ambitions. He is the father of Julius, Julia, and Saias.
  • Arvis est un personnage non jouable de Final Fantasy VI. C'est un membre de la résistance vivant à Narshe. Il est connu au départ comme Vieil Homme (老人, Roujin).
  • thumb Arvis on ei-pelattava hahmo Final Fantasy VI:ssa. Hän on Narshessa asuva The Returners-vastarintaliikkeen jäsen. Kun pelaaja tapaa hänet ensimmäistä kertaa, hänen nimensä keskustellessa on ”Old Man”.
  • Arvis is a non-playable character in Final Fantasy VI. He is a member of the Returners living in Narshe. When he is first met by the player, his dialogue is credited to Old Man .
  • Arvis (official translation, Alvis in the Japanese language) was born as the first son of the duke of Velthomer (a dukedom in Grandbell), Victor, who is a reputed womanizer and cares little to nothing on his family. At the age of 7, Alvis witnessed his father hanging and killing himself after Victor's wife, Cigyun, had an affair with Prince Kurth, leaving him with Cigyun's favorite maid and his half-brother Azel. Alvis was appointed as the next duke of Velthomer and worked his way to rise in position and power. Despite Azel being born from a maid raped by Victor, the same maid mentioned earlier, Alvis deeply cared for his half-brother, saying that Azel is one of the most important things in his life.
  • thumb|Arvis neben Edgar in seinem Haus Arvis ist eine Nebenfigur in Final Fantasy VI und ein Mitglied der Wiederstandsbewegung „Die Rückkehrer“. Zu Beginn des Spiels erwacht Terra in seinem Haus. Sie hatte den Auftrag, im Namen des Imperiums eine gefrorene Esper aus den Minen von Narshe zu bergen. Dabei kam es aber zu Komplikationen, ihre Mitstreiter Wedge und Biggs lösen sich in Luft auf und ihr Kampfpanzer explodiert. Arvis findet sie und nimmt ihren beschädigten Knechtreif ab, mit dem sie vom Imperium kontrolliert wurde. Terra erinnert sich an nichts und Arvis schickt sie erneut in die Minen, da die Stadtwache von Narshe nach ihr sucht und bereits vor der Tür steht. Arvis kontaktiert folglich Lock, damit dieser nach Terra sucht und sie in Sicherheit bringt.
  • Arvis fue uno de los pocos habitantes en Narshe que tomó parte en el conflicto. Narshe es una ciudad neutral y la mayoría de los residentes preferían no decantarse por ningún bando. Sin embargo, Arvis sabía que el Imperio iba a atacar la ciudad de todos modos. Los mineros encontraron un esper congelado, Valigarmanda y las tropas de Gestahl se encaminaban hacia allí. Arvis trató de encontrar el modo de convencer al Elder de Narshe que apoyase a los Replicantes, pero no lo consiguió. Imagen:FF4Cursor.pngLos spoilers acaban aquí.
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  • File:Falaflame FE13 Icon.pngValflame*
  • File:Recoverring.gifRecover Ring
  • File:FE4Silverblade.gifSilver Blade
  • File:Falaflame.gifValflame
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  • 5000
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  • File:Continue.pngAdept
  • File:Awareness.gifNihil
  • File:Crimsoncurse.pngAnathema
  • File:Vengeance (FE13).pngVengeance
  • File:FE13Curse.pngHex
  • File:Charisma.pngCharm
  • File:Big shield.gifGreat Shield
  • File:Great Shield (FE13).pngPavise
  • File:Magic Slayer Icon.pngTomebreaker
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  • File:TomeIconFE13.pngTome - A
  • Allié
  • Arvis
  • npc
  • Jun
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  • Arvis
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  • Arvis
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  • Arvis
  • ジュン
  • Prologue: Birth of the Holy Knight
  • Xenologue 4: Lost Bloodlines 1
  • 60
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  • FFVI
  • 22
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  • Male
  • 5
Holy Blood
  • File:Loptous Holy Blood.pngFile:Minor Loptous Blood Indicator.gifLoptyr
  • File:Fala Holy Blood.pngFile:Major Holy Blood Indicator.gifFala
  • Arvis (official translation, Alvis in the Japanese language) was born as the first son of the duke of Velthomer (a dukedom in Grandbell), Victor, who is a reputed womanizer and cares little to nothing on his family. At the age of 7, Alvis witnessed his father hanging and killing himself after Victor's wife, Cigyun, had an affair with Prince Kurth, leaving him with Cigyun's favorite maid and his half-brother Azel. Alvis was appointed as the next duke of Velthomer and worked his way to rise in position and power. Despite Azel being born from a maid raped by Victor, the same maid mentioned earlier, Alvis deeply cared for his half-brother, saying that Azel is one of the most important things in his life. As Prince Kurth went to war with the nation of Isaac, Alvis was put in Barhara to attend Emperor Azmur of Grandbell. When the Verdane forces assaulted Jungby, Alvis was sent rather late to quell the oppression. He met Sigurd and gave him the Silver Sword (on behalf of Prince Kurth), also learning that Azel has joined Sigurd, but he didn't mind and entrusted his brother to Sigurd. With that, he left Sigurd to take care of the rest. As he saw corruption and oppression around Grandbell, Alvis harbored an ambition to build a world based on peace and the people would not suffer anymore. With that, he contacted a dark bishop named Manfroy, who would help him, in exchange that he wouldn't persecute Manfroy's Lopt Sect. The time to pull off his ambitions came when he heard that Prince Kurth was assassinated, and the house of Chalpy (where Sigurdand his father Vylon belonged) was put to blame by Duke Langobalt of Dozel and Duke Reptor of Freege. Alvis, however, thought more than just hunting Sigurd the traitor. He planned to make the other lords fight for each other, claiming the lands in Jugdral on the way, and kill them once they were weakened. He stayed close to King Azmur and acted as his loyal attendant. One day, he found a woman named Deidre lying unconscious. Alvis took her to his home, and slowly fell in love with her, unaware with the fact that Deidre was Sigurd's wife who was brainwashed by Manfroy, and also the daughter of Cigyun, thus Alvis and Deidre are half-siblings. Despite all those facts, Alvis couldn't help but to fall in love and eventually marry her. Alvis was eventually chosen as the heir of Azmur, due to Deidre's Heim Blood. He would be given the position of Emperor until his son grew old enough to succeed him. At the same time, Alvis heard that Sigurd was approaching Barhara. He set his plans in motion. He first sent Langobalt to deal with Sigurd, in which the former would be killed. As the group of traitors approached Barhara, he sent out Reptor to attack. However, as Reptor advanced, Alvis suddenly turned his back on Reptor and cooperated with Sigurdto destroy Reptor. Upon victory, Alvis held a celebration to greet Sigurd and his army. However, it was a clever disguise to sentence them to their deaths. After letting him see Deidre for the last time, Alvis used his personal tome Fala Flame to kill Sigurd, while his mage unit rained down meteors attempting to obliterate the rest of Sigurd soldiers. Sigurd was successfully killed, leaving any survivors of his army without a leader. With the death of Sigurd, Alvis remained as the sole power of Grandbell and was eventually crowned as Emperor. He successfully created a peaceful regime in Grandbell that lasted for 17 years. He was also blessed with two twin children, Yurius and Yuria, from Deidre. However, after 17 years of peace, things started to change. Manfroy offered Julius the Dark Tome of Loputousu. After he read it, Julius was taken over by Loputousu and thus started to change into a twisted man. Even Arvis was unable to stop him, as Julius was bred to be the next Emperor of Grandbell, as Azmur decreed so. Arvis was helpless as he saw his Empire changed from a peaceful regime into an oppressive one, where children were being hunted to be sacrificed for the Dark Lord and any whole population of anybody who resisted was exterminated as a measure to combat potential resistance. Deidre was also killed by Julius, but not before she warped Julia to somewhere safe. Eventually Arvis realized that he had been manipulated all along by Manfroy. However, he still did his best to prevent casualties in the child hunting as much as he can. Eventually, he would face the Liberation Army led by the son of Sigurd, Seliph. He decided that he would face death in battle and led the defense of Chalphy Castle, but not before he sent out a bishop to take away Sigurd's sword Tyrfing, which was later retrieved by Seliph. Arvis is eventually killed by Seliph's hand, avenging Sigurd. However, after the Holy War truly ended, Seliph admitted that Arvis was no more than a man swept away by fate and did not deserve his hatred.
  • Arvis (アルヴィス Aruvisu, Alvis in the Japanese version) is an antagonist of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. After the death of King Azmur, he is appointed as the emperor of Grannvale. He is the son of Duke Victor of Velthomer and Cigyun, and the descendant of Fala on his father's side and Saint Maira on his mother's side. Arvis is said to possess the "gift of Kings", a talent and toughness that he had even as a child, allowing him to lead Velthomer at an early age after his father's suicide. He is largely manipulated by Manfroy because he has minor Loptyr blood, making him the key to Manfroy's dark ambitions. He is the father of Julius, Julia, and Saias.
  • thumb|Arvis neben Edgar in seinem Haus Arvis ist eine Nebenfigur in Final Fantasy VI und ein Mitglied der Wiederstandsbewegung „Die Rückkehrer“. Zu Beginn des Spiels erwacht Terra in seinem Haus. Sie hatte den Auftrag, im Namen des Imperiums eine gefrorene Esper aus den Minen von Narshe zu bergen. Dabei kam es aber zu Komplikationen, ihre Mitstreiter Wedge und Biggs lösen sich in Luft auf und ihr Kampfpanzer explodiert. Arvis findet sie und nimmt ihren beschädigten Knechtreif ab, mit dem sie vom Imperium kontrolliert wurde. Terra erinnert sich an nichts und Arvis schickt sie erneut in die Minen, da die Stadtwache von Narshe nach ihr sucht und bereits vor der Tür steht. Arvis kontaktiert folglich Lock, damit dieser nach Terra sucht und sie in Sicherheit bringt. Später dann hilft Arvis mit, den Stadtrat von Narshe zur Kooperation mit den Rückkehrern zu überzeugen, da Narshe bislang neutral war und es grundsätzlich auch bleiben möchte. Arvis beschwichtigt aber gemeinsam mit Banon den Ältesten wegen der Dringlichkeit der Situation. In der Welt des Ruins ist er nicht mehr auffindbar. Womöglich hat er den Tag der Apokalypse nicht überlebt.
  • Arvis fue uno de los pocos habitantes en Narshe que tomó parte en el conflicto. Narshe es una ciudad neutral y la mayoría de los residentes preferían no decantarse por ningún bando. Sin embargo, Arvis sabía que el Imperio iba a atacar la ciudad de todos modos. Los mineros encontraron un esper congelado, Valigarmanda y las tropas de Gestahl se encaminaban hacia allí. Arvis trató de encontrar el modo de convencer al Elder de Narshe que apoyase a los Replicantes, pero no lo consiguió. Cuando Terra Branford vino a Narshe para conseguir el esper congelado para el Imperio, perdió el conocimiento y Arvis la rescató. La aconsejó que debería permanecer lejos del Imperio y de Narshe y que encontrase su propio camino. Sin embargo, estaba amnésica y no podía recordar nada, apenas su nombre. Entonces, Arvis envió a Locke Cole, reconocido Cazador de Tesoros y miembro de los Replicantes para que la llevase hasta la Guarida de los Replicantes y presentarla ante Banon, el líder del movimiento. Terra, Banon y Edgar regresaron a Narshe para visitar a Arvis y examinar el esper congelado. Arvis decidió llevarles ante el Elder para convencerle de la necesidad de Narshe de unirse a los Replicantes, pero no veía el porqué y continuaba indeciso. Cuando regresó a la ciudad Locke, le advirtió de un ataque inminente del Imperio, que posteriormente Banon y los demás ayudaron a defender Narshe. Después, Arvis y Banon finalmente le convencieron y se unió a los Replicantes. Tras una serie de acontecimientos, Arvis y Banon propusieron una estrategia para derrocar al Imperio. Terra suplicaría a los espers su ayuda para que atacasen Vector desde el este. Una coalición de los Replicantes y guardias de Narshe, liderada por Arvis y Banon, asaltarían Vector por el norte. El plan funcionó, pero Arvis acabó en Vector en estado de shock. Lo que le ocurrió después es desconocido; se supone que murió durante el Fin del Mundo. Los desarrolladores se niegan a comentar sobre su destino. Sakaguchi se limitó a decir "usa tu imaginación". Imagen:FF4Cursor.pngLos spoilers acaban aquí.
  • Arvis est un personnage non jouable de Final Fantasy VI. C'est un membre de la résistance vivant à Narshe. Il est connu au départ comme Vieil Homme (老人, Roujin).
  • thumb Arvis on ei-pelattava hahmo Final Fantasy VI:ssa. Hän on Narshessa asuva The Returners-vastarintaliikkeen jäsen. Kun pelaaja tapaa hänet ensimmäistä kertaa, hänen nimensä keskustellessa on ”Old Man”.
  • Arvis is a non-playable character in Final Fantasy VI. He is a member of the Returners living in Narshe. When he is first met by the player, his dialogue is credited to Old Man .
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