  • Kronos
  • Kronos
  • Kronos
  • Kronos
  • Kronos
  • Kronos
  • Kronos
  • Kronos
  • right|300px Schreibe deinen ersten Abschnitt hier.
  • Kronos - это компания, занимающаяся научными исследованиями и экспериментами в игре Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies.
  • Kronos planeetalla Ratchet tuhosi ensimmäisen tuhoajansa Shellshockin. thumb|right|335 px Musiikki planeetasta ----> Luokka:Planeetat
  • Kronos is the Legendary Titan of Time. A hooded figure in the visage of the Grim Reaper, Kronos dons purple and gold armor and wields a large scythe. He is used by Dr. Benway.
  • Kronos (Also known as Cronus) was the former ruler of Greece before he was overthrown by his son Zeus. Kronos is one of the Titans. He was first mentioned in the Hercules animated series episode "Hercules and the Drama Festival". It is implied that Kronos favored Hades. It is also implied that Kronos is the reason why Hades is evil.
  • Kronos is the king of Titans, an Archaic Age major god for the Atlanteans and a Titan unit in Age of Mythology:The Titans.
  • Kronos ist ein Gegner aus Final Fantasy III, man findet ihn in der Höhle der Schatten im Osten der Oberflächenwelt. Greift man Kronos mit anderen Waffen als den zur Kategorie der Dunkelklingen gehörenden Waffen an, spaltet sich er in zwei Gegner. Dies kann auch durch den Einsatz von Magie vermieden werden.
  • Name(s): Kronos First Mafia Game: Yoshi Island Mafia (Era 9) On MafiaManiac: yes * Prefers playing as * Favourite part of Mafia: ?? * Known flaws: ?? * Member of ??
  • The king of monsters, the slayer of Destroyer, and the biggest monster at Genome Inc.
  • Kronos is a young Sons of Erebus warrior who appears at the start of Awakened, trying (unsuccessfully) to woo Neferet. His mark is supposed to show his skill with mace weaponry and is described by Neferet as "Fourth of July fireworks."
  • Kronos is an organization discovered by the Pangalactic Federation in SD 521 and formed a treaty with immediately. They appear in Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness. They have extremely advanced technology, often matching or exceeding that of the Federation in some areas. The faction of Kronos led by General Alma has made groundbreaking advances in Symbometrics as a means to combat the Federation. Kronos is led by President Mutal. Kronos is in control of the Kappa Sector, with its central government located on the fourth planet in the Omphalos System.
  • Kronos was a planet similar to Koros, and it was here in the Dark Cathedral that Ratchet had his first Exterminator battle with Shellshock. Kronos was also a planet with an abundance of grind rails. It was home to Dark City, a massive and highly advanced city that took on a dark and sinister appearance, created for a fearsome atmosphere. It was not uncommon for storms to occur on this planet. The city on Kronos was possibly one of the largest in the Shadow Sector.
  • Kronos (ミクトラン Mikutoran?, "Miktran") is the final antagonist of Tales of Destiny. He is the leader of an ancient people known as the Aetherians, people who lived in the sky and ruled over the Er'thers, the people on the ground.
  • Kronos' Roman alter ego is Saturn.
  • Kronos var en planet i Shadow Sectoren i galaksen Solana. Gleeman Vox brukte den som en slagmark for gladiatorne hans i programmet DreadZone.
  • This piece's upper part is decorated with a golden dragon and a crystal with strong magical power compressed into it. It looks nice, but it's too heavy to easily carry around.
  • Kronos is a Swiss watch manufacturer featured in many games across both 3D Universe and HD Universe.
  • Kronos (also spelled as Cronus) is the King of the Titans and the most powerful child of Gaea. He is arguably the most powerful being in the Percy Jackson Universe. Kronos is the main antagonist in Percy Jackson and the Olympians, being directly responsible for some of the major events in the series, such as the Second Titanomachy. Kronos is the Titan Lord of Time, Evil, and Harvest. His Roman counterpart is Saturn.
  • Kronos (Japanese: クロノス, Kuronosu) is the boss of Team Ragnarok.
  • Kronos was one of the last Reapers to survive Shepard. He was the prototype reaper developed on the body of destroyed reaper. The Reaper hid him in the secret facility known as Reaper Forge. Where he connected to extra-net and awaited moment for his triumph. When he got the transmission about drell scientific discovery he locked into the facility and released the overseer. The Inquisitor Crisis Started. During its course he was experimenting on highly unstable offshoot of element zero known as M'Kraan.
  • Kronos jest jednym z Tytanów poznanych w 5 sezonie Charmed. Współpracował z Demistriusem aby zemścić się na Radzie Starszych. Według mitologi Kronos był synem Uranosa (nieba), którego wykastrował i strącił z tronu. Ponadto był również ojcem 12 pierwszych bogów olimpijskich. Jednakże w Charmed wynika, że był on poprostu najpotęzniejszym z Tytanów i rządził innymi. Posiadał zdolność władania ogniem i wzniecania ognia. Prawdopodobnie również miał duży wpływ na pogodę jak Meta i Demitrius.
  • Kronos was a god called upon in certain spells during the course of the series. He is a Titan deity which got imprisoned in Tartarus by his son Zeus, occurring at the end of the Golden Age. His other two most important sons were Hades and Poseidon.
  • right|400px Kronos — производитель часов в Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV и Grand Theft Auto V.
  • Kronos est une planète-ville, capitale du secteur de l'Ombre. A ne pas confondre avec Koros, planète similaire au nom semblable, les habitants de Kronos semblent voué à un culte sinistre, d'où la présence d'une massive Cathédrale Noire à sa surface. Etant située dans le secteur de l'Ombre, la racaille doit être très présente sur la planète, les rues doivent y être dangereuses et les brigands et contrebandiers arpentent la surface.
  • Kronos was also known as "The Resurrection Planet." It was a desert planet, with only two cities: Kilner and Delgo. There were two seasons, summer and winter, both lasting roughly four months. At the beginning of each season, the planets' star would turn blue, then resume its natural color once the season started. It was unavailable on most galactic maps, and only twenty maps for certain had the coordinates. One of them happened to be Wedge Antilles' Incom X-Wing. This planet held the cave of the resurrection crystals.
  • Kronos (Ancient Greek: Κρόνoς, Kronos), also spelled Cronus, was the king of the Titans, and father of the first generation of the Olympian gods; Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. He is the Titan lord of the universe; his rule was known as the Golden Age. He is the Titan god of Time, Harvest, Fate, Justice and Evil. His Roman name is Saturn.
  • How can one little street swallow so many lives? -The Offspring, "The Kids Aren't Alright" Kronos, the Prince of Fate, is sometimes said to be a Balseraph, but nobody really knows what he is. Yves' infernal analogue, he's believed to be the most powerful Prince in Hell, and in the end more central to Hell's enterprise than Lucifer himself. Every human has a Fate, and Kronos makes it his business to help each one bring it to life. All in all, it seems like he's doing a better job than Yves these days.
  • Kronos is the King of the Titans and father of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon and most of the Greek Gods, .
  • An evil immortal and founder of the Four Horsemen, Kronos put the friendship between Duncan MacLeod and Methos to the ultimate test.
  • Kronos is a French Brutal death metal band from Thaon-les-Vosges, Lorraine, formed in 1994. The members of the band are Jérôme "Grams" Grammaire, Tom, Richard and Trivette.
  • Kronos es uno de los antagonistas de Doom RPG y uno de los jefes del juego. Kronos es el penúltimo jefe que el jugador debe derrotar. Él es el cerebro detrás de la invasión a la base, algo análogo al Dr. Malcolm Betruger en Doom 3.
  • Kronos Wolfen are the third and final breed of Wolfen encountered in the game.
  • [[Archivo:Kronosas.jpg|thumb|350KB|Sucursal Kronos en Vice City]] [[Archivo:Cj con reloj.jpg|thumb|CJ con un reloj Kronos en San Andreas]] [[Archivo:KronosCartelGTAV.png|thumb|Cartel de Kronos en Los Santos.]] thumb|Reloj de pared Kronos Kronos es una marca de relojes suizas, es una clara parodia de la marca TimeX, esta tiene sucursales en Vice City , Liberty City y en San Andreas. Poseía una sucursal en Vice City en 1984 ubicada en el centro de la ciudad. Kronos es representado como un fabricante de relojes suizos establecido en 1809.
  • miniatur|Das Kronos-Logo Kronos ist ein Schweizer Uhrenhersteller aus Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV und Grand Theft Auto V, der 1809 gegründet wurde. Das einzig bekannte Modell des Unternehmens ist die „Gigante“. Während in San Andreas und in Liberty City nur für die Uhrenmarke geworben wird, gibt es in Vice City ein ganzes Geschäft in Downtown. Auch in Los Santos betreibt das Unternehmen einen Standort (Elgin Avenue, Pillbox Hill). Kaufen kann man Kronos-Uhren in keinem der Teile.
  • Kronos was the offspring of a forbidden union, made unlawful by the Ancient Covenant, of a Chronovore, Prometheus, and the Eternal known as Elektra. (PROSE: The Quantum Archangel) He described himself as "beyond good and evil".
  • Kronos was the powerful King of the Titans. He was deeply honored by all of the other Titans, including his brother Hyperion. (XWP: "The Titans") He also had power over time. (HTLJ: "The End of the Beginning") When his son Zeus tried to usurp his power, Kronos called forth all the Titans into a war council, in which he appointed Atlas as his field general. (XWP: "The Titans") In order to destroy Kronos once and for all, Zeus found the rib of Kronos. (XWP: "God Fearing Child") With it, Zeus was able to kill Kronos and became the King of the Gods. (HTLJ: "Reunions")
  • Poco a poco me dirigí hacia la casa, preparándome para cualquier daño temporal que podría sufrir. Agarré los papeles con fuerza, y caminé hacia delante ... Nada. La puerta crujió lentamente abierta, y entró a ver a Eric. Él no era tan la imagen le había mostrado - una vez bastante alto, bien afeitado y de aspecto elegante, ahora se veían como una especie de Cambridge educado Gollum, encorvado y con barba. Me miró con sabiduría (si se puede llamar así) y me ha guiado a una mesa de café antiguo. "Nombre?" dijo con voz ronca. Traté de forzar una sonrisa a esta pobre criatura.
  • It was Kronos who helped create the noble Osira. He created them to serve as stewards of the land and protect it from The Devourer. While originally intending to use this power for good, eventually he began to age. He did not want to perish and so he attempted to regain his lost youth through nefarious means. When the silver dragon Lysaia discovered this, he confronted his old friend the black dragon. During this confrontation, Lysaia realized his old friend was in fact becoming The Devourer, the monster Morgath had warned them both about!
  • Kronos was a UAC scientist working on teleportation research. He supposedly travelled to a dimension of pure evil where he combined human technology with demon flesh to create the Cyberdemon. In Reactor, the last level of Doom RPG, it is revealed that Kronos has been changed into a demon. Guerard's true intentions are finally made clear in Sector 6, when he leads the player and Dr. Jensen into a trap. Guerard is encountered again at the entrance to the reactor, where he transforms into Kronos. The player must defeat him to reach the portal and shut it down. Spoilers end here.
  • right|300px|Logo firmy Kronos – szwajcarska marka zegarków występująca w Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories i Grand Theft Auto IV. Kronos jest parodią także szwajcarskiej marki zegarków Swatch.
  • Titans
  • 1809.0
  • "Time doesn't have to cost money"
  • Patriarch: *MaddHatter Harbinger of Light : *White Majik Harbinger of Prosperity : *Vesalius Harbinger of War : *Masterof9puppets
  • 4
  • 2200.0
  • Gold
Main Character
  • Kronos; Needed.png
  • Bad
  • 5
  • 7.500000
  • 10
  • * Siege Weapons 10% cheaper * Myth Units 10% cheaper * Can Time Shift buildings to any location within own LOS
  • Kronos
  • 5
  • To devour his offspring
  • 13
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV y Grand Theft Auto V
Row 8 info
  • Okeanos, Hyperion, Koios, Krios, Iapetos, Mnemosyne, Phoibe, Tethys, Themis, Theia, and Rhea Kottos, Gyes, and Briareôs Brontês, Steropês, and Argês
  • The Titans
  • Mężczyzna
Row 4 info
  • Scythe/Sickle
  • Inconnue
Row 7 title
  • Children:
  • Greek
  • 23
  • Kronos
  • 2
Liczba Odcinków
  • 2
  • Tytan, Kronos
  • 363
Vorheriger Gegner
  • Höllenpferd
Row 1 info
  • Cronus, Khronos, Father Time, Saturn, The Crooked One
  • -
  • Crush
  • Hack
Folgender Gegner
  • Valefor
  • Buildings
  • Myth Units
  • Gaia
  • Titan
  • Human Soldiers
  • 2012-08-11
Row 8 title
  • Siblings:
  • 45847
  • *He himself is a large cybernetic
  • Pierce
  • Crush
  • Hack
  • Being trapped in Tartarus, Being over thrown
  • Losing Power
Row 4 title
  • Weapons:
  • 10
Pierwszy odcinek
url for more info
  • 767
Row 2 info
  • The universe
Row 6 info
  • 1
  • 35.0
  • 1054490
Row 1 title
  • Other names:
Row 5 info
  • 2010-09-13
  • 115.0
Row 2 title
  • Titan of:
  • Megas Drepanon
comentario imagen
  • Un logo de Kronos.
Row 6 title
  • Wife:
  • 8
  • 2504
  • 25
Row 5 title
  • Parents:
  • Cronus.jpg
Row 3 info
  • Sickle/Scythe
Row 3 title
  • Symbols:
  • Nieznany
  • --
Row 7 info
Imię i nazwisko
  • Kronos
  • Dance 2
  • Cronus from Greek mythology
  • Greek Titan Cronus
  • 87
  • 7
Box Title
  • Kronos
  • The Battle of the Labyrinth
  • Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
  • The House of Hades
  • The Last Olympian
  • The Lightning Thief (film)
  • The Son of Neptune
  • The Titan's Curse
  • The Lost Hero
  • The Blood of Olympus ''
  • The Sea of Monsters (film)
  • Kronos
  • Kronos, el Dios Supremo
  • Oceans covers large portions of the planet.
  • Vindicator
  • Megathron Navy Issue
  • Aqua
  • 135
Full Name
  • Kronos
  • 2010-11-04
  • Selentia
  • 3.500000
  • Power
  • Power, Rulings Greece, Being King of the the Titans, Devouring his Children
  • Scattering
  • Deceased, 1996, beheaded by Duncan MacLeod
  • 22
First Appearance
  • "The Power of Kronos"
  • Normal
  • Black
  • 57
Other family
  • Kronos
  • Kronos
  • Kronos
  • Kronos or Cronos Sentient
  • Artcore
  • Titan
  • Two-Handed Staff
  • Legendary Draco-Titan Enchanter
  • Watch Manufacturer
  • Vengeful
  • Solana
  • Last Reaper
  • The weapon's info window.
  • Comes A Horseman
  • Geared toward versatility and prolonged deployment in hostile environments, Marauders represent the cutting edge in today’s warship technology. While especially effective at support suppression and wreckage salvaging, they possess comparatively weak sensor strength and may find themselves at increased risk of sensor jamming. Nevertheless, these thick-skinned, hard-hitting monsters are the perfect ships to take on long trips behind enemy lines.
  • Duvolle Labs manufactures sturdy ships with a good mix of offensive and defensive capabilities. Since the company is one of New Eden’s foremost manufacturers of particle blasters, its ships tend to favor turrets and thus have somewhat higher power output than normal.
  • 550
3D Hinterlässt sehr selten
  • 1280
3D Heilig
  • -
3D Feuer
  • -
  • クロノス
3D Stehlen
3D Fähigkeiten
  • Teilung
  • 4100
3D Fundort
3D Bild
  • 150
  • None
NES Stehlen
NES Fähigkeiten
  • Teilung
3D Hinterlässt selten
NES Wind
  • -
3D Wind
  • -
  • -
NES Hinterlässt
  • nichts
3D Blitz
  • -
NES Blitz
  • -
NES Heilig
  • -
  • 1550
3D Hinterlässt häufig
NES Feuer
  • -
  • 320
First Death
  • Unknown, Prior to 1200 B.C.
  • Kuronosu
  • Respirable
3D Stufe
  • 38
NES Bild
  • 98
  • 1000
3D Abwehr
  • 26
  • Villes
NES Fundort
3D Angriff
  • 86
Gegner Nr
  • 151
NES Stufe
  • 49
3D Eis
  • -
3D Gil
  • 320
grany przez
  • Brian Thompson
  • 100
  • Able to fit the Bastion Module
  • 50
  • 1
  • Normale
  • 10
  • Dynamis Drepanon
  • Dynamis Pteryx
  • Gritos de la Oscuridad
  • Khaos Hyetos
  • Phainomenon Arkheim
  • Pragma Spathe
  • Teleos Oracle
  • Tempéré/océanique
  • 2272000
  • 0.124000
  • 923900
  • 6800
  • 0
  • 3
  • Inconnu
  • 5625
  • 0
  • 50
  • 51.250000
  • 0
  • 0
  • 125
  • 7300
  • Inconnues
  • 0
  • 55
  • Inconnu
  • 30
  • 7
  • 43.125000
Nombre de la armadura
  • Megas Drepanon
  • 8200
  • Hercules
  • Hercules the Animated Series
  • Trapped in Tartarus
  • Was banished by Zeus to Tartarus forever
  • 3.880000
Character Name
  • Kronos
  • Time Travel
  • Unstoppable Sword
  • Dexter Korvin
  • Eugene Korinski
  • Melvin Koren
  • 691
  • 829
  • 5555
  • 9997
  • 90266
  • 95397
  • 75
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • Kronos
  • Megathron
  • -
  • The Old One
  • King Cannibal
  • King of the Universe, Titan King
  • The Crooked One
  • Titan King of Mount Othrys
  • Titan Lord of Time, Evil, and Harvest
  • 101800000
  • Oceans and Citys
  • *Alden Peterson *Tryptamine *Heracles the Great *Epiphanus *Dankbud *De Caelo Missus *feardaram *Lazarus Long
  • Dios Supremo
  • Dios de la Destrucción
  • Dios del Tiempo
  • Rey del Panteón Titán
  • High
  • Extrêmement élevée
  • 大神 クロノス
  • Daishin Kuronosu
  • 4
  • 486000
Cause of Death
  • Stabbed with the Rib of Kronos
  • *Reaper Beams
  • Cronus Stone
  • The Kronos Stone
  • 10
  • see [[#Awards
  • Marauders
  • Gallente Battleship
Image size
  • 320
  • Planet
  • Prototype Reaper
  • Relojes
  • #00FFFF
  • Enfrentamientos
  • Artículo Principal
  • Great strength, can cast curses, immortality
  • Unknown, but He Cursed a Rock to Make Gods Fall Asleep so He Must be Pretty Powerful
  • Kronos
  • Ryoutarou Oikayu
  • Liberty City , Vice City, San Andreas
  • Cronus; Cronus .jpg
  • Kronos
  • Inconnus
  • 200
  • 300
  • Kronos.png
  • 20
  • Titans
  • Warrior
  • Murderer
  • Thief
  • Titan
  • Virologist
  • Aetherian King
  • Horseman / Pestilence or Conquest
  • Bharuk
  • Narmer
  • 50000
  • *Rainy *Oceanic
  • Kronos
  • Siege and Myth Units
  • "Kinky Rape Or No Other Sex"
Image File
  • cronus2.jpg
  • Male
  • Breathable
  • 1275
  • Unknown, Prior to 1200 B.C.
  • #0b7389
  • 30
  • 240
  • +3 INT
  • Max HP +300
  • Adds a chance for when dealing magic damage, magic damage will increase by 12% and SP cost of skills will be decreased by 20% for 5 seconds.
  • "That was different! He tried to swallow me whole!" - Zeus in "Hercules and the Visit from Zeus"
  • KronosflagNew.jpg
  • Megathron Federate Issue
  • Medium
wikipage disambiguates
  • Player
  • 200
  • 11.160000
  • 12000
  • -
  • 0
  • 4
  • 81
  • 500
  • 8
  • 4
  • 400
  • 22
  • #39a5bc
  • black
  • 200
  • 22
  • 22
God Power
  • 22
  • King of the Gods
  • God of Time
  • King of the Titans
Ostatni odcinek
other actor
  • Ingrid Bower
  • right|300px Schreibe deinen ersten Abschnitt hier.
  • Kronos - это компания, занимающаяся научными исследованиями и экспериментами в игре Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies.
  • Kronos planeetalla Ratchet tuhosi ensimmäisen tuhoajansa Shellshockin. thumb|right|335 px Musiikki planeetasta ----> Luokka:Planeetat
  • Kronos is the Legendary Titan of Time. A hooded figure in the visage of the Grim Reaper, Kronos dons purple and gold armor and wields a large scythe. He is used by Dr. Benway.
  • Kronos (Also known as Cronus) was the former ruler of Greece before he was overthrown by his son Zeus. Kronos is one of the Titans. He was first mentioned in the Hercules animated series episode "Hercules and the Drama Festival". It is implied that Kronos favored Hades. It is also implied that Kronos is the reason why Hades is evil.
  • Kronos is the king of Titans, an Archaic Age major god for the Atlanteans and a Titan unit in Age of Mythology:The Titans.
  • Kronos ist ein Gegner aus Final Fantasy III, man findet ihn in der Höhle der Schatten im Osten der Oberflächenwelt. Greift man Kronos mit anderen Waffen als den zur Kategorie der Dunkelklingen gehörenden Waffen an, spaltet sich er in zwei Gegner. Dies kann auch durch den Einsatz von Magie vermieden werden.
  • Name(s): Kronos First Mafia Game: Yoshi Island Mafia (Era 9) On MafiaManiac: yes * Prefers playing as * Favourite part of Mafia: ?? * Known flaws: ?? * Member of ??
  • right|300px|Logo firmy Kronos – szwajcarska marka zegarków występująca w Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories i Grand Theft Auto IV. Kronos jest parodią także szwajcarskiej marki zegarków Swatch. Firma powstała w roku 1809. W GTA San Andreas i GTA Liberty City Stories możemy znaleźć jedynie reklamy tej marki. W GTA Vice City Stories w Downtown, koło budynku Mendezów powstał sklep firmowy Kronosa, a jego logo można też znaleźć na Boxville'ach i Mule'ach. Natomiast w GTA IV występują dwa konkretne modele — "Kronos Twatch" i "The Gigante". Trzeci model — zegar ścienny możemy znaleźć również w kryjówce w Bohan. Slogan firmy brzmi Kres czasu (ang. The End of Time).
  • The king of monsters, the slayer of Destroyer, and the biggest monster at Genome Inc.
  • Kronos is a young Sons of Erebus warrior who appears at the start of Awakened, trying (unsuccessfully) to woo Neferet. His mark is supposed to show his skill with mace weaponry and is described by Neferet as "Fourth of July fireworks."
  • Kronos is an organization discovered by the Pangalactic Federation in SD 521 and formed a treaty with immediately. They appear in Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness. They have extremely advanced technology, often matching or exceeding that of the Federation in some areas. The faction of Kronos led by General Alma has made groundbreaking advances in Symbometrics as a means to combat the Federation. Kronos is led by President Mutal. Kronos is in control of the Kappa Sector, with its central government located on the fourth planet in the Omphalos System.
  • Poco a poco me dirigí hacia la casa, preparándome para cualquier daño temporal que podría sufrir. Agarré los papeles con fuerza, y caminé hacia delante ... Nada. La puerta crujió lentamente abierta, y entró a ver a Eric. Él no era tan la imagen le había mostrado - una vez bastante alto, bien afeitado y de aspecto elegante, ahora se veían como una especie de Cambridge educado Gollum, encorvado y con barba. Me miró con sabiduría (si se puede llamar así) y me ha guiado a una mesa de café antiguo. "Nombre?" dijo con voz ronca. Traté de forzar una sonrisa a esta pobre criatura. "Herschel Plata. He estado buscando información sobre ..." "En ese entonces," comenzó, "Jack era un hombre de ciencia. Él estaba interesado sólo en los poderes que podía otorgar al mundo, y no de lo que podía tomar para sí. Un hombre de paz, puede decir. Pero entonces la oscuridad en su corazón comenzó a correr motín, y empezó a encontrar ... " "El Homo Tenues?" "Correcto Los encontró interesante ... No es tan mortal como él dijo -.. Pacífico, al igual que él, pero el powerlust había puesto pulg Él los necesitaba -. Necesitaba dominio sobre ellos, tal como lo había dominado todas las otras cosas. Él quería controlarlos. Así que se rebeló contra sus fuerzas, y así lo hizo huelga de vuelta ". "Corregir más, Sr. Silver." Lo miré con miedo y asombro. "El Tesseract", dijo directamente en el momento justo ", permite al prisionero a mirar y pasear por las avenidas del tiempo mismo. Y esto es lo que casi destruyó el gran Jack Maguire. Pues verán, hay un lugar donde el Homo Tenues se debilitó - un lugar de luz y el poder del Homo Sapiens que los detuvo y los mantuvo sin poder ". "Y el reflejo del sol en la nieve era suficiente para mantenerlos a raya Así que viajó a ese país, e hizo la última etapa del viaje con Tenzin -. Uno de los Tenues sí Pero lo que no sabía es que Maguire no estaba mirando. para el Tesseract, era él? " El centavo abandonó. Jack Maguire, el hombre de ciencia - Jack Maguire, el héroe de todas las mentes brillantes - Jack Maguire, el maníaco genocida. Había tratado de acabar con ellos sin ninguna razón que no sea el deporte, y ahora tenía que soportar el hecho de que este hijo de puta era un pariente mío. "No es el deporte." Miré con curiosidad a la pequeña maniac dishivelled. "Los mató para otra cosa. Él los mató por algo mucho peor." Podía sentir mi estómago empieza a girar - Estaba emparentado con el mayor asesino de masas ya Stalin, que estaba hablando con una persona que había sido encarcelado por un crimen terrible de tratar de copiar, y yo ni siquiera estaba seguro de por qué lo hacía esto. .. "Tú, amigo mío," vinieron sus últimas palabras, "están tratando de hacer esto porque el Ahura han exigido que así sea El Ahura han descartado estas llanuras durante muchos años, por lo que debe seguir siendo amos El tesseract es una célula - una prisión, si se quiere, para los que saben demasiado. Maguire no era tratando de salvar el mundo. Él no estaba tratando de destory ella. Tenía la intención de reformarlo ". Todo lo ha hecho clic. Yo sabía lo que iba a pasar ahora. Yo sabía lo que iba a ocurrir. Esto fue a lastimar. "Es a usted, Sr. Silver. Usted ha colocado a sí mismo en un gran peligro, por lo que ha demostrado a sí mismo. Tiempo debe ser cambiado, o se derrumbará. Adiós, Sr. Silver." Eso fue lo último que oí antes de los átomos de mi boddy simulatneously estallaron en acción, y lo juro por Cristo que nunca he oído un grito de cuajada de la sangre más en mi vida ... Categoría:Ciencia
  • Kronos was a planet similar to Koros, and it was here in the Dark Cathedral that Ratchet had his first Exterminator battle with Shellshock. Kronos was also a planet with an abundance of grind rails. It was home to Dark City, a massive and highly advanced city that took on a dark and sinister appearance, created for a fearsome atmosphere. It was not uncommon for storms to occur on this planet. The city on Kronos was possibly one of the largest in the Shadow Sector.
  • Kronos (ミクトラン Mikutoran?, "Miktran") is the final antagonist of Tales of Destiny. He is the leader of an ancient people known as the Aetherians, people who lived in the sky and ruled over the Er'thers, the people on the ground.
  • Kronos' Roman alter ego is Saturn.
  • Kronos var en planet i Shadow Sectoren i galaksen Solana. Gleeman Vox brukte den som en slagmark for gladiatorne hans i programmet DreadZone.
  • This piece's upper part is decorated with a golden dragon and a crystal with strong magical power compressed into it. It looks nice, but it's too heavy to easily carry around.
  • Kronos is a Swiss watch manufacturer featured in many games across both 3D Universe and HD Universe.
  • Kronos (also spelled as Cronus) is the King of the Titans and the most powerful child of Gaea. He is arguably the most powerful being in the Percy Jackson Universe. Kronos is the main antagonist in Percy Jackson and the Olympians, being directly responsible for some of the major events in the series, such as the Second Titanomachy. Kronos is the Titan Lord of Time, Evil, and Harvest. His Roman counterpart is Saturn.
  • Kronos (Japanese: クロノス, Kuronosu) is the boss of Team Ragnarok.
  • miniatur|Das Kronos-Logo Kronos ist ein Schweizer Uhrenhersteller aus Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV und Grand Theft Auto V, der 1809 gegründet wurde. Das einzig bekannte Modell des Unternehmens ist die „Gigante“. Während in San Andreas und in Liberty City nur für die Uhrenmarke geworben wird, gibt es in Vice City ein ganzes Geschäft in Downtown. Auch in Los Santos betreibt das Unternehmen einen Standort (Elgin Avenue, Pillbox Hill). Kaufen kann man Kronos-Uhren in keinem der Teile. Kronos wirbt mit dem Spruch „The End of Time“ (dt. Das Ende der Zeit).
  • Kronos was one of the last Reapers to survive Shepard. He was the prototype reaper developed on the body of destroyed reaper. The Reaper hid him in the secret facility known as Reaper Forge. Where he connected to extra-net and awaited moment for his triumph. When he got the transmission about drell scientific discovery he locked into the facility and released the overseer. The Inquisitor Crisis Started. During its course he was experimenting on highly unstable offshoot of element zero known as M'Kraan.
  • Kronos was the offspring of a forbidden union, made unlawful by the Ancient Covenant, of a Chronovore, Prometheus, and the Eternal known as Elektra. (PROSE: The Quantum Archangel) He described himself as "beyond good and evil". At the moment of his conception, Kronos was trapped in a crystal, and was cast down to the Ephemeral universe. Eventually, the crystal would land on the planet of the Constructors of Destiny, where he influenced their culture and became a godlike figure to them. Kronos continued to have this effect on other planets and culture he encountered, including the Dæmons. The Dæmons then sent the crystal to Atlantis on Earth, so it could destroy it, because the Dæmons deemed it a failed experiment. (PROSE: The Quantum Archangel) In the 1970s, used a crystal named after Kronos on Earth, to cause him to manifest so that (he thought) he might bind Kronos to his will. This failed and the Master went back in time to the last days of Atlantis. Kronos ruined the city. In the aftermath, he stopped both the Doctor's and the Master's TARDIS in the Time Vortex and, appearing as a huge, translucent female face, asked the Third Doctor whether he wanted Kronos to destroy the Master. The Doctor demurred, Kronos let him free, and the Master vanished into his TARDIS. (TV: The Time Monster) During the Quantum Archangel crisis, Kronos created the persona of Paul Kairos, a student under Ruth Ingram and Stuart Hyde, to manifest upon Earth. Kairos, through miraculous talent, had reverse-engineered the Master's TOMTIT device, and created an enhanced version, the TITAN Array. He was stripped of the rights to his own invention, the quantum lattice, by Anjeliqua Whitefriar, and was in a relationship with a fellow student, Arlene Cole. As Kairos, he worked with the Sixth Doctor and helped end the crisis by shedding his human guise and attacking the Mad Mind of Bophemeral during a violent engagement between the Archangel and the Doctor. Following this, he allowed the Kairos persona to remain active as an independent being, but not before Kronos was forced to sacrifice his life in order to destroy the Mad Mind. (PROSE: The Quantum Archangel)
  • Kronos jest jednym z Tytanów poznanych w 5 sezonie Charmed. Współpracował z Demistriusem aby zemścić się na Radzie Starszych. Według mitologi Kronos był synem Uranosa (nieba), którego wykastrował i strącił z tronu. Ponadto był również ojcem 12 pierwszych bogów olimpijskich. Jednakże w Charmed wynika, że był on poprostu najpotęzniejszym z Tytanów i rządził innymi. Posiadał zdolność władania ogniem i wzniecania ognia. Prawdopodobnie również miał duży wpływ na pogodę jak Meta i Demitrius.
  • Kronos was a god called upon in certain spells during the course of the series. He is a Titan deity which got imprisoned in Tartarus by his son Zeus, occurring at the end of the Golden Age. His other two most important sons were Hades and Poseidon.
  • It was Kronos who helped create the noble Osira. He created them to serve as stewards of the land and protect it from The Devourer. While originally intending to use this power for good, eventually he began to age. He did not want to perish and so he attempted to regain his lost youth through nefarious means. When the silver dragon Lysaia discovered this, he confronted his old friend the black dragon. During this confrontation, Lysaia realized his old friend was in fact becoming The Devourer, the monster Morgath had warned them both about! The silver dragon had no choice – he summoned the rest of the dragons to take down Kronos. Unable to completely destroy his friend, they locked him away in Chaugnar, the deepest part of Auratia. Many dragons gave up their lives to bind the black dragon to Chaugnar and ensure the safety of Auratia. Millenia passed and most of the dragons who knew the tale of Morgath's prophecy and the battle between Lysaia and Kronos were long deceased. Eventually another evil would emerge – Methus: the Red Flame. In his lust for power, he uncovered ancient stories about a powerful black dragon and went in search of Chaugnar. It is there that he found Kronos, who had spent the years imprisoned plotting revenge. The black dragon falsely promised Methus ultimate power in exchange for his freedom. Methus believed him and released the black dragon. But his error in judgement resulted in his and his allies' deaths. Kronos used the Shax to create a lethal dragon disease, forged of his own blood. He spread it across Auratia, murdering many dragons. The evil black dragon then created a new race of faithful followers, the chaos dragons, who would bring Kronos the bodies of the fallen so that he could feed upon them. The Guardian dragon Lysaia was once again forced out of his solitude to confront Kronos. During the final fight between both ancient dragons, one of the black dragon's claws had been cut off. An Osira used this claw along with the power bestowed upon him by Lysaia to deliver the killing blow. Kronos' heart turned to stone and his body shattered, its pieces scattered across the world. The force of the impact was too much for the Osira though, and he too was killed.
  • right|400px Kronos — производитель часов в Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV и Grand Theft Auto V.
  • Kronos est une planète-ville, capitale du secteur de l'Ombre. A ne pas confondre avec Koros, planète similaire au nom semblable, les habitants de Kronos semblent voué à un culte sinistre, d'où la présence d'une massive Cathédrale Noire à sa surface. Etant située dans le secteur de l'Ombre, la racaille doit être très présente sur la planète, les rues doivent y être dangereuses et les brigands et contrebandiers arpentent la surface.
  • Kronos was also known as "The Resurrection Planet." It was a desert planet, with only two cities: Kilner and Delgo. There were two seasons, summer and winter, both lasting roughly four months. At the beginning of each season, the planets' star would turn blue, then resume its natural color once the season started. It was unavailable on most galactic maps, and only twenty maps for certain had the coordinates. One of them happened to be Wedge Antilles' Incom X-Wing. This planet held the cave of the resurrection crystals.
  • Kronos (Ancient Greek: Κρόνoς, Kronos), also spelled Cronus, was the king of the Titans, and father of the first generation of the Olympian gods; Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. He is the Titan lord of the universe; his rule was known as the Golden Age. He is the Titan god of Time, Harvest, Fate, Justice and Evil. His Roman name is Saturn.
  • How can one little street swallow so many lives? -The Offspring, "The Kids Aren't Alright" Kronos, the Prince of Fate, is sometimes said to be a Balseraph, but nobody really knows what he is. Yves' infernal analogue, he's believed to be the most powerful Prince in Hell, and in the end more central to Hell's enterprise than Lucifer himself. Every human has a Fate, and Kronos makes it his business to help each one bring it to life. All in all, it seems like he's doing a better job than Yves these days.
  • Kronos is the King of the Titans and father of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon and most of the Greek Gods, .
  • An evil immortal and founder of the Four Horsemen, Kronos put the friendship between Duncan MacLeod and Methos to the ultimate test.
  • Kronos was the powerful King of the Titans. He was deeply honored by all of the other Titans, including his brother Hyperion. (XWP: "The Titans") He also had power over time. (HTLJ: "The End of the Beginning") Kronos gained more power by killing his own father Uranus (HTLJ: "Reunions"). He did so by removing one of his ribs and piercing the heavens. (XWP: "God Fearing Child") One of Kronos's acts as King of the Titans was to create the Abyss of Tartarus. (HTLJ: "Full Circle") Kronos's rule was later considered a Golden Age. A temple honoring Kronos, the Temple of Kronos, was built during this age. (XWP: "The Titans") When his son Zeus tried to usurp his power, Kronos called forth all the Titans into a war council, in which he appointed Atlas as his field general. (XWP: "The Titans") In order to destroy Kronos once and for all, Zeus found the rib of Kronos. (XWP: "God Fearing Child") With it, Zeus was able to kill Kronos and became the King of the Gods. (HTLJ: "Reunions") After his death, Kronos was sent to the abyss of Tartarus, where he was tied for all eternity. (HTLJ: "Reunions") Kronus' body was buried deep in a hidden forest. (XWP: "God Fearing Child"). Kronos is the brother/husband of Rhea, and brother of Oceanus, Tethys, Hyperion, Theia, Crius, Mnemosyne, Iapetus, Coeus, Phoebe, and Themis. Kronos is also the father of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, Hestia, and Cheiron.
  • Kronos is a French Brutal death metal band from Thaon-les-Vosges, Lorraine, formed in 1994. The members of the band are Jérôme "Grams" Grammaire, Tom, Richard and Trivette.
  • Kronos was a UAC scientist working on teleportation research. He supposedly travelled to a dimension of pure evil where he combined human technology with demon flesh to create the Cyberdemon. In Reactor, the last level of Doom RPG, it is revealed that Kronos has been changed into a demon. After the UAC discovered Kronos' research, he was fired and his research buried, but he returned in the guise of Dr. Guerard. Dr. Guerard is encountered early in the game in Sector 1, where he helps the player. However, he sometimes behaves in a suspicious manner, opening doors in apparently impossible ways, for example. Some of the scientists express their suspicions about Guerard, some believing that he is "working for Kronos". Guerard's true intentions are finally made clear in Sector 6, when he leads the player and Dr. Jensen into a trap. Guerard is encountered again at the entrance to the reactor, where he transforms into Kronos. The player must defeat him to reach the portal and shut it down. Spoilers end here.
  • Kronos es uno de los antagonistas de Doom RPG y uno de los jefes del juego. Kronos es el penúltimo jefe que el jugador debe derrotar. Él es el cerebro detrás de la invasión a la base, algo análogo al Dr. Malcolm Betruger en Doom 3.
  • Kronos Wolfen are the third and final breed of Wolfen encountered in the game.
  • [[Archivo:Kronosas.jpg|thumb|350KB|Sucursal Kronos en Vice City]] [[Archivo:Cj con reloj.jpg|thumb|CJ con un reloj Kronos en San Andreas]] [[Archivo:KronosCartelGTAV.png|thumb|Cartel de Kronos en Los Santos.]] thumb|Reloj de pared Kronos Kronos es una marca de relojes suizas, es una clara parodia de la marca TimeX, esta tiene sucursales en Vice City , Liberty City y en San Andreas. Poseía una sucursal en Vice City en 1984 ubicada en el centro de la ciudad. Kronos es representado como un fabricante de relojes suizos establecido en 1809.
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