  • The Krytan Ambassador
  • Once you see the cut-scene for the searing, you end up in Old Ascalon in a party made up of the people who were on your team when you entered Ascalon Academy. Captain Osric will be standing a little ways ahead of you. Once you've gotten the quest, simply enter Ascalon City, and talk to Warmaster Tydus who is at the top of some stairs in front of a dry fountain.
  • Once you see the cut-scene for the searing, you end up in Old Ascalon in a party made up of the people who were on your team when you entered Ascalon Academy. Captain Osric will be standing a little ways ahead of you. Once you've gotten the quest, simply enter Ascalon City, and talk to Warmaster Tydus who is at the top of some stairs in front of a dry fountain.