  • Blindfolded Trip
  • A point in a story where a character is blindfolded and taken somewhere. A blindfold is not even necessary. Being shoved and driven somewhere in a locked car truck is pretty much blindfolded, for all intents and purposes - so long as the protagonist doesn't know where they are being taken. Sometimes used in initiation ceremonies. Sometimes used in trust-building exercises. Sometimes used to hide the location of where a prisoner is being taken. Sometimes a character will sit down and try to figure out where they were taken by other senses than their vision. Examples of Blindfolded Trip include:
  • A point in a story where a character is blindfolded and taken somewhere. A blindfold is not even necessary. Being shoved and driven somewhere in a locked car truck is pretty much blindfolded, for all intents and purposes - so long as the protagonist doesn't know where they are being taken. Sometimes used in initiation ceremonies. Sometimes used in trust-building exercises. Sometimes used to hide the location of where a prisoner is being taken. Sometimes a character will sit down and try to figure out where they were taken by other senses than their vision. Examples of Blindfolded Trip include: