  • X-Ray Visor
  • X-Ray Visor
  • thumb|Der X-Ray Visor aus Metroid PrimeDer X-Ray Visor hilft Samus bei der Suche nach versteckten Gegnern und Objekten. Er erschien zuerst in Super Metroid als X-Ray-Scope und kehrte in Metroid Prime und Metroid Prime 3 als X-Ray-Visor zurück. Dieser Visor musste bisher erst im Lauf des Spiel erworben werden.
  • The X-Ray Visor can be used to spot invisible enemies, even those that don't appear to the Thermal Visor, and it also allows Samus to see through human flesh (when she lifts her arm in front of the visor, her hand's skeleton can be seen), Bendezium, Cordite, and Sandstone. The disadvantages to the visor include its monochrome image, which can make it difficult to differentiate between several objects or enemies, and its very low visibility range. Enemies that can be tracked with the X-Ray Visor include Flickerbats and the Chozo Ghosts.
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  • Robotic enemies jam the X-Ray Visor’s frequency. Eliminate them to restore function to the Visor.
  • The X-Ray Visor can reveal invisible items, areas, and enemies.
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  • Press x19px/Hold x19px and point right to select the X-Ray Visor.
  • Push and hold x19px to bring up Visor Select. Move the cursor into the lower-left zone and release x19px to enter X-Ray Visor.
  • The X-Ray Visor can be used to see through objects made of Phazite.
  • The X-Ray Visor can see through certain types of materials.
  • The X-Ray Visor can be used to see the inner workings of devices and hidden weak points behind Phazite armor. Targets behind Phazite will require a high-frequency Beam to hit.
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  • The X-Ray Visor can be used to spot invisible enemies, even those that don't appear to the Thermal Visor, and it also allows Samus to see through human flesh (when she lifts her arm in front of the visor, her hand's skeleton can be seen), Bendezium, Cordite, and Sandstone. The disadvantages to the visor include its monochrome image, which can make it difficult to differentiate between several objects or enemies, and its very low visibility range. Enemies that can be tracked with the X-Ray Visor include Flickerbats and the Chozo Ghosts. Samus obtains the X-Ray Visor in the Life Grove in a secret part of Tallon Overworld.
  • thumb|Der X-Ray Visor aus Metroid PrimeDer X-Ray Visor hilft Samus bei der Suche nach versteckten Gegnern und Objekten. Er erschien zuerst in Super Metroid als X-Ray-Scope und kehrte in Metroid Prime und Metroid Prime 3 als X-Ray-Visor zurück. Dieser Visor musste bisher erst im Lauf des Spiel erworben werden. Mit dem X-Ray Visor lassen sich hauptsächlich unsichtbare oder zerstörbare Objekte aufspüren. Im Kampf ist er ebenfalls nützlich, weil sich mit ihm unsichtbare Gegner aufspüren lassen, die mit anderen Visoren nicht sichtbar sind. In bestimmten Bosskämpfen ist er besonders wichtig, um Gegner und ihre Schwachstellen aufzuspüren.
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