  • Character Manipulation
  • The user can use Kanji or Hanja characters to manipulate a person or object by changing their Kanja/Hanja character. For example, one can use a character's definition such as the Japanese kanji for rule and other meanings to control someone and create several other effects. One can use a character this way to rule over a person or create a Law (i.e. that person can only use their right leg for combat). The user can use kanji to rule the people around them by their method of rule turning the people into puppets to rule over (available to higher level users).
Row 1 info
  • Manipulate the characters of Kani & Hanja.
Row 1 title
  • Power/Ability to:
Box Title
  • Character Manipulation
  • The six suitors in the second Jet Black Wedding are all Kanji Users
  • 330
  • Gray
  • The user can use Kanji or Hanja characters to manipulate a person or object by changing their Kanja/Hanja character. For example, one can use a character's definition such as the Japanese kanji for rule and other meanings to control someone and create several other effects. One can use a character this way to rule over a person or create a Law (i.e. that person can only use their right leg for combat). The user can use kanji to rule the people around them by their method of rule turning the people into puppets to rule over (available to higher level users).