  • Assistant manager
  • Assistant Manager
  • This Occupation has been listed in two different Departments on IMDb. Since there are hundreds of Occupations that are listed in one or more Departments, the editors of this Wikia have not gotten around them all. You can help by finding out what Departments already link to this Occupations and putting them here. There's already a form you can fill out when you edit this page. Thank you.
  • An assistant manager is a member of non-playing staff, employed by a club or national team. Teams can have several assistant managers at once but it is usual to employ just one. Some managers choose not to have an assistant at all. Assistant managers are chosen by the manager.
  • Assistant Manager was a position in the governmental structure of the city of Morjanssik on Dac. During the Galactic Civil War, the position was held by Kelmut Wolg.
  • The assistant manager was a position below that of the manager. The novel Hotel Royale ended with foreign investors buying the hotel and leaving the assistant manager in charge. Upon hearing this, William T. Riker proposed that the stranded USS Enterprise-D away team fulfill the novel's plot by buying the hotel themselves. (TNG: "The Royale" )
  • This Occupation has been listed in two different Departments on IMDb. Since there are hundreds of Occupations that are listed in one or more Departments, the editors of this Wikia have not gotten around them all. You can help by finding out what Departments already link to this Occupations and putting them here. There's already a form you can fill out when you edit this page. Thank you.
  • An assistant manager is a member of non-playing staff, employed by a club or national team. Teams can have several assistant managers at once but it is usual to employ just one. Some managers choose not to have an assistant at all. Assistant managers are chosen by the manager.
  • Assistant Manager was a position in the governmental structure of the city of Morjanssik on Dac. During the Galactic Civil War, the position was held by Kelmut Wolg.
  • The assistant manager was a position below that of the manager. The novel Hotel Royale ended with foreign investors buying the hotel and leaving the assistant manager in charge. Upon hearing this, William T. Riker proposed that the stranded USS Enterprise-D away team fulfill the novel's plot by buying the hotel themselves. (TNG: "The Royale" )