  • Spring Basket
  • The Spring Basket is a building available in FarmVille which was released to celebrate the Spring Time Event and Easter holiday. It was released in 2010. It works in a similar way to the Valentine's Box and Pot of Gold. The objective is to collect as many Eggs as possible, which can be traded in for exclusive Spring-themed items. Eggs can be received as a gift from neighbors. On April 15th, 10 Spring Eggs were included in the FarmVille Bonus Package. Spring Eggs are no longer a Gift as of April 30th 2010. Sequel For the 2011's Spring Basket, visit Spring Basket (2011).
cost curr type
  • coin
sell curr type
  • coin
sell curr amt
  • 0
cost curr amt
  • 1
level req amt
  • 1
level req type
  • player
  • More than 150 Eggs
  • The Spring Basket is a building available in FarmVille which was released to celebrate the Spring Time Event and Easter holiday. It was released in 2010. It works in a similar way to the Valentine's Box and Pot of Gold. The objective is to collect as many Eggs as possible, which can be traded in for exclusive Spring-themed items. Eggs can be received as a gift from neighbors. On April 15th, 10 Spring Eggs were included in the FarmVille Bonus Package. Spring Eggs are no longer a Gift as of April 30th 2010. Sequel For the 2011's Spring Basket, visit Spring Basket (2011).
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