  • Cigarette gas-spray gun
  • A supposed test model of the cigarette gun was recovered by Naked Snake during Operation Snake Eater, in Graniny Gorki, Tselinoyarsk. The weapons had a firing range of three meters and were stored within a 1940s-era cigarette case. After Snake was captured by Colonel Volgin and tortured, these cigarettes were confiscated along with his other items. However, the prison guard Johnny managed to pocket the cigarettes and hand them back to Snake, after Snake returned some of his meals for the guard to eat, although he was completely unaware of the devices' true purpose.
  • A supposed test model of the cigarette gun was recovered by Naked Snake during Operation Snake Eater, in Graniny Gorki, Tselinoyarsk. The weapons had a firing range of three meters and were stored within a 1940s-era cigarette case. After Snake was captured by Colonel Volgin and tortured, these cigarettes were confiscated along with his other items. However, the prison guard Johnny managed to pocket the cigarettes and hand them back to Snake, after Snake returned some of his meals for the guard to eat, although he was completely unaware of the devices' true purpose.