  • Sanitized Metabolism
  • The user has a sanitized metabolism, which means their body is clean all the time, and never gets dirty. They never sweat, leave behind any kind of dander or biological residue, etc. They cannot develop things like unsightly skin, bad breath, and waste products. If there are any at all, they are both minimized and sanitized. Even if the user has any body odor, whatsoever, it will actually be pleasant.
  • The user has a sanitized metabolism, which means their body is clean all the time, and never gets dirty. They never sweat, leave behind any kind of dander or biological residue, etc. They cannot develop things like unsightly skin, bad breath, and waste products. If there are any at all, they are both minimized and sanitized. Even if the user has any body odor, whatsoever, it will actually be pleasant.