  • Smoke Mimicry
  • The ability enables Kevin to mimic a smoky state, allowing him to fly and also allowing objects to pass through him, leaving him unharmed. He can turn into black or white smoke. It also seems that when he wants to reform to his normal human state, the smoke collects together to let him reform and then turns human.
  • User is made up of or can transform their body completely into smoke. Users' transformed form is either anatomically identical to their normal form, aside of being made of smoke, in which case it contains all to organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Alternately the user can transform into homogenous matter, without any part of their form being more important than the other.
Row 1 info
  • Have a body made up of smoke.
Row 1 title
  • Power/Ability:
ability to
  • turn into a smoke-like form in order to fly or to let objects pass through oneself
Box Title
  • Smoke Mimicry
  • Kevin Luke Lewis
  • Smoke Mimicry
  • Smoker is a clear example of this ability.
  • Turning into smoke to avoid an attack
  • 330
  • silver
  • The ability enables Kevin to mimic a smoky state, allowing him to fly and also allowing objects to pass through him, leaving him unharmed. He can turn into black or white smoke. It also seems that when he wants to reform to his normal human state, the smoke collects together to let him reform and then turns human.
  • User is made up of or can transform their body completely into smoke. Users' transformed form is either anatomically identical to their normal form, aside of being made of smoke, in which case it contains all to organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Alternately the user can transform into homogenous matter, without any part of their form being more important than the other.
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