  • Rectangle
  • Rectangle
  • Rectangle
  • In geometry, a rectangle is defined as a quadrilateral where all four of its angles are right angles. A rectangle with vertices ABCD would be denoted as . Rectangles hold the following properties: * Opposite sides are of equal length (congruent) * Adjacent sides meet at right angles * All four angles are of equal measure (congruent) * All four angles are right angles * Adjacent angles are supplementary * Opposite sides are parallel * Parallelogram * Diagonals are of equal measure (congruent) * Diagonals bisect one another
  • Un rectangle és un quadrilàter que té tots els angles iguals.
  • Simple examples with a rectangle (move, resize, bouncing, catch) for the compiler and interpreter.
  • In geometry, a rectangle is defined as a quadrilateral where all four of its angles are right angles. A rectangle with vertices ABCD would be denoted as . Rectangles hold the following properties: * Opposite sides are of equal length (congruent) * Adjacent sides meet at right angles * All four angles are of equal measure (congruent) * All four angles are right angles * Adjacent angles are supplementary * Opposite sides are parallel * Parallelogram * Diagonals are of equal measure (congruent) * Diagonals bisect one another
  • Un rectangle és un quadrilàter que té tots els angles iguals.
  • Simple examples with a rectangle (move, resize, bouncing, catch) for the compiler and interpreter.