  • Cetaceans
  • A number of species of Cetacean have been recorded on Titan, although the exact species is usually not indicated: * Bullwhale * Dolphin * Porpoise * Whale
  • Cetaceans breath air, inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. They have blowholes (nostrils) on the top of their head to simply breathing. Often, a cloud of ‘steam’ appears while they exhale, which can allow species to be identified from a distance. Most have poor eyesight, which is made up for by excellent hearing. Very greasy tears are shed from the eyes, protecting them from salt in the seawater. The lenses are mostly spherical. The ears are simply small holes near the eyes.
  • Cetaceans breath air, inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. They have blowholes (nostrils) on the top of their head to simply breathing. Often, a cloud of ‘steam’ appears while they exhale, which can allow species to be identified from a distance. Most have poor eyesight, which is made up for by excellent hearing. Very greasy tears are shed from the eyes, protecting them from salt in the seawater. The lenses are mostly spherical. The ears are simply small holes near the eyes. Toothed Whales (Suborder Odontoceti) are capable of echolocation. Using this, they can determine size, shape, movement, and texture of an object, as well as determining whether or not this is prey. Baleen whales (Suborder Mysticeti) do not have echolocation, as it would be useless since it’s prey, krill, is too small to be seen with this.
  • A number of species of Cetacean have been recorded on Titan, although the exact species is usually not indicated: * Bullwhale * Dolphin * Porpoise * Whale