  • Alpha Centauri
  • Alpha Centauri
  • Alpha Centauri
  • Alpha Centauri
  • Alpha Centauri
  • Alpha Centauri
  • Alpha Centauri
  • Alpha Centauri is an alien delegate of the Galactic Federation from Alpha Centauri. In The Ten Doctors the Third Doctor encounters him as he joins a fleet to fight the Daleks.
  • Alpha Centauri is a star close to Earth's solar system. Alpha Control selected a planet in the Alpha Centauri system as a destination for Human colonization. ("No Place to Hide", "The Relcuctant Stowaway") The Robot was misled by Bartholomew to believe that the Jupiter 2 had arrived at Alpha Centauri. ("The Promised Planet")
  • Alpha Centauri is a planet in the Alpha Centauri system. The Robinson family was stuck in the system for many years. Its also the location of a Radio Shock store. The Acronymizer was available at the Alpha Centauris store. Alpha Centauri is located in the Milky Way galaxy.
  • Alpha Centauri (also known as Rigel Kentaurus) is a binary star system located 4.37 light years from Earth. The system consists of two stars, Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B. A third star, Proxima Centauri, is often considered to be in that system. If they are in the same system, then Alpha Centauri is the closest star system while Proxima is the closest star to Earth. It is unknown if the system has planets though if there were planets, they would be circumbinary planets.
  • "Alpha Centauri" is a song performed by Tangerine Dream, recorded on the album Alpha Centauri in 1971. The song appeared in the Miami Vice episode "Mirror Image".
  • thumb|left|Das Signal wird über Alpha Centauri geleitet Alpha Centauri ist ein ca. 4,34 Lichtjahre entferntes Doppelsternsystem und der hellste Punkt im Sternbild Zentaurus.Es wird innerhalb der Godzilla-Reihe nicht gezeigt, spielt aber eine kleine Rolle in Frankensteins Höllenbrut. So wird das Signal der Aktion 1 von den Riesenmistkäfern über diesen Stern geleitet, um die Monster King Ghidorah und Gigan zu erreichen. Das lässt vermuten, dass sich deren Aufenthaltsort, der Jägernebel, in der Nähe von Alpha Centauri befindet.Das Passwort der Weltraumaffen ist ebenfalls Alpha Centauri, weswegen auch diese Außerirdischen spekulativ aus der Nähe dieses Sternsystems stammen könnten. Kategorie:Reale Orte
  • In 2293, the location of Alpha Centauri in the Milky Way Galaxy was labeled in the star chart "The Explored Galaxy", which was on display in Captain James T. Kirk's quarters aboard the USS Enterprise-A. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, okudagram) In 2364, the location of Alpha Centauri was named in a star chart of a stellar neighborhood with Sol at the center. This chart was stored in the USS Enterprise-D library computer. Later that year, the chart was scanned by Outpost 63. (TNG: "The Naked Now" , "The Last Outpost" , production art)
  • Alpha Centauri is the first of three gas giants and the first planet orbiting the star Alpha Centauri A (ACA) in the Alpha Centauri System, the other Gas Giants being Polyphemus and the aptly named Omega Centauri. Alpha Centauri is only slightly larger than Polyphemus and has thin rings composed of ferrous metals. Alpha Centauri has few moons for its size, possessing only three.
  • AzureIslands third simulator. Alpha Centauri is a commercial simulator with a tropical coastal setting.
  • Ziemlich coole Physik-Sendung aufm BR mit Prof. Lesch. Der Kerl war auch im Sophie-Scholl-Gymnasium... schöne Sätze dort z.B. "Das Weltall expandiert, aber ich suche immer einen Parkplatz!!!" Wenn man von dieser Sendung erzählt, bevor es der Physiklehrer macht, was normalerweise etwa nach 2 Minuten und 31 Sekunden der ersten Physikstunde im Leben eines Schülers passiert, dann wird man für alle Zeiten von der Fachschafft vergöttert... Wenn....
  • Alpha Centauri is a star of the Sol Sector. Alpha Centauri was one of the self-sustained Pilgrim settlements. By 2350 Pilgrims established regular trade routes between Titan and the Centauri colonies. Occasionally a semicovert trading mission from Alpha Centauri would arrive at Mars or Titan, but little news would be exchanged. During the Pilgrim War, the Centauris were attacked and conquered by the Grand Fleet.
  • Alpha Centauri is the Capitol System of the Neo-Terran Directorate and is the system closest to Sol.
  • Alpha Centauri is an unidentified civilization, possibly a planet. In the Power Rangers S.P.D. episode Missing, it is revealed that Alpha Centauri was left in ruins by the criminal Bork.
  • He/she/it had the great ability to talk like someone hit it in the nuts with a sledgehammer and it lived like a bazillion of years because it was cheaper to reuse the costume.
  • En las series de Sid Meier Civilization, el jugador ganador es el primero en mandar una nave espacial con exito a Alpha Centauri (presumiblemente, el sistema más próximo a 4.26 años luz del Sol). El juego sucesor Alpha Centauri ( y el pack de expansión Alien Crossfire, ambos de Firaxis) fueron principalmente diseñados por Brian Reynolds aunque bajo la marca del nombre de Sid Meier. Muchos jugadores sienten que Alien Crossfire fue el juego más avanzado y divertido en la serie Civ.
  • Alpha Centauri is the closest star to our solar system, and the location of the Baby Jesus' vacation villa. It takes light about four and a half years to get to us from there, but the Baby Jesus only takes seconds. Alpha Centauri is one of the sponsored destinations of the Debt-Miles rewards program; it is normally available to high-end Gold members and freely available to Plutonium-level members.
  • Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to the Solar System consisting of three stars: Proxima Centauri, Alpha Centauri A, and Alpha Centauri B. It is 4.37 light years away from the Sun with Proxima Centauri being closest. Alpha Centauri appears in almost all Civilization games. Building a spaceship to travel from Earth to a habitable planet within the Alpha Centauri system before the other civilizations do so is a way of winning the game. One game takes place there: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.
  • Alpha Centauri, the Nearest Star is a non-fiction book by Isaac Asimov.
  • Sternensystem: Alpha Centauri Raumstaat: Origin (Bündnis)
  • The successor game Alpha Centauri (and expansion pack Alien Crossfire, both by Firaxis) were principally designed by Brian Reynolds although also branded with Sid Meier's name. Many players feel that Alien Crossfire was the most advanced and enjoyable game in the Civ series.
  • Alpha Centauri is a trinary star system with thirteen planets. It is located approximately 4.4 light years from Earth, making it the closest star system to the Federation. The prime counterpart of Alicia Rookwood is from a planet in Alpha Centauri that was called Terra Nova in the mirror universe.
  • Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to the Solar System, being only 1.34 parsecs, or 4.37 light years away from our Sun. One parsec is approximately 3.26 light years, or 19 million million miles.
  • Alpha Centauri is the nearest star system to Solar System. It has got 9 warps. There are 2 colonized planets. One of them is Nova Terra and the other is Eden. It was the battlefield of the Battle of Alpha Centauri during ISW-4.
  • Alpha Centauri (α Cen / α Centauri, also known as Rigid Thesaurus), is the brightest star system in the southern constellation of Thesaurus. Although it appears as a single point to the naked eye, it's completely invisible with your eyes closed. Also, it only appears to come out at night. Cosmologists believe this is because the stars that make up the system are afraid of being arrested by the fashion police.
  • Dit systeem is een naaste buur van Sol en de plek van de Alpha Centauri kolonie, waar Zefram Cochrane is gaan wonen. (TOS: "Metamorphosis"; ENT: "Future Tense") Nadat de Dominion de planeet Betazed in handen kreeg in het jaar 2374 dachten velen dat Alpha Centauri het volgende doelwit zou zijn. (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight")
  • Alpha Centauri (auch Rigil Kentaurus oder Alpha Centaurus) ist das nächste Sternensystem zum Sol-System und beinhaltet den bewohnbaren Planeten Centauri VII. Außerdem befindet sich im Alpha-Centauri-System eine der frühesten menschlichen Kolonien, die Alpha-Centauri-Kolonie. Das System gehört ab 2161 zur in diesem Jahr gegründeten Vereinten Föderation der Planeten. Zefram Cochrane verbringt dort einen Teil seines Lebens. (TOS: )
  • It is located in the Beta Quadrant. In an early extraterrestrial observation, Alpha Centauri was surveyed by the Vulcan civilization's starship Fal Chaya. (Decipher RPG module: Starships) The Federation worlds here are sometimes also referred to simply as Alpha Centauri. According to Starfleet Intelligence outpost maps, this system's coordinates are 1.27N 2.92W, placing it in the Starfleet Intelligence sector 1. (FASA RPG module: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual)
  • Le système était composé de 2 étoiles binaires appelées Alpha Centauri A et B, ainsi que d'une 3ème plus distante appelée Alpha centauri C ou Proxima Centauri. Ce système était le plus proche système stellaire du système de Sol.
  • The Alpha Centauri system is located 4.37 Earth light years from Sol, making it the closest star system to the Sol System. Although it appears to the unaided human eye from earth as a single object, Alpha Centauri is actually a binary star system whose combined visual magnitude makes it the third brightest star seen from Earth. See: Wunderland
  • Alpha Centauri, chiamata spesso dagli scienziati α Cen / α Centauri o α del Centauro, è la stella più luminosa della costellazione del Centauro e, porca miseria ladra, NON È la stella più vicina al nostro Sistema solare, che si chiama invece Proxima Centauri. Conosciuta anche con il nome di Rigel Kentaurus, essa è più precisamente un sistema stellare composto da due stelle di Sequenza principale, una nana gialla e anche un po' cessa ed una banana flambè talmente vicine da sembrare una sola cosa. Ennesima dimostrazione che l'Astronomia non è una scienza, dato che vi riempe il cervello di stronzate.[citazione necessaria]
  • US Präsident John F. Kennedy 24. März 1961 Das Schlimmste wird eintreten. Führende Wissenschaftler bestätigen das, was keiner glauben wollte. Am 21. Dezember 2012 würde die Welt durch einen riesigen Asteroiden untergehen. Zum Glück haben sich die größten Nationen darauf vorbereitet. Da man bereits seit 1950 von dem kommenden Einschlag wusste arbeiteten Amerikaner und Russen gemeinsam an einem Weltraumprogramm. Ziel war es einen Antrieb zu konzipieren der interstelare Reisen möglich macht. In den 1950er Jahren war dies jedoch meist nur Theorie, aber denn Russen gelang es mit Sputnik als erste ein funktionierendes Raumfahrzeug hochzuschießen. Auch die Technologie für Kälteschlafkammern kam aus der Sowjetunion. thumb|Der Grundstein für das Erste Schiff die Odyseus wird gelegt, Unten ist die I
  • The Alpha Centuari System was first surveyed in 2111 by exploration ships launched 10 years prior. Two planets were discovered, one being almost earth-like, while the other being barren. It was selected for colonization and to serve as a 'hub' system as a starting point for future colonization attempts.
  • Az ~ az Alpha bolygórendszerének második bolygója. Felszínét óceán borítja, egyetlen kontinense van, Új Föld, amelynek mérete: 250 x 75 km. Gazdasága főként halászatra, mezőgazdaságra épül, technikája fejletlen, ám az időjárás szabályozás és mikrobiológia terén magas fejlettségi szint tapasztalható. Lakossága kb. 25. 000 fő, - akik a Földről átmenekített lakosság utódai - különböző rasszokhoz tartoznak. Nyelve klasszikus galaktikus. Társadalma matriarchális. Életmódjuk egyszerű, gazdag társasági életet élnek, kevés igényük van a magányos életmódra. Nagy népszerűségnek örvend a zene, a koncertek, hangszereik, dallamviláguk az ősi Földtől eredeztethető. Elszigeteltségüket védik, az érkező látogatókat egy kifejlesztett vírussal fertőzik meg, melyet aktiválni tudnak. Forrás: ALAPÍTVÁNY ÉS AS
  • It has been a year since the six mighty Dofus have disappeared. Once sacred relics kept religiously apart so as to not break the equilibrium of the eleveuniverse. Adventurers from the 12 tribes of Amakna have emptied into the rich lands of Amakna constantly searching for these holy icons, but no word has come of there whereabouts. In this time Bonta and Brakmar have furiously continued their war of 'Light and Dark'. Unbeknownst to Brakmar, a sacred group of Bonta cherubs was formed on the 8th of Maysial, seven years after the 2nd Millenium. This elite group of Cherubim angels are known only in name as 'Alpha Centauri'. They have vowed to change the tide of the Holy War forever and bring the Sacred Dofus' back to the exotic lands of Amakna. You may not see us, but we are out there. We are A
  • Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to Earth, and is the home of the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council. It is also home to small furry creatures (who were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri) and super-intellegent lizard-squirrels. It has sixteen cities, in which the 15th is the best place to buy Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters. Port Brasta is it's main spaceport, with a huge "duty-free shopping mall." Proxima Centauri (Alpha Proxima) is mentioned as being only 4 light-years away, while Damogran is 500,000.
  • Alpha Centauri is the name for the brightest apparent star in the southern constellation of Centaurus, which is the closest naked-eye star to the sun, and the name for the multi-star system that composes that apparent star. To the unaided eye this multi-star system appears as a single star, whose total visual magnitude would identify it as the fourth brightest star in the night sky. The visible part of Alpha Centauri is actually a binary star system, the individual stars being designated Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B, or, collectively, Alpha Centauri AB. They are 1.34 parsecs or 4.37 light years away from our Sun. However, a third star called Proxima Centauri, or Proxima, which is not visible to the naked eye, is likely to be a gravitational companion of this binary system. The who
  • Chay
  • 65
  • Bonta
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  • "Money God"
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  • Burnett's dream sequence with him and Tubbs in coffins
  • Alpha Centauri
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  • 1971
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  • Next Song
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  • RIAA Certification
Row 1 info
  • "Mirror Image"
Row 8 title
  • Sequence song appears
Row 4 title
  • Year Released
Row 9 title
  • Previous Song
  • Een sterrenkaart met o.a. Alpha Centauri met als middelpunt Sol
  • Een sterrenkaart van het Alfa en Beta kwadrant met daarop o.a. Alpha Centauri
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  • Tangerine Dream
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  • Featured in Episode
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  • Alpha Centauri
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  • Artist
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  • "Underneath The Radar"
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  • Album
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  • Did Not Chart
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  • Top Chart Position
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  • NONE
Box Title
  • Alpha Centauri
  • Shika
  • Alpha Centauri
  • 71
  • Star-chart alpha-beta quadrant.jpg
  • Spaceflight Chronology starchart 1.jpg
  • 200
  • Alpha Centauri is an alien delegate of the Galactic Federation from Alpha Centauri. In The Ten Doctors the Third Doctor encounters him as he joins a fleet to fight the Daleks.
  • Le système était composé de 2 étoiles binaires appelées Alpha Centauri A et B, ainsi que d'une 3ème plus distante appelée Alpha centauri C ou Proxima Centauri. Ce système était le plus proche système stellaire du système de Sol. * Alpha Centauri A (étoile primaire) * Alpha Centauri B (étoile secondaire) * Centauri I * Centauri II * Centauri III * Centauri IV * Centauri V * Centauri VI * Centauri VII * Université d'Alpha Centauri * Alpha Centauri C ou Proxima Centauri (étoile tertiaire) * Alpha Proxima I * Chantiers de maintenance de Proxima * Colonie de Proxima
  • Alpha Centauri is a star close to Earth's solar system. Alpha Control selected a planet in the Alpha Centauri system as a destination for Human colonization. ("No Place to Hide", "The Relcuctant Stowaway") The Robot was misled by Bartholomew to believe that the Jupiter 2 had arrived at Alpha Centauri. ("The Promised Planet")
  • Alpha Centauri is a planet in the Alpha Centauri system. The Robinson family was stuck in the system for many years. Its also the location of a Radio Shock store. The Acronymizer was available at the Alpha Centauris store. Alpha Centauri is located in the Milky Way galaxy.
  • Alpha Centauri (also known as Rigel Kentaurus) is a binary star system located 4.37 light years from Earth. The system consists of two stars, Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B. A third star, Proxima Centauri, is often considered to be in that system. If they are in the same system, then Alpha Centauri is the closest star system while Proxima is the closest star to Earth. It is unknown if the system has planets though if there were planets, they would be circumbinary planets.
  • "Alpha Centauri" is a song performed by Tangerine Dream, recorded on the album Alpha Centauri in 1971. The song appeared in the Miami Vice episode "Mirror Image".
  • thumb|left|Das Signal wird über Alpha Centauri geleitet Alpha Centauri ist ein ca. 4,34 Lichtjahre entferntes Doppelsternsystem und der hellste Punkt im Sternbild Zentaurus.Es wird innerhalb der Godzilla-Reihe nicht gezeigt, spielt aber eine kleine Rolle in Frankensteins Höllenbrut. So wird das Signal der Aktion 1 von den Riesenmistkäfern über diesen Stern geleitet, um die Monster King Ghidorah und Gigan zu erreichen. Das lässt vermuten, dass sich deren Aufenthaltsort, der Jägernebel, in der Nähe von Alpha Centauri befindet.Das Passwort der Weltraumaffen ist ebenfalls Alpha Centauri, weswegen auch diese Außerirdischen spekulativ aus der Nähe dieses Sternsystems stammen könnten. Kategorie:Reale Orte
  • Dit systeem is een naaste buur van Sol en de plek van de Alpha Centauri kolonie, waar Zefram Cochrane is gaan wonen. (TOS: "Metamorphosis"; ENT: "Future Tense") Nadat de Dominion de planeet Betazed in handen kreeg in het jaar 2374 dachten velen dat Alpha Centauri het volgende doelwit zou zijn. (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight") In een alternatieve tijdlijn, na de dood van Gabriell Bell en een niet bestaande Federatie, werden er Romulan troepen rond Alpha Centauri ontdekt. (DS9: "Past Tense, Deel I") In een andere alternatieve tijdlijn verwoestte de Xindi Alpha Centauri en de andere menselijke buitenposten, nadat ze de Aarde verwoest hadden. (ENT: "Twilight") Alpha Centauri werd ook vermeld op de sterrenkaart die gemaakt was voor TNG: "Conspiracy." Het was de kaart achter de stoel in de kamer waar Dexter Remmick werd vermoord. Het lijkt vlakbij Sol, Holberg 917G, en Tau Ceti te liggen.
  • In 2293, the location of Alpha Centauri in the Milky Way Galaxy was labeled in the star chart "The Explored Galaxy", which was on display in Captain James T. Kirk's quarters aboard the USS Enterprise-A. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, okudagram) In 2364, the location of Alpha Centauri was named in a star chart of a stellar neighborhood with Sol at the center. This chart was stored in the USS Enterprise-D library computer. Later that year, the chart was scanned by Outpost 63. (TNG: "The Naked Now" , "The Last Outpost" , production art)
  • Alpha Centauri is the first of three gas giants and the first planet orbiting the star Alpha Centauri A (ACA) in the Alpha Centauri System, the other Gas Giants being Polyphemus and the aptly named Omega Centauri. Alpha Centauri is only slightly larger than Polyphemus and has thin rings composed of ferrous metals. Alpha Centauri has few moons for its size, possessing only three.
  • Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to Earth, and is the home of the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council. It is also home to small furry creatures (who were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri) and super-intellegent lizard-squirrels. It has sixteen cities, in which the 15th is the best place to buy Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters. Port Brasta is it's main spaceport, with a huge "duty-free shopping mall." Proxima Centauri (Alpha Proxima) is mentioned as being only 4 light-years away, while Damogran is 500,000. During the reign of the former Galactic Empire, small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.
  • AzureIslands third simulator. Alpha Centauri is a commercial simulator with a tropical coastal setting.
  • Ziemlich coole Physik-Sendung aufm BR mit Prof. Lesch. Der Kerl war auch im Sophie-Scholl-Gymnasium... schöne Sätze dort z.B. "Das Weltall expandiert, aber ich suche immer einen Parkplatz!!!" Wenn man von dieser Sendung erzählt, bevor es der Physiklehrer macht, was normalerweise etwa nach 2 Minuten und 31 Sekunden der ersten Physikstunde im Leben eines Schülers passiert, dann wird man für alle Zeiten von der Fachschafft vergöttert... Wenn....
  • Alpha Centauri, chiamata spesso dagli scienziati α Cen / α Centauri o α del Centauro, è la stella più luminosa della costellazione del Centauro e, porca miseria ladra, NON È la stella più vicina al nostro Sistema solare, che si chiama invece Proxima Centauri. Conosciuta anche con il nome di Rigel Kentaurus, essa è più precisamente un sistema stellare composto da due stelle di Sequenza principale, una nana gialla e anche un po' cessa ed una banana flambè talmente vicine da sembrare una sola cosa. Ennesima dimostrazione che l'Astronomia non è una scienza, dato che vi riempe il cervello di stronzate.[citazione necessaria] Come molti di voi sapranno, la stragrande maggioranza dei sistemi interstellari dista da noi decine, centinaia e a volte migliaia di anni luce. Il fatto che la distanza tra noi e, badate bene, Proxima Centauri sia di soli 4,365 ± 0,007 anni luce non significa proprio un bel niente. La distanza è siderale e per adesso tentare di raggiungerla sarebbe come tentare una traversata oceanica a bordo di una zattera fatta di cartone e sughero; per essere chiari c'è una percentuale di successo pari allo zero seguito da una virgola seguita da circa ventitre zeri seguiti a loro volta da un uno. Questo giusto per distruggere del tutto i vostri inutili sogni infantili.
  • Alpha Centauri is a star of the Sol Sector. Alpha Centauri was one of the self-sustained Pilgrim settlements. By 2350 Pilgrims established regular trade routes between Titan and the Centauri colonies. Occasionally a semicovert trading mission from Alpha Centauri would arrive at Mars or Titan, but little news would be exchanged. During the Pilgrim War, the Centauris were attacked and conquered by the Grand Fleet.
  • Alpha Centauri is the Capitol System of the Neo-Terran Directorate and is the system closest to Sol.
  • Alpha Centauri is an unidentified civilization, possibly a planet. In the Power Rangers S.P.D. episode Missing, it is revealed that Alpha Centauri was left in ruins by the criminal Bork.
  • He/she/it had the great ability to talk like someone hit it in the nuts with a sledgehammer and it lived like a bazillion of years because it was cheaper to reuse the costume.
  • En las series de Sid Meier Civilization, el jugador ganador es el primero en mandar una nave espacial con exito a Alpha Centauri (presumiblemente, el sistema más próximo a 4.26 años luz del Sol). El juego sucesor Alpha Centauri ( y el pack de expansión Alien Crossfire, ambos de Firaxis) fueron principalmente diseñados por Brian Reynolds aunque bajo la marca del nombre de Sid Meier. Muchos jugadores sienten que Alien Crossfire fue el juego más avanzado y divertido en la serie Civ.
  • Alpha Centauri (auch Rigil Kentaurus oder Alpha Centaurus) ist das nächste Sternensystem zum Sol-System und beinhaltet den bewohnbaren Planeten Centauri VII. Außerdem befindet sich im Alpha-Centauri-System eine der frühesten menschlichen Kolonien, die Alpha-Centauri-Kolonie. Das System gehört ab 2161 zur in diesem Jahr gegründeten Vereinten Föderation der Planeten. Zefram Cochrane verbringt dort einen Teil seines Lebens. (TOS: ) Dieses Sternsystem befindet sich im Sternbild des Zentaur und das Zentrum ist 4,35 Lichtjahre von Sol entfernt. Es besteht aus den Sternen Alpha Centauri A, B und C, wobei letzterer den Titel Proxima Centauri trägt und der dem Sol-System nächstgelegene dieser drei Sterne ist, mit einer Entfernung von 4,22 Lichtjahren.
  • It is located in the Beta Quadrant. In an early extraterrestrial observation, Alpha Centauri was surveyed by the Vulcan civilization's starship Fal Chaya. (Decipher RPG module: Starships) The Federation worlds here are sometimes also referred to simply as Alpha Centauri. According to Starfleet Intelligence outpost maps, this system's coordinates are 1.27N 2.92W, placing it in the Starfleet Intelligence sector 1. (FASA RPG module: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual) During the Dominion War, Alpha Centauri was a pivotal planet in the Federation's defense, with its supply lines to Vulcan being the Federation's "life's blood", as Admiral Sitak told Benjamin Sisko in 2374. Captain Sisko thought it was a mistake to devote so many ships to protect them from the Jem'Hadar in a bid to "defend our way to victory". (DS9 novelization: ...Sacrifice of Angels) Later that year, Alpha Centauri, along with Vulcan, Andor and Tellar Prime, were threatened by the fall of Betazed to the Dominion. (DS9 episode: "In the Pale Moonlight") A Federation transwarp hub was opened in the system in the year 2404, an event which was attended by Admiral Chakotay. (ST website: The Path to 2409)
  • US Präsident John F. Kennedy 24. März 1961 Das Schlimmste wird eintreten. Führende Wissenschaftler bestätigen das, was keiner glauben wollte. Am 21. Dezember 2012 würde die Welt durch einen riesigen Asteroiden untergehen. Zum Glück haben sich die größten Nationen darauf vorbereitet. Da man bereits seit 1950 von dem kommenden Einschlag wusste arbeiteten Amerikaner und Russen gemeinsam an einem Weltraumprogramm. Ziel war es einen Antrieb zu konzipieren der interstelare Reisen möglich macht. In den 1950er Jahren war dies jedoch meist nur Theorie, aber denn Russen gelang es mit Sputnik als erste ein funktionierendes Raumfahrzeug hochzuschießen. Auch die Technologie für Kälteschlafkammern kam aus der Sowjetunion. thumb|Der Grundstein für das Erste Schiff die Odyseus wird gelegt, Unten ist die Internationale Raumstation zu sehen, Bild 22. Februar 1967Die Forschung an Fusionsreaktoren, einem Ionenantrieb und einem von US Präsident Twight D. Eisenhower favorisierten Atombombenantrieb wurden in Angriff genommen. Nach Rückschlägen mit dem Atombombenantrieb konstruierte die NASA 1962 den ersten funktionierenden Antrieb mit Solarsegelthumb|US Präsident Nixon posiert mit Astronauten der internationalen Raumstation, Cape Vanaverel 1970. Es stand dann bereits in den späten 1960er Jahren fest dass für Reisen in andere Sternensysteme eine Kombination von verschiedenen Triebwerken notwendig war. 5 Schiffe wurden aufwendig gebaut und mit denn Jahren immer wieder modernisiert. Die Sternenschiffe waren zu groß um auf der Erde zu starten, daher waren sie ab 1967 im Weltraum gebaut worden. Dazu nutzen die Raumfahrtbehörden kleine Space Shuttles die von einer internationalen Raumstation aus starteten. Die Station diente als Weltraumwerft und sollte bis 2000 aktiv bleiben. Die Supermächte gaben Ihre Gelder nicht für die atomare Aufrüstung sondern die bemannte Raumfahrt aus. In den Schiffen selbst herrscht eine künstliche Gravitation erzeugt durch die Fliegkraft. Sie beherbergen fruchtbare Erde, die mit dem besten Samenmaterial ausgestattet sind. Ihr Ziel ist eine ferne Welt im Sternensystem Alpha Centauri. Jahrzehnte lang hatten Astronomen nach bewohnbaren Welten gesuchtthumb|Die Menschen auf der Erde erwarten den Einschlag des Asteroiden Thorne-726 für den 21. Dezember 2012, einem Zufall war es zu verdanken das 1989 gerade im Sternensystem Alpha Centauri ein erdähnlicher Planet gefunden wurde. Um den Planeten zu finden waren bereits in den 1970er Jahren mehrere Weltraumteleskope gebaut worden. Eines dieser Teleskope "Kepler 2" endeckte denn Planeten. Seine offiziele Bezeichnung lautet Kepler-2b. Die Entfernung beträgt 4,34 Lichtjahre. Einige der Wissenschaftler waren Fans des legendären PC Spieles Civilisation (1991) indem man ein Raumschiff bauen konnte welches dann nach Alpha Centauri flog, für sie schien es Schicksaal zu sein eben dort hinzufliegen. Die Besatzungen sind die größten Genies der jeweiligen Nation in den Bereichen Wissenschaft, Strategie, Geschichte, Kunst und Technik. Auserdem flogen pro Schiff 5000 ausgewählte Zivilisten mit. Diese Menschen waren nach strengen Auflagen ausgewählt so zählte vorrangig das sie gesund waren und genetisch kompatibel. Die Besatzung wird während der Reise in Stase versetzt. Die Reise dauert ein Jahrtausend bis sie von der Bord-KI geweckt werden. Die Starts 1998, 1999 und 2000 waren ein Erfolg. Während die Erde angstvoll auf die Zukunft wartete und in Anarchie versank machten sich die 5 Schiffe auf nach Alpha Centauri zu fliegen. Diese 5 Schiffe hießen, Ishimura (finanziert von Asiaten) Odyseus (USA) Smolensk (Ostblock) Freelancer (EU) Sun of Hope.
  • Alpha Centauri is the closest star to our solar system, and the location of the Baby Jesus' vacation villa. It takes light about four and a half years to get to us from there, but the Baby Jesus only takes seconds. Alpha Centauri is one of the sponsored destinations of the Debt-Miles rewards program; it is normally available to high-end Gold members and freely available to Plutonium-level members.
  • Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to the Solar System consisting of three stars: Proxima Centauri, Alpha Centauri A, and Alpha Centauri B. It is 4.37 light years away from the Sun with Proxima Centauri being closest. Alpha Centauri appears in almost all Civilization games. Building a spaceship to travel from Earth to a habitable planet within the Alpha Centauri system before the other civilizations do so is a way of winning the game. One game takes place there: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.
  • Alpha Centauri, the Nearest Star is a non-fiction book by Isaac Asimov.
  • Alpha Centauri is the name for the brightest apparent star in the southern constellation of Centaurus, which is the closest naked-eye star to the sun, and the name for the multi-star system that composes that apparent star. To the unaided eye this multi-star system appears as a single star, whose total visual magnitude would identify it as the fourth brightest star in the night sky. The visible part of Alpha Centauri is actually a binary star system, the individual stars being designated Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B, or, collectively, Alpha Centauri AB. They are 1.34 parsecs or 4.37 light years away from our Sun. However, a third star called Proxima Centauri, or Proxima, which is not visible to the naked eye, is likely to be a gravitational companion of this binary system. The whole (potential) trinary star system may also be called Alpha Centauri. In 1980, ANSA astronauts Virdon, Burke and Jones were on a mission towards Alpha Centauri aboard the Probe Six when they passed through a dimensional time vortex and were propelled over 1,000 years into the future. They crashlanded back on Earth, with only Virdon and Burke surviving.
  • Az ~ az Alpha bolygórendszerének második bolygója. Felszínét óceán borítja, egyetlen kontinense van, Új Föld, amelynek mérete: 250 x 75 km. Gazdasága főként halászatra, mezőgazdaságra épül, technikája fejletlen, ám az időjárás szabályozás és mikrobiológia terén magas fejlettségi szint tapasztalható. Lakossága kb. 25. 000 fő, - akik a Földről átmenekített lakosság utódai - különböző rasszokhoz tartoznak. Nyelve klasszikus galaktikus. Társadalma matriarchális. Életmódjuk egyszerű, gazdag társasági életet élnek, kevés igényük van a magányos életmódra. Nagy népszerűségnek örvend a zene, a koncertek, hangszereik, dallamviláguk az ősi Földtől eredeztethető. Elszigeteltségüket védik, az érkező látogatókat egy kifejlesztett vírussal fertőzik meg, melyet aktiválni tudnak. Forrás: ALAPÍTVÁNY ÉS ASIMOV – Részletek az Enciklopédia Galaktikából (1997-2007) - Galaktikus Könyvtár 1. kötet Az eredeti szócikket összeállította: Kiss Gabriella -g-, átdolgozta és feltöltötte: Györgyi Ákos. Cikksorszám:0020 A szócikk az alábbi mű alapján készült: Isaac Asimov: Alapítvány és Föld Kategória:Bolygók Kategória:Isaac Asimov: Alapítvány és Föld
  • The Alpha Centauri system is located 4.37 Earth light years from Sol, making it the closest star system to the Sol System. Although it appears to the unaided human eye from earth as a single object, Alpha Centauri is actually a binary star system whose combined visual magnitude makes it the third brightest star seen from Earth. Its individual component stars are named Alpha Centauri A, with 110% of the mass and 151.9% the luminosity of Sol, and Alpha Centauri B, at 90.7% of Sol's mass and 44.5% of its luminosity. During the pair's 79.91-year orbit about a common center, the distance between them varies from about that between the Kuiper belt and Sol to that between Saturn and Sol. A third star, known as Proxima Centauri, Proxima, or Alpha Centauri C, is probably gravitationally associated with Alpha Centauri AB. Proxima is at the slightly smaller distance of 4.24 Earth light years from Sol, making it the closest star to Sol, even though it is not visible to the naked human eye. The separation of Proxima from Alpha Centauri AB is about 0.2 Earth light years. See: Wunderland
  • Sternensystem: Alpha Centauri Raumstaat: Origin (Bündnis)
  • It has been a year since the six mighty Dofus have disappeared. Once sacred relics kept religiously apart so as to not break the equilibrium of the eleveuniverse. Adventurers from the 12 tribes of Amakna have emptied into the rich lands of Amakna constantly searching for these holy icons, but no word has come of there whereabouts. In this time Bonta and Brakmar have furiously continued their war of 'Light and Dark'. Unbeknownst to Brakmar, a sacred group of Bonta cherubs was formed on the 8th of Maysial, seven years after the 2nd Millenium. This elite group of Cherubim angels are known only in name as 'Alpha Centauri'. They have vowed to change the tide of the Holy War forever and bring the Sacred Dofus' back to the exotic lands of Amakna. You may not see us, but we are out there. We are Alpha Centauri.
  • The successor game Alpha Centauri (and expansion pack Alien Crossfire, both by Firaxis) were principally designed by Brian Reynolds although also branded with Sid Meier's name. Many players feel that Alien Crossfire was the most advanced and enjoyable game in the Civ series.
  • Alpha Centauri is a trinary star system with thirteen planets. It is located approximately 4.4 light years from Earth, making it the closest star system to the Federation. The prime counterpart of Alicia Rookwood is from a planet in Alpha Centauri that was called Terra Nova in the mirror universe.
  • The Alpha Centuari System was first surveyed in 2111 by exploration ships launched 10 years prior. Two planets were discovered, one being almost earth-like, while the other being barren. It was selected for colonization and to serve as a 'hub' system as a starting point for future colonization attempts. The system was originally going to be colonized directly by the United Colonial Nations, but following the presumed destruction of six UCN colony ships in 2116 in the "Omen" incident, the UCN opened up colonization rights to bidding by private companies in return for 10% of profits to make up for financial losses. The Helghan Corporation won the bidding easily due to it securing a generous credit from the Interplanetary Banking Guild. Some accused the corporation of bribery and rigging the vote, due to the speed of the victory and the presence of an almost-completed colonization fleet; these accusations were not proved.
  • Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to the Solar System, being only 1.34 parsecs, or 4.37 light years away from our Sun. One parsec is approximately 3.26 light years, or 19 million million miles.
  • Alpha Centauri is the nearest star system to Solar System. It has got 9 warps. There are 2 colonized planets. One of them is Nova Terra and the other is Eden. It was the battlefield of the Battle of Alpha Centauri during ISW-4.
  • Alpha Centauri (α Cen / α Centauri, also known as Rigid Thesaurus), is the brightest star system in the southern constellation of Thesaurus. Although it appears as a single point to the naked eye, it's completely invisible with your eyes closed. Also, it only appears to come out at night. Cosmologists believe this is because the stars that make up the system are afraid of being arrested by the fashion police.
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