  • Latency
  • Latency
  • Latency
  • The amount of time by which an audio signal, or a MIDI message, is delayed as an unavoidable side effect of being passed through some form of processing, such as a sequencer or a digital interface. Latency causes particular problems in multi-track recording; for example, a musician who monitors himself via an audio signal passed through a computer may have difficulty coordinating his playing or staying on the beat if the latency in the monitor signal chain is excessive. Latency can cause tracks or MIDI sequences which appear to be on the beat during recording to be out of sync when played back.
  • SDRAM latency refers to the delays incurred when a computer tries to access data in SDRAM. SDRAM latency is often measured in memory bus clock cycles. Because a modern CPU is much faster than SDRAM, the CPU has to wait for a relatively long time for a memory access to complete before it can process the data. SDRAM latency contributes to total memory latency, which causes a significant bottleneck for system performance in modern computers.
  • Latency is the time it takes for your computer to communicate with the World of Wacraft server. A latency of 50ms means that it takes 50 milliseconds to send and receive a packet from the World of Wacraft server. For playing games online such as WoW, a low latency is desired as it means less communication time between control input and events happening on the player's screen. A high latency can become a hindrance for proper gameplay. Things that could be experienced are delayed messaging, out of sync battles and difficulty of performing tasks ingame that are required to advance. The terms "Lag" and "Ping" are often used when players refer to their current latency status.
  • Latency is * "a measure of the amount of time between a request and a response." * "the time it takes for a block of data on a data track to rotate around to the read/write head."
  • When a player is experiencing latency, it complicates the hit detection of the game. Thus, a player may "hit" a player, but that "hit" will not register on the other player's client. Thus, that player will not receive the "hit". However, as lag is based on the connection between players, the same phenomena will occur to the other player; thus, it is best to fix one's connection to improve the client interaction between oneself and other players; contrary to popular belief, a faulty connection does not give a player an unfair advantage.
  • Latency is another name for the transfer delay on a data connection, e.g. between a server and a client. This is quite important because if an important event occurs (e.g the server registers someone casting a spell) the news of that event have to travel to your PC, and your reaction to that event has got to travel back. The longer that takes, the less time remains for you react. If your round-trip latency ("ping", measuring the time a data packet needs to reach the other end and come back) is 250ms, a 1/4 second activated skill will have hit you before your reply even reaches the server.
  • Latency is a characteristic exhibited by certain infectious diseases where the bacteria or virus stops replicating and hides in a part of the body that is isolated from the immune system, such as a cyst or the reproductive system, or even inside individual intact cells. During this period of time, the patient is often without symptoms of the disease. However, diseases with latency periods are often difficult to treat because the drugs to treat it cannot pass the barrier from the bloodstream to where the disease is effectively "hiding".
  • The amount of time by which an audio signal, or a MIDI message, is delayed as an unavoidable side effect of being passed through some form of processing, such as a sequencer or a digital interface. Latency causes particular problems in multi-track recording; for example, a musician who monitors himself via an audio signal passed through a computer may have difficulty coordinating his playing or staying on the beat if the latency in the monitor signal chain is excessive. Latency can cause tracks or MIDI sequences which appear to be on the beat during recording to be out of sync when played back.
  • Latency is another name for the transfer delay on a data connection, e.g. between a server and a client. This is quite important because if an important event occurs (e.g the server registers someone casting a spell) the news of that event have to travel to your PC, and your reaction to that event has got to travel back. The longer that takes, the less time remains for you react. If your round-trip latency ("ping", measuring the time a data packet needs to reach the other end and come back) is 250ms, a 1/4 second activated skill will have hit you before your reply even reaches the server. Lag is not directly caused by the "speed" of your connection measured in bits/s (called "throughput"), but it is affected by how many "hops" (intermediate stations) there are on the connection, and how "clogged" these are (i.e. how long data packets have to wait before it's their turn to be sent), and even by how much data is collected into a single data packet (if your data waits for a larger data packet to fill up before it is sent, it has to wait longer = more latency).
  • SDRAM latency refers to the delays incurred when a computer tries to access data in SDRAM. SDRAM latency is often measured in memory bus clock cycles. Because a modern CPU is much faster than SDRAM, the CPU has to wait for a relatively long time for a memory access to complete before it can process the data. SDRAM latency contributes to total memory latency, which causes a significant bottleneck for system performance in modern computers.
  • Latency is the time it takes for your computer to communicate with the World of Wacraft server. A latency of 50ms means that it takes 50 milliseconds to send and receive a packet from the World of Wacraft server. For playing games online such as WoW, a low latency is desired as it means less communication time between control input and events happening on the player's screen. A high latency can become a hindrance for proper gameplay. Things that could be experienced are delayed messaging, out of sync battles and difficulty of performing tasks ingame that are required to advance. The terms "Lag" and "Ping" are often used when players refer to their current latency status.
  • Latency is * "a measure of the amount of time between a request and a response." * "the time it takes for a block of data on a data track to rotate around to the read/write head."
  • Latency is a characteristic exhibited by certain infectious diseases where the bacteria or virus stops replicating and hides in a part of the body that is isolated from the immune system, such as a cyst or the reproductive system, or even inside individual intact cells. During this period of time, the patient is often without symptoms of the disease. However, diseases with latency periods are often difficult to treat because the drugs to treat it cannot pass the barrier from the bloodstream to where the disease is effectively "hiding". The diseases that typically exhibit periods of latency, and often very long periods, are syphilis, herpes, tuberculosis, and AIDS, among others. In Poison, House treats a women in her 80s who is suffering from neurosyphilis although she was treated for the disease when she contracted it in the 1930s before the development of antibiotic treatments for the disease. The disease had therefore been latent for over 70 years. See also incubation period, the time between exposure to a contagious infection and the time the patient exhibits symptoms.
  • When a player is experiencing latency, it complicates the hit detection of the game. Thus, a player may "hit" a player, but that "hit" will not register on the other player's client. Thus, that player will not receive the "hit". However, as lag is based on the connection between players, the same phenomena will occur to the other player; thus, it is best to fix one's connection to improve the client interaction between oneself and other players; contrary to popular belief, a faulty connection does not give a player an unfair advantage. In extreme cases of latency, the client will simply reject a connection, resulting in an Agent Error.