  • Marta
  • Marta
  • Marta
  • Marta
  • Marta
  • Marta
  • MARTa
  • Marta
  • Marta is a name of one of the three female Wikipedia:cowsCows that appear in Conker's Bad Fur Day and its remake, Conker: Live and Reloaded exclusively in the Windy chapter.
  • Marta är en kvinnlig Athosianer född och uppvuxen på planeten Athos. Efter Wraith attackerade henne hemvärld, flydde hon med de flesta av de överlevande till Atlantis. Någon gång efter bevittnade hon en skugga av något slag och informerat Teyla Emmagan. Hon tog henne att se Doktor Elizabeth Weir och berättade för henne om händelsen. Även skeptisk i början, var Marta påståenden sanna, efter Jinto släppt en skugga varelse som kördes lös i Atlantis. (ATL: "Hide and Seek") kategori:Athosianer kategori:En-gång Atlantis karaktär
  • Marta is a hunter and restaurant owner that appeared in Supernatural: Fresh Meat.
  • When Lydia was arrested for the murder of Charles, Marta’s prints were discovered on the bottle of cat poison, naturally. She never denied that, saying that she sold Lydia the bottle. When Philip declared that if the murderer was not found in a certain amount of time that Diana and Lydia would both be convicted of the murder, Marta visited Lydia and Diana saying that she was sorry and if there was anything else she could do, she would do it. This led to the two working up a scheme to scapegoat Marta by creating a holo-vid that showed Marta in love with Charles and saying that if she couldn’t have him, no one could. Marta was convicted of Charles' murder, and - as per the traditional Visitor legal code - she was forced to lie awake next to Charles' corpse as they shipped out into space.
  • Marta is a mob boss in the region near the Caucasus Mountains, with enough level of influence to help people to cross the South Ossetian borders.
  • Marta — mugolka, która pracowała w Sierocińcu Wool's w latach 30' XX wieku. Kiedy Albus Dumbledore złożył wizytę w sierocińcu Marta zajęta była dwoma chłopcami, którzy chorowali w tym czasie na ospę: Billym Stubbsem i Erykiem Whalleyem. Przełożoną Marty była pani Cole.
  • Marta was a mob boss in a region near Caucaus.
  • Marta is a member of Hector's drug dealing posse, she was first seen in the Sun Ray Hotel, where at first she was seen watching TV. She later reveals the sub-machine gun hidden under her pillows and aims it at Tony for not being cooperative, she raised the TV's volume to not raise any suspicion. She was later killed when Manny Ribera bursts in the apartment and shoots her with a machine gun.
  • Marta is a student at Horace Green Prep School and is a member of the class that that Dewey Finn starts teaching as a substitute teacher under the name of Ned Schneebly. She is one of the three backup singers for the band. Marta is a pretty young girl, known for having long hair in twin plaits. She is played by Caitlin Hale. Marta is called blondie thoughout the movie. She has the highest voice of the three singers. She is very short.
  • Marta is a character in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Marta can be found at the Gerudo Town in the Gerudo Desert region of Hyrule. This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • La Reprúbica e Marta (en martés Repubblika ta' Malta), es un país insular densamente puel·lao compuesto por un archipiélago ampostao n'er centro e la Mediterránea, ar sur d'Italia, a l'oriente e Túnez y'ar norte e Llibia. Debío a su ampostación estratégica, ha sío goben·ná y dimputá po diversas potencias a lo largo los sieglos. Dende 1964 es independiente y'en 2004 s'antró a l'Unión Uropea.
  • Marta (マルタ, Maruta) es una Amo de ondas de pelo blanco y con lentes que aparece en los tráilers de NEW WORLD Vol.1: Ginrui no Otome. Categoría:Personaje Femenino Categoría:NEW WORLD Vol.1: Ginrui no Otome
  • Chercher "marta" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • Marta es la presunta esposa, novia o amante de Hector, nose sabe mucho acerca de ella ya que solo aparece en una escena. Es interpretada por Barbra Perez.
  • Ehde 1993, Marta ze suhdibíe en 68 lokaliaeh u konzehoh lokaleh (Kunsilli Lokali en martéh), ke zon por otra parte la entiá ahministratiba máh xika, pues no ai ninguna entidad intermediaria entre lah lokaliáeh y er gobiehno nazioná.
  • Marta était une Esclave Orionne au 23ème siècle.
  • Marta es un personaje de la saga GTA, que aparece como secundario en Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned. Marta es una "Mula de Drogas", proveniente de Puerto Rico, transportando cocaína en el tracto digestivo. Ella conoce a Elizabeta Torres desde Puerto Rico en una "Hot Night", donde confeso que tuvo sexo con ella, lo que podría afrimar que Elizabeta Torres es bisexual.
  • Marta is a cook at a pigeon stand in New York City. James and Janissary James are frequent customers.
  • House had to do rounds to re-qualify for his medical license and decided to be disruptive so that Cuddy would find some way of getting around the requirement. He pressed the test button on a vital signs monitor and Marta though the patient needed a tracheotomy until Singh pointed out what House was doing. Later, she saw House and Cuddy arguing and said to another student how obvious it was they hated each other. However, her colleague Nona saw through it and realized they were hot for each other and were engaging in "foreplay".
  • Marta invariable Catégorie:Prononciation manquante 1. * prénom féminin
  • Marta was a Swedish-born jogger and also a terrorist working for Ari Haswari. She was a member of Ari's first terrorist cell in the Washington D.C. countryside.
  • Marta is a minor character on NBC series Frasier. She is portrayed by Irene Olga López.
  • Das MARTa Herford in Herford ist ein Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst und Design. Mit einem ambitionierten Projekt macht die Stadt Herford in Ostwestfalen-Lippe auf sich aufmerksam. Am 7. Mai 2005 wurde MARTa Herford eröffnet. Im Dreiklang zwischen Design (M für Möbel), Kunst (ART) und Architektur beziehungsweise Ambiente (a) sorgt das Projekt MARTa Herford für neue Impulse in Kunst, Design, Architektur und Wirtschaft – und das nicht allein regional, sondern über die Grenzen hinaus. In dem außergewöhnlichen Gebäudekomplex des Architekten Frank Gehry entstand eine neuartige Verbindung aus Museum, Kompetenzzentrum und Veranstaltungsforum. Hier präsentiert der Ausstellungsmacher und Museumsdirektor Jan Hoet zeitgenössische Positionen in Kunst und Design. MARTa Herford tritt an, die widersprüc
  • Marta is a Puerto Rican drug mule and friend of Elizabeta Torres who appears as a minor character in The Lost and Damned. In the mission Marta Full of Grace, Elizabeta sends Johnny Klebitz to pick up Marta from Francis International Airport in Dukes, as she is arriving with a large amount of cocaine hidden in her digestive tract. Unfortunately, a FIB agent discovers what Marta is carrying and attempts to detain her, apparently to force her to give him blowjobs. After a shootout with the police, Johnny rescues Marta and takes her to Elizabeta's apartment.
  • Beginning her career as an Orion slave on an Orion colony world, Marta seduced, schemed, and quietly murdered a path to the top. She came to the largest casino on planet Rigel II, where she became the star attraction, and later, the manager. She found fame performing in Shakespearean drama, where her beauty and inventive costuming made her plays popular holotapes across the quadrant. On Rigel II, Marta continued her efforts to increase her power and expand her network. She seduced, spied for, and sometimes betrayed, officers of Starfleet, the Andorian Defense Force and the Klingon Empire.
  • Dopo che James T. Kirk venne catturato da Garth, quest'ultimo fece in modo di lasciarlo solo con Marta in una stanza nel tentativo di sedurlo. Non riuscendovi, tentò di pugnalarlo, ma Kirk ebbe la meglio sull'orioniana, rendendola inoffensiva con l'aiuto di Spock. Marta morì sulla superficie tossica del pianeta quando Garth la utilizzò come esempio di quel che sarebbe successo agli ostaggi se non gli fosse stato concesso di lasciare la colonia. Egli mostrò la propria pietà disintegrandola in atomi in una dimostrazione di un nuovo tipo di esplosivo, anziché lasciare che soffocasse nei miasmi del pianeta fino alla morte. (TOS: "Il sogno di un folle")
  • Por lo que se, entro a la secundaria como una chica bella, bastante inteligente, no le faltaban amigos A Marta ya solo le faltaban 5 meses para salir de la preparatoria, y entraría a la universidad, muchos la veían como una muchacha exitosa, que tenia todo lo que quería, pues además de todas sus virtudes, era súper popular, era novia del chico que mas amaba, y... ¿qué mas puedo decir? Era como cualquier chica moderna quería ser. Comencé a investigar minuciosamente, y después de recopilar información he creado la historia mas completa de lo que le sucedió a Marta.... -Marta ven para acá.
  • After James T. Kirk was captured by Garth, he placed him and Marta alone in a room where she tried to seduce him. She was unsuccessful and tried to stab Kirk, who managed to fight her off. Marta died on the planet's toxic surface when Garth used her as an example of what would happen to the hostages if he was not allowed to leave the colony. He showed her mercy by blowing her up while demonstrating a new explosive, instead of letting her choke to death. (TOS: "Whom Gods Destroy" )
  • Marta is a rose seller in Skara Brae in Ultima VI. Marta was a friendly, plump older woman who was married to Gideon, the innkeeper of the 'Haunting Inn'. An avid gardener, she was proud of the beautiful roses she grew in her garden. Despite her complaints about her husband, the two seemed to be still in love after many years. Gideon told the Avatar a tale about how he first met his wife at the Shrine of Spirituality, and the two of them immediately fell in love. After Quenton's wife Elisabeth was murdered, Marta and her husband agreed to look after Quenton and Marney. She spoke highly of Marney, and believed her to be a wonderful young woman.
  • [[Datei:Marta_2269.jpg|thumb|Marta, eine Orionerin (2269)]] thumb|Marta und Garth von Izar Marta ist eine Strafgefangene der Strafkolonie der Föderation für geisteskranke Kriminelle auf Elba II. Sie gehört zur Spezies der Orioner. Ihre psychisch instabile Persönlichkeit macht sie in Kombination mit ihrer orionischen Physiologie zu einer äußerst gefährlichen Person. Marta ist Mitglied einer durch den ehemaligen Sternenflottencaptain Garth von Izar angeführten Gruppe von Gefangenen, welche die Kontrolle über die Strafkolonie übernommen hat und diese verlassen will. Garth bezeichnet Marta zudem als seine Partnerin.
  • Marta is an active Swedish girl that is very close in age to Kirsten with thick blond hair she keeps in a braid. It is unclear if Marta and Kirsten knew each other before the trip to America but they made fast friends on the Eagle, playing together and sharing food and ideas about life in America. Marta is an only child. She dreams of picking apples in America, thinking that they can be found anywhere. She is also very upset at the idea of being separated from Kirsten after their time together, and is over joyed to find her again in Chicago.
  • Marta ist ein Nebencharakter aus Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned, die in der Mission Marta full of Grace mit dem Flugzeug nach Liberty City kommt und von Johnny am Flughafen abgeholt wird. Sie ist eine junge Drogenschmugglerin, die mit Elizabeta Torres befreundet ist. In der Mission Shifting Weight taucht sie in der Einleitungssequenz ein zweites Mal im Spiel auf.
  • Die Asiatische Elefantenkuh Marta (auch Martha) ist der einzige Elefant im Zoo der Stadt Palić im äußersten Norden Serbiens in der Vojvodina nahe Subotica und der Grenze nach Ungarn. Marta wurde laut EEP-Zuchtbuch für Asiatische Elefanten im Jahr 1975 in Burma (Myanmar) geboren. Sie kam im Jahr 1980 in den Zoo Palić, wo sie seitdem lebt. Marta ist insgesamt der einzige Elefant, der bisher in diesem Zoo gelebt hat. Ihr dortiger Lebensraum besteht aus einem Elefantenhaus und einer kleineren Anlage von 700 m², die von einem Wassergraben umgeben ist. Von dort aus lässt sie sich auch füttern, vor allem gerne Gurken und Wassermelonen.
  • MARTA or as it's nicknamed in Deliverence country, Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta [1], is the metropolitan Atlanta-area bus and subway system. It connects places like the airport (the one with all the layovers), the CNN Center, and a bunch of malls all together. It has been featured in Matlock and some Kim Bassenger movie as well. Other than that, it might acually take people places, it's hard to tell since most people drive everywhere. Since it's begining of operations in the 70's, it has been constently overrun with Mountain LionsEpisode #485
  • Athosians, Atlantis expedition
Portrayed By
dirigentes títulos
población puesto
  • 165
dirigentes nombres
superficie puesto
  • 211
  • Orionne
idioma oficial
  • Martéh y Inglé¹
  • K
Nombre común
  • Marta
  • Bandera_e_Marta.png
TV Series
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • *The Hub
  • Euro, ehde el 1 d'Enero de 2008. Anteh, Lira Marteza .
ciudad principal
  • Birkirkara 25.000 Hab
Erster Auftritt
  • große Brille, starker Akzent
  • Desconocida
  • In charge of the hops.
Actor de Doblaje
  • 2268
  • Opieka nad sierotami
  • Marta's dance
  • Marta's execution
  • Stimme:
  • Humano
  • *Athosianer *Atlantis Expeditionen
  • 400214
comentario imagen
  • Marta
Letzter Auftritt
  • Kvinna
  • No
  • Prawdopodobnie XX wiek lub jeszcze XIX
  • CET
fundación fechas
  • 21
  • Der Reino Unio
PIB per Cápita
  • 20015.0
  • Honey Rockwell
  • "Hide and Seek"
  • Marta
  • The Lost and Damned
  • Blue
  • ¹ Z'abla tambié italiano.
  • Marté, -za
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • unknown
  • Deceased- died after being shot in the head by Ari Haswari.
Imagen bandera
  • Flag of Malta.png
First Appearance
  • .mt
  • de
  • d'
  • Marta
  • Marta
  • Féminin
  • File:Marta.GIF
  • Marta in the Season 1 finale episode, "Reveille".
Nombre en The World
  • Marta
Género en The World
  • Femenino
Actor de voz Japonés
Character Type
  • Non-Playable Character
  • 250
escudo grandaria
  • 102
himno nacional
  • Martés, -a
  • L'ingalés y'er martés.
  • 400214
miembro de
  • 316
Nombre Oficial
  • ''Repubblika ta' Malta
  • Republic of Malta''
  • Repúblika'e Marta
IDH año
  • 2007
Prefijo Radiofónico
  • 9
Character Name
  • Marta
  • No
  • The Boss
  • マルタ,
  • Maruta
  • Free to Play Content Additions & NovtumberFest
  • Yes
  • Marta
  • show
  • Civilian
Real Name
  • Marta
  • Tan white
  • Marta
  • Breath of the Wild
  • 1917
  • 2268
  • --05-25
capital población
  • 6.315000
  • Marta
  • Marta.jpg
  • Elizabeta TorresJohnny Klebitz
  • 316
  • Visitor pharmicist
  • Marta
  • Hunter
  • Restaurant Owner
  • Medical student
  • Inmate at the Elba II asylum
  • Maid for Niles Crane and Maris Crane
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Marta in The Lost and Damned
Home Planet
  • 2017-10-09
Imagen escudo
  • Ehkuo'e Marta.png
  • US$ 8.103 miyoneh
  • 0.878000
  • Escudo_e_Marta.png
  • 250
  • Puerto Rican
  • Lumbridge Crater
  • Skara Brae
wikipage disambiguates
IDH categoría
  • Arto
superficie agua
  • Dihpreziable
  • 253.0
  • 0.0
población densidad
  • 1262
IDH puesto
  • 34
PIB año
  • 2006
PIB puesto
  • 144
código ISO
  • 470
horario verano
  • CEST
capital coor
  • 35
imagen mapa
  • Lokalizazión'e Marta.png
código telefónico
  • 356
fundación hitos
  • • Fexa
Galería de Imágenes
  • yes
  • Marta is a name of one of the three female Wikipedia:cowsCows that appear in Conker's Bad Fur Day and its remake, Conker: Live and Reloaded exclusively in the Windy chapter.
  • Marta är en kvinnlig Athosianer född och uppvuxen på planeten Athos. Efter Wraith attackerade henne hemvärld, flydde hon med de flesta av de överlevande till Atlantis. Någon gång efter bevittnade hon en skugga av något slag och informerat Teyla Emmagan. Hon tog henne att se Doktor Elizabeth Weir och berättade för henne om händelsen. Även skeptisk i början, var Marta påståenden sanna, efter Jinto släppt en skugga varelse som kördes lös i Atlantis. (ATL: "Hide and Seek") kategori:Athosianer kategori:En-gång Atlantis karaktär
  • Marta is a rose seller in Skara Brae in Ultima VI. Marta was a friendly, plump older woman who was married to Gideon, the innkeeper of the 'Haunting Inn'. An avid gardener, she was proud of the beautiful roses she grew in her garden. Despite her complaints about her husband, the two seemed to be still in love after many years. Gideon told the Avatar a tale about how he first met his wife at the Shrine of Spirituality, and the two of them immediately fell in love. After Quenton's wife Elisabeth was murdered, Marta and her husband agreed to look after Quenton and Marney. She spoke highly of Marney, and believed her to be a wonderful young woman. Marta had recently been spooked by the appearance Quenton's ghostly form hovering about at night, and had been too afraid to leave her room.
  • Por lo que se, entro a la secundaria como una chica bella, bastante inteligente, no le faltaban amigos A Marta ya solo le faltaban 5 meses para salir de la preparatoria, y entraría a la universidad, muchos la veían como una muchacha exitosa, que tenia todo lo que quería, pues además de todas sus virtudes, era súper popular, era novia del chico que mas amaba, y... ¿qué mas puedo decir? Era como cualquier chica moderna quería ser. En realidad yo nunca lo conocí bien, no fui su amigo, no era alguien que me pareciera importante, puesto que solo la había visto unas cuantas veces, y ya saben como somos los humanos, que solo le prestamos atención a nuestras vidas y a los que nos rodea sin importarnos que hay fuera hay un mundo, muchos ni siquiera se detienen a pensar en por qué hay algo en vez de nada, por qué estamos viviendo... el caso es que no se puede decir que Marta era mi mejor amiga, pero si la conocí, y me pude percatar de los cambios de su vida. Una vieja amiga era vecina de Marta ellas solían vivir en la misma urbanización, un día mientras estábamos reunidos con otro grupo de amigos, les contaba una de mis historias a mis compañeros, entonces acabada mi historia mi amiga no pudo aguantar el deseo de hablarme sobre Marta, solo pudo darme un breve resumen sobre algunas historias que había escuchado, pero eso fue suficiente para despertarme la curiosidad... Comencé a investigar minuciosamente, y después de recopilar información he creado la historia mas completa de lo que le sucedió a Marta.... Aquella mañana Marta salió de su casa como cualquier otro día, se dirigió al colegio, ese día tenia dos horas libres entre clases después de la clase de física, así que paso por los pasillo y una miga la llamo. -Marta ven para acá. -Si, ¿que quieres? - respondió Marta. -Luis nos esta invitando a jugar en salón #3. -¿Pero a jugar que? -Ven te gustará . Cuando Marta entró al salón de clases vio un tablero sobre el piso con un grupo de letras. -¿Qué es eso? –preguntó Marta -¿Acaso nunca has jugado a la “ouija”? –refutó Luis -A decir verdad no Empezaron a jugar y después de un rato salieron del salón bastante asustados, cabe decir que Marta salió llorando del Aula de clases. Después de eso Marta comenzó a decir que el espíritu la atormentaba, fue ante varios curas para que la ayudaran pero no le creyeron... Una semana después, comenzó a empeorar la situación, su hermano y su padre tuvieron un accidente y murieron, días mas tarde a su mama se le descubrió cáncer, y por ultimo su novio la dejo, este último golpe fue fatal... Marta estaba convencida de que el espíritu estaba destruyendo su vida, Marta enloqueció y se suicidó, el funeral fue hace 2 semanas, era algo extraño pues vi como Maria, Luis, Joel y Esteban, los jóvenes con los que Marta jugo a la ouija aquel día se acercaban al sepulcro de la joven a pedir perdón... Creo que ellos esperan, que ni que Marta ni su Amigo vuelvan por ellos...
  • MARTA or as it's nicknamed in Deliverence country, Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta [1], is the metropolitan Atlanta-area bus and subway system. It connects places like the airport (the one with all the layovers), the CNN Center, and a bunch of malls all together. It has been featured in Matlock and some Kim Bassenger movie as well. Other than that, it might acually take people places, it's hard to tell since most people drive everywhere. Since it's begining of operations in the 70's, it has been constently overrun with Mountain LionsEpisode #485 as one can imagine. This was one of the major reasons Georgia passed the law to allow brave Americans to carry hand guns onto public transportation. To balance out the excessive number of mountain lions, MARTA officials have decided to reduce the number of open and operating public restrooms[2]. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
  • Marta is a hunter and restaurant owner that appeared in Supernatural: Fresh Meat.
  • When Lydia was arrested for the murder of Charles, Marta’s prints were discovered on the bottle of cat poison, naturally. She never denied that, saying that she sold Lydia the bottle. When Philip declared that if the murderer was not found in a certain amount of time that Diana and Lydia would both be convicted of the murder, Marta visited Lydia and Diana saying that she was sorry and if there was anything else she could do, she would do it. This led to the two working up a scheme to scapegoat Marta by creating a holo-vid that showed Marta in love with Charles and saying that if she couldn’t have him, no one could. Marta was convicted of Charles' murder, and - as per the traditional Visitor legal code - she was forced to lie awake next to Charles' corpse as they shipped out into space.
  • Marta is a mob boss in the region near the Caucasus Mountains, with enough level of influence to help people to cross the South Ossetian borders.
  • Marta — mugolka, która pracowała w Sierocińcu Wool's w latach 30' XX wieku. Kiedy Albus Dumbledore złożył wizytę w sierocińcu Marta zajęta była dwoma chłopcami, którzy chorowali w tym czasie na ospę: Billym Stubbsem i Erykiem Whalleyem. Przełożoną Marty była pani Cole.
  • Marta was a mob boss in a region near Caucaus.
  • Marta is a member of Hector's drug dealing posse, she was first seen in the Sun Ray Hotel, where at first she was seen watching TV. She later reveals the sub-machine gun hidden under her pillows and aims it at Tony for not being cooperative, she raised the TV's volume to not raise any suspicion. She was later killed when Manny Ribera bursts in the apartment and shoots her with a machine gun.
  • Marta is a student at Horace Green Prep School and is a member of the class that that Dewey Finn starts teaching as a substitute teacher under the name of Ned Schneebly. She is one of the three backup singers for the band. Marta is a pretty young girl, known for having long hair in twin plaits. She is played by Caitlin Hale. Marta is called blondie thoughout the movie. She has the highest voice of the three singers. She is very short.
  • Marta is a character in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Marta can be found at the Gerudo Town in the Gerudo Desert region of Hyrule. This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Die Asiatische Elefantenkuh Marta (auch Martha) ist der einzige Elefant im Zoo der Stadt Palić im äußersten Norden Serbiens in der Vojvodina nahe Subotica und der Grenze nach Ungarn. Marta wurde laut EEP-Zuchtbuch für Asiatische Elefanten im Jahr 1975 in Burma (Myanmar) geboren. Sie kam im Jahr 1980 in den Zoo Palić, wo sie seitdem lebt. Marta ist insgesamt der einzige Elefant, der bisher in diesem Zoo gelebt hat. Ihr dortiger Lebensraum besteht aus einem Elefantenhaus und einer kleineren Anlage von 700 m², die von einem Wassergraben umgeben ist. Von dort aus lässt sie sich auch füttern, vor allem gerne Gurken und Wassermelonen. Marta hat ein Gewicht von etwa drei Tonnen.
  • La Reprúbica e Marta (en martés Repubblika ta' Malta), es un país insular densamente puel·lao compuesto por un archipiélago ampostao n'er centro e la Mediterránea, ar sur d'Italia, a l'oriente e Túnez y'ar norte e Llibia. Debío a su ampostación estratégica, ha sío goben·ná y dimputá po diversas potencias a lo largo los sieglos. Dende 1964 es independiente y'en 2004 s'antró a l'Unión Uropea.
  • Dopo che James T. Kirk venne catturato da Garth, quest'ultimo fece in modo di lasciarlo solo con Marta in una stanza nel tentativo di sedurlo. Non riuscendovi, tentò di pugnalarlo, ma Kirk ebbe la meglio sull'orioniana, rendendola inoffensiva con l'aiuto di Spock. Marta morì sulla superficie tossica del pianeta quando Garth la utilizzò come esempio di quel che sarebbe successo agli ostaggi se non gli fosse stato concesso di lasciare la colonia. Egli mostrò la propria pietà disintegrandola in atomi in una dimostrazione di un nuovo tipo di esplosivo, anziché lasciare che soffocasse nei miasmi del pianeta fino alla morte. (TOS: "Il sogno di un folle") Marta è stata interpretata dall'attrice Yvonne Craig.
  • Marta (マルタ, Maruta) es una Amo de ondas de pelo blanco y con lentes que aparece en los tráilers de NEW WORLD Vol.1: Ginrui no Otome. Categoría:Personaje Femenino Categoría:NEW WORLD Vol.1: Ginrui no Otome
  • Chercher "marta" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • Marta es la presunta esposa, novia o amante de Hector, nose sabe mucho acerca de ella ya que solo aparece en una escena. Es interpretada por Barbra Perez.
  • Marta ist ein Nebencharakter aus Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned, die in der Mission Marta full of Grace mit dem Flugzeug nach Liberty City kommt und von Johnny am Flughafen abgeholt wird. Sie ist eine junge Drogenschmugglerin, die mit Elizabeta Torres befreundet ist. In der Mission Shifting Weight taucht sie in der Einleitungssequenz ein zweites Mal im Spiel auf. Sie und Elizabeta sind vermutlich nicht nur befreundet, sondern haben eine Liebesbeziehung. Zum einen ist Liz in Marta full of Grace sehr darauf bedacht, dass ihre Wohnung bei Martas Ankunft aufgeräumt und sauber ist, wie man es normalerweise vor einem Date macht, und zum anderen ist sie in Shifting Weight sehr eifersüchtig, als Johnny nur eine kleine Anspielung macht und gerne mit Marta zusammen kochen oder essen würde, als sie ihn dazu einlädt. Sie spricht kaum Englisch, und wenn, dann mit starkem spanischen Akzent.
  • Marta is an active Swedish girl that is very close in age to Kirsten with thick blond hair she keeps in a braid. It is unclear if Marta and Kirsten knew each other before the trip to America but they made fast friends on the Eagle, playing together and sharing food and ideas about life in America. Marta is an only child. She dreams of picking apples in America, thinking that they can be found anywhere. She is also very upset at the idea of being separated from Kirsten after their time together, and is over joyed to find her again in Chicago. Marta does not get very much characterization as she dies of cholera before her family makes it to Minnesota. It is never said what her parents do after her death.
  • Ehde 1993, Marta ze suhdibíe en 68 lokaliaeh u konzehoh lokaleh (Kunsilli Lokali en martéh), ke zon por otra parte la entiá ahministratiba máh xika, pues no ai ninguna entidad intermediaria entre lah lokaliáeh y er gobiehno nazioná.
  • Marta était une Esclave Orionne au 23ème siècle.
  • Das MARTa Herford in Herford ist ein Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst und Design. Mit einem ambitionierten Projekt macht die Stadt Herford in Ostwestfalen-Lippe auf sich aufmerksam. Am 7. Mai 2005 wurde MARTa Herford eröffnet. Im Dreiklang zwischen Design (M für Möbel), Kunst (ART) und Architektur beziehungsweise Ambiente (a) sorgt das Projekt MARTa Herford für neue Impulse in Kunst, Design, Architektur und Wirtschaft – und das nicht allein regional, sondern über die Grenzen hinaus. In dem außergewöhnlichen Gebäudekomplex des Architekten Frank Gehry entstand eine neuartige Verbindung aus Museum, Kompetenzzentrum und Veranstaltungsforum. Hier präsentiert der Ausstellungsmacher und Museumsdirektor Jan Hoet zeitgenössische Positionen in Kunst und Design. MARTa Herford tritt an, die widersprüchlichen Beziehungen zwischen Kunst und Wirtschaft zu benennen und neu zu bestimmen.
  • Marta es un personaje de la saga GTA, que aparece como secundario en Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned. Marta es una "Mula de Drogas", proveniente de Puerto Rico, transportando cocaína en el tracto digestivo. Ella conoce a Elizabeta Torres desde Puerto Rico en una "Hot Night", donde confeso que tuvo sexo con ella, lo que podría afrimar que Elizabeta Torres es bisexual.
  • Marta is a cook at a pigeon stand in New York City. James and Janissary James are frequent customers.
  • Beginning her career as an Orion slave on an Orion colony world, Marta seduced, schemed, and quietly murdered a path to the top. She came to the largest casino on planet Rigel II, where she became the star attraction, and later, the manager. She found fame performing in Shakespearean drama, where her beauty and inventive costuming made her plays popular holotapes across the quadrant. On Rigel II, Marta continued her efforts to increase her power and expand her network. She seduced, spied for, and sometimes betrayed, officers of Starfleet, the Andorian Defense Force and the Klingon Empire. When the ruler of Palmyra II gambled away his fortune at her casino, she married him and seized the planet for herself. To dismantle the world's corrupt bureaucracy, Marta famously invited the worst offenders to a private dinner and performance of Macbeth and poisoned the wine. (Decipher RPG module: Narrator's Guide) Marta later became the lover of the Romulan centurion Vonath, and the pair launched an attempted conquest of Canopus IV. But Marta was captured by Starfleet and she was sentenced to life imprisonment on the penal colony of Elba II in 2266. Vonath and the Orion Syndicate were both considered as potential architects of a hypothetical plot to free her. (Decipher RPG modules: Narrator's Guide, Worlds) By 2268, she was apparently diagnosed as suffering "paranoia with delusions of reference" (though this might have been made up by Garth of Izar). She claimed to be the most beautiful woman on the world (albeit the only one), a poet, a painter, and a dancer. However, her poetry was plagiarized from Shakespeare and other writers. Following Garth's escape, she fell in with his band of escaped patients as they seized control of the colony. She initially tried to warn James T. Kirk, possibly as part of their initial ruse. At Garth's banquet, she sang her false poetry and danced. Though she fawned over Garth, she flirted with Kirk and pleaded for his life, which angered Garth and caused him to threaten her; she feared for her own life. Marta later treated Kirk, and claimed to have released Spock from imprisonment, or thought she did, by telling a lie to a guard who desired her. However, she was unwilling to go against her leader, Garth. She decided she loved Kirk, so much so that she could not bear to lose him, so she attempted to kill him to save him from Garth. Kirk fought her off, and Spock (or rather, Garth) knocked her out with a Vulcan nerve pinch. In Garth's coronation ceremony, he named his "beloved" Marta his consort—then had her dragged out into the poisonous atmosphere of Elba II. Shortly before she could die from the poison, he blew her up instead as a demonstration to Kirk. (TOS episode & Star Trek 5 novelization: Whom Gods Destroy) The novelization of Whom Gods Destroy doesn't say that Marta is Orion, and instead has Kirk wonder if Marta is of distant Vulcan or Romulan descent.
  • [[Datei:Marta_2269.jpg|thumb|Marta, eine Orionerin (2269)]] thumb|Marta und Garth von Izar Marta ist eine Strafgefangene der Strafkolonie der Föderation für geisteskranke Kriminelle auf Elba II. Sie gehört zur Spezies der Orioner. Ihre psychisch instabile Persönlichkeit macht sie in Kombination mit ihrer orionischen Physiologie zu einer äußerst gefährlichen Person. Marta ist Mitglied einer durch den ehemaligen Sternenflottencaptain Garth von Izar angeführten Gruppe von Gefangenen, welche die Kontrolle über die Strafkolonie übernommen hat und diese verlassen will. Garth bezeichnet Marta zudem als seine Partnerin. Sie selbst gibt an sehr intelligent zu sein, Gedichte zu schreiben, fantastische Bilder zu malen und wundervoll zu tanzen. Ihre Aussagen sind jedoch, wie aufgrund ihres manipulatorisch-seduktiven Charakters auch zu erwarten war, nicht völlig glaubhaft. So zitiert sie, wenn auch nicht ganz korrekt, aus zwei bekannten Gedichten (William Shakespeare – Sonnet #18 / A.E. Housman – Last Poems XIX) und gibt diese als selbstgeschrieben aus. Auf Befehl von Garth beweist sie jedoch, dass sie in der für Orionerinnen typisch verführerischen Art zu tanzen vermag. Das Ausmaß ihrer offensichtlichen Geisteskrankheit offenbart sich insbesondere im späteren Verlauf der Verführung Captain Kirks. Als dieser mittels Nervenneutralisator gefoltert wird, zeigt sie zunächst Mitleid mit ihm, gibt gegenüber Garth zu, dass sie Kirk begehrt und überredet Garth, es sie auf ihre Weise versuchen zu lassen an die gewünschten Informationen zu gelangen. Sie wird mit dem durch die Folter erschöpften Kirk allein gelassen und beginnt ihn zu verführen. Doch obwohl dieser anscheinend auf ihre Verführungskünste anspricht, versucht sie ihn überraschend zu erdolchen. Kirk gelingt es jedoch sie erfolgreich abzuwehren. Marta wird vom hinzugeeilten Garth, der in Form von Spock erscheint, in Schach gehalten. Ihren plötzlichen Sinneswandel erläutert sie mit den Worten: Er ist mein Geliebter, aber ich muss ihn töten. Auf Garths Befehl hin wird Marta später auf der Oberfläche des Planeten Elba II ausgesetzt. Er will an ihr ein Exempel statuieren und Kirk klar machen, was den Geiseln bevorsteht, wenn man ihm nicht erlauben würde, die Strafkolonie zu verlassen. Den toxischen Umweltbedingungen des Planeten ausgesetzt und einen qualvollen Tod vor Augen wird Marta von Garth, seiner Ansicht nach auf gnädige Weise vorzeitig von ihrem Leiden „erlöst“. Garth aktiviert per Fernschaltung eine Sprengladung in ihrer Halskette und Marta wird durch die ausgelöste Explosion getötet. (TOS: ) Marta wurde von Yvonne Craig gespielt und von Eva Kinsky synchronisiert.
  • After James T. Kirk was captured by Garth, he placed him and Marta alone in a room where she tried to seduce him. She was unsuccessful and tried to stab Kirk, who managed to fight her off. Marta died on the planet's toxic surface when Garth used her as an example of what would happen to the hostages if he was not allowed to leave the colony. He showed her mercy by blowing her up while demonstrating a new explosive, instead of letting her choke to death. (TOS: "Whom Gods Destroy" ) Marta was played by actress Yvonne Craig. After claiming to have written a poem that in reality is by Shakespeare, Marta later recites another poem she claims to have written. While this is not pointed out, it is not original either: they are from Last Poems XIX, by A. E. Housman. The exact fragment is "In the midnight of November, when the dead man's fair is nigh. And the danger in the valley, and the anger in the sky.". In Jerry Sohl's original story, the character was a Klingon female named Mara and had a minor role, but the writers and producers changed her species, and made her character be featured more prominently. The character of Mara was transferred to "Day of the Dove" . (These Are the Voyages: TOS Season Three)(citation needed • [ edit]) Her mirror universe counterpart appeared in the novel The Sorrows of Empire in which she was likewise depicted as the consort of Garth, the Grand Admiral of the Imperial Starfleet.
  • House had to do rounds to re-qualify for his medical license and decided to be disruptive so that Cuddy would find some way of getting around the requirement. He pressed the test button on a vital signs monitor and Marta though the patient needed a tracheotomy until Singh pointed out what House was doing. Later, she saw House and Cuddy arguing and said to another student how obvious it was they hated each other. However, her colleague Nona saw through it and realized they were hot for each other and were engaging in "foreplay".
  • Marta is a Puerto Rican drug mule and friend of Elizabeta Torres who appears as a minor character in The Lost and Damned. In the mission Marta Full of Grace, Elizabeta sends Johnny Klebitz to pick up Marta from Francis International Airport in Dukes, as she is arriving with a large amount of cocaine hidden in her digestive tract. Unfortunately, a FIB agent discovers what Marta is carrying and attempts to detain her, apparently to force her to give him blowjobs. After a shootout with the police, Johnny rescues Marta and takes her to Elizabeta's apartment. She is again seen in the mission Shifting Weight, cooking in Elizabeta's kitchen. She offers Johnny some food, which he accepts, but doesn't get a chance to eat with Malc cutting in and stating the two need to leave.
  • Marta invariable Catégorie:Prononciation manquante 1. * prénom féminin
  • Marta was a Swedish-born jogger and also a terrorist working for Ari Haswari. She was a member of Ari's first terrorist cell in the Washington D.C. countryside.
  • Marta is a minor character on NBC series Frasier. She is portrayed by Irene Olga López.
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