  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus was a male Human lieutenant, and later commander in the Republic Special Forces who fought in the Great Galactic War.
  • Harron Tavus was a Human Republic Special Forces soldier, Havoc Squad member and commander, and Imperial defector and collaborator. He served in Republic Special Forces for his entire career with the Republic, then he and the other senior members of Havoc Squad elected to defect to the Sith Empire. In the confusion of the defection, Tavus convinced huge masses from Special Forces to defect with them, causing turmoil in the Republic military and forcing Special Forces senior official General Garza to take action against the defectors with Havoc's last loyal member.
  • [Source] Harron Tavus était un commandant de la République Galactique durant la Guerre Froide contre le Second Empire Sith. Commandant de l'Escouade du Chaos de la Division des Forces Spéciales, il se battit durant le Sac de Coruscant. En 3643 av.BY, il fut déployé avec son escouade sur la planète Ord Mantell afin de récupérer la Bombe Orbitale ZR-57, qui était tombé entre les mains du Mouvement Séparatiste Mantellien. Il trahit ensuite la République pour rejoindre l'Empire.
  • Tenente delle Forze Speciali della Repubblica, è amico del Maestro Orgus Din, con cui ha condiviso più di una battaglia. Nonostante avesse assistito al termine dell'offensiva Sith nell'Ammasso di Minos, rispetto al trattato di pace manifesta fin dall'inizio scetticismo, che diventerà poi aperta ostilità. Atteggiamento che probabilmente gli costa il nascente affetto di Satele Shan. Benché alla fine quest'ultima lo riporti dalla parte "giusta", Tavus non nutre rimorsi per le azioni contro i Sith.
  • Harron Tavus era un teniente humano en las Fuerzas Especiales de la República en la época de la Gran Guerra Galáctica. Sirvió junto a Orgus Din en el Cúmulo Minos antes de regresar a Coruscant y contemplar la invasión Sith. Junto a Orgus, luchó contra las fuerzas imperiales hasta que encontraron el Templo Jedi en ruinas.
  • Harron Tavus was a Human male lieutenant and later commander in the Republic Special Forces who fought in the Great Galactic War. He was friends with and fought alongside Jedi Orgus Din during the offensive in the Minos Cluster. Tavus was present when the Sith Empire attacked the capital world of Coruscant and again fought alongside Din to repel the invaders, though they were ultimately unsuccessful. After the Treaty of Coruscant was signed, officially ending the war, Tavus accompanied Din on a diplomatic mission to Balmorra, during which they rescued Satele Shan and SP-99 from an adrift escape pod.
  • Masculin
  • Humano
  • 1
  • -
  • Castaño
  • *República Galáctica *Fuerzas Especiales de la República **Escuadrón Havoc *Imperio Sith
  • Hombre
  • Harron Tavus
  • Sith Empire, formerly Galactic Republic
  • Blue
  • *République Galactique **Armée de la République ***Division des Forces Spéciales ****Escouade du Chaos * **
  • * ** ***Havoc Squadron (Republic Army) *
  • *Galactic Republic **Republic Military ***Republic Special Forces Division ***Havoc Squad *Sith Empire **Imperial Military
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • Brown
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • Galactic Republic
  • *Jek Kardan
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • Commanding Officer of Havoc Squad
  • Харрон Тавус
  • Харрон Тавус
  • Galactic Republic *Republic Special Forces *Havoc Squad Sith Empire
  • Sith
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • –3643 BBY
  • ハロン・テイヴァス
  • ハロン・テイヴァス
  • ハロン・テイヴァス
  • ハロン・テイヴァス
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • Harron Tavus
  • c. 3,641 BBY,
  • 3643
  • Harron Tavus was a male Human lieutenant, and later commander in the Republic Special Forces who fought in the Great Galactic War.
  • Harron Tavus was a Human male lieutenant and later commander in the Republic Special Forces who fought in the Great Galactic War. He was friends with and fought alongside Jedi Orgus Din during the offensive in the Minos Cluster. Tavus was present when the Sith Empire attacked the capital world of Coruscant and again fought alongside Din to repel the invaders, though they were ultimately unsuccessful. After the Treaty of Coruscant was signed, officially ending the war, Tavus accompanied Din on a diplomatic mission to Balmorra, during which they rescued Satele Shan and SP-99 from an adrift escape pod. As cold war skirmishes engulfed the galaxy Tavus, at that time field officer of the Havoc Squad, began to lose faith in the Galactic Republic. He was stationed on Ord Mantell during a violent civil war, fighting the Imperial backed Mantellian Separatist Movement, where he and his squad prepared and carried out their defection to the Sith Empire.
  • Harron Tavus was a Human Republic Special Forces soldier, Havoc Squad member and commander, and Imperial defector and collaborator. He served in Republic Special Forces for his entire career with the Republic, then he and the other senior members of Havoc Squad elected to defect to the Sith Empire. In the confusion of the defection, Tavus convinced huge masses from Special Forces to defect with them, causing turmoil in the Republic military and forcing Special Forces senior official General Garza to take action against the defectors with Havoc's last loyal member.
  • Harron Tavus era un teniente humano en las Fuerzas Especiales de la República en la época de la Gran Guerra Galáctica. Sirvió junto a Orgus Din en el Cúmulo Minos antes de regresar a Coruscant y contemplar la invasión Sith. Junto a Orgus, luchó contra las fuerzas imperiales hasta que encontraron el Templo Jedi en ruinas. Más tarde, Harron y Orgus viajaron a Balmorra en misión diplomática, para convencer a Fortris Gall, el antiguo aprendiz de Jedi de Orgus, de que retirase a sus tropas, como decía el Tratado de Coruscant. En el camino destruyeron la nave de unos esclavistas mandalorianos y salvaron a la joven Jedi Satele Shan y al droide SP-99 de la cápsula de escape en la que habían sobrevivido a la destrucción del Enviado. Tras unos roces iniciales, Harron y Satele amistaron, y Harron llegó a proponerle que después de la misión podrían pasar unos días juntos. Resuelto el asunto de Balmorra, se dirigieron a Dantooine con una misión similar. Harron recibió un mensaje en el que Fortris le pedía que fuesen a hablar al Enclave Jedi en ruinas. Antes de partir, Harron destruyó a SP-99, que le estaba espiando. Fortris le reveló que los atentados recientes en Coruscant respondían a un interés por rechazar el Tratado, y que no era el Imperio sino algunos Jedi los encargados. Al descubrir a la maestra Dar'nala detrás de esto Harron les acusó de traición, pero, dubitativo, se unió a ellos para luchar contra lores Sith Angral y Baras. El teniente fue capaz de vencer a Angral, pero Satele, abiertos los ojos tras convencerse de que Baras decía la verdad sobre Dar'nala, le pidió que no lo matase. Dar'nala trató de matar a Harron, pero Fortris lo impidió. Finalmente, tras la muerte de Dar'nala y la partida de los dos lores Sith, pudieron marcharse del planeta.
  • Tenente delle Forze Speciali della Repubblica, è amico del Maestro Orgus Din, con cui ha condiviso più di una battaglia. Nonostante avesse assistito al termine dell'offensiva Sith nell'Ammasso di Minos, rispetto al trattato di pace manifesta fin dall'inizio scetticismo, che diventerà poi aperta ostilità. Atteggiamento che probabilmente gli costa il nascente affetto di Satele Shan. Benché alla fine quest'ultima lo riporti dalla parte "giusta", Tavus non nutre rimorsi per le azioni contro i Sith. In seguito guadagnò un posto nella famosa Squadra Havoc della Repubblica, servendo come ufficiale comandante del team. Tavus era ampiamente rispettato per la sua dedizione ai soldati sotto il suo comando, a tal punto da fare raramente riferimento al suo grado di Capitano; invece Tavus era chiamato "comandante", grado che designava qualcuno le cui autorità e capacità superavano ampiamente quelle di ogni altro grado. Egli rappresenta in generale il modo di pensare dell'Esercito e, in misura minore, i sentimenti di un comune cittadino della Repubblica Galattica.
  • [Source] Harron Tavus était un commandant de la République Galactique durant la Guerre Froide contre le Second Empire Sith. Commandant de l'Escouade du Chaos de la Division des Forces Spéciales, il se battit durant le Sac de Coruscant. En 3643 av.BY, il fut déployé avec son escouade sur la planète Ord Mantell afin de récupérer la Bombe Orbitale ZR-57, qui était tombé entre les mains du Mouvement Séparatiste Mantellien. Il trahit ensuite la République pour rejoindre l'Empire.
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is Captains of
is Commanders of
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