  • Reshaping
  • The user of this ability can change the shape of beings and objects, including themselves. Unlike Shapeshifting, which allows one to change their shape, form, configuration and appearance, this power only affects the shape and outline of things, everything else stays the same. They can change their shape of a tree to make it bent or fat, but everything else is unaltered. It is also different from Shape Manipulation because Reshaping does not simply manipulate geometric shapes.
  • The user of this ability can change the shape of beings and objects, including themselves. Unlike Shapeshifting, which allows one to change their shape, form, configuration and appearance, this power only affects the shape and outline of things, everything else stays the same. They can change their shape of a tree to make it bent or fat, but everything else is unaltered. It is also different from Shape Manipulation because Reshaping does not simply manipulate geometric shapes.