Property | Value |
rdf:type | |
rdfs:label | - Element
- Element
- Element
- Element
- Element
- Element
- Element
- Element
- Element
- Element
- Element
- Element
rdfs:comment | - Oyunda kullanımda iki sınıfsal element var: Fiziksel ve Büyüsel. Ayrı olarak geri döndürme=Reductions "especially" Irkı gibi büyüleri. Physical=Fizikel büyüle neutral veya earth=toprak elementleri, Magical=Büyüsel efektler fire=ateş, water=su veya wind=hava elementleri.
- An element is any of the four tiles that match up with the four boots: fire, water, force floor or ice. Elements are immovable and only water can be removed from the game at any time, other than uses of advanced coding or the Non-Existence Glitch. The four boots allow normal passage through their corresponding element tile, but force floors and ice may be quicker to pass without boots. The official introduction to the four elements in harmony is Elementary. Often, the term is used to simplify explanations that use all four tiles at once.
- World of Warcraft has the following elemental types of damage and corresponding player resistance scores.
* Fire
* Frost
* Holy
* Shadow
* Nature
* Arcane Elemental damage can come from spells, mob abilities, or weapon buffs. The appropriate resistance can reduce or negate elemental damage. See Schools of Magic
- An element is a "[u]nit that is indivisible at a given level of abstraction and has a clearly defined boundary."
- The Elements are forces, as well as the building blocks of most matter in the Mortal Realm. The five types of elements are Air, Earth, Fire, Void and Water. Elemental spirits, or kami (not to be confused with the Kami who founded Rokugan) are present in nearly anything or being. These may be found in combination with other kami. For example, a stone may be composed of only the Earth element, while a cloud might have both Air and Water in its makeup.
- An element is a weapon used by both HiMEs and Otomes
- In the world of Infinitas there are 6 different elements.
* Life governed by Luck
* Death governed by The Placeholder
* Fire
* Water
* Air
* Earth These elements can be used by the mages of infinitas. But the mages can also cast spells not aligned with any of the elements, such spells belong to the arcane school.
- Unter den vier Elementen versteht man Erde, Wasser, Feuer und Luft. In Golden Sun werden die Elemente auch mit Planetennamen bzeichnet: Venus für Erde, Mars für Feuer, Jupiter für Wind und Merkur für Wasser. Wasser und Feuer sind gegensätzliche Elemente, ebenso wie Wind und Erde. Das heißt, das eine Attacke vom Element Feuer einem Charakter des Elements Wasser maximalen Schaden zufügt, was umgekehrt auch der Fall ist. Feuer und Erde sowie Wind und Wasser sind komplementäre Elemente, was bedeutet, dass sie sich ähneln und unterstützen. Durch diesen Effekt konnten sich Saturos und Menardi durch die Kraft des Venus-Leuchtfeuers erholen, nachdem sie von Isaacs Gruppe besiegt worden waren.
- Tabel damage yang masuk ke moster berdasarkan element. 100% adalah damage asli dari player.
- In der Welt von Madrigal gibt es 5 verschiedene Elemente, die man auch zum Erweitern von Waffen einsetzen kann (näheres siehe Erweitern):
- Elements are what Lore is made out of. They can be used to attack, or you can swear loyalty to elements by joining Paxian clans.
- These properties are available on all Element instances.
- Each element has a weakness and a strength. Fire → Ice → Wind → Earth → Thunder → Water → Fire Additionally Dark ← → Light are opposed elements. Image:Chart elements.jpg Or, if you like lists: Fire melts Ice Ice compacts Wind Wind erodes Earth Earth grounds Thunder Thunder shocks Water Water douses Fire Light illuminates Dark Dark eclipses Light Certain have elemental properties, as well. Ex: Red Lotus Blade > Fire See also: Weather Ninja: Elemental Wheel Calculating Magic Damage
- There are five elements in Hellgate:London: Stun, Ignite, Shock, Phase, Poison. Elements will affect both attack, as well as resistances to these attacks.
- Each element is superior or inferior to one another.~ Fire < Light < Water < Darkness < FireA superior element's attack on an inferior element: 50% additional damage. No element is always inferior to any other element and will receive 30% additional damage. Characters have no default elements. They need a fairy to get an element.
- The five main elements are considered the fundamental sources of the Glorantha:
* Darkness
* Sea or Water
* Earth
* Fire or Sky
* Storm or Air
* Lunars consider the Moon to be an element. Source: Guide to Glorantha
- Closely related to Warheads, Types and Psion.
- Content TBA
- Basics | Elements Element is a mechanic in the game. Enemy Monsters have an Element associated to them. Using Gear Weapons or Monsters that are strong against the enemies' Element will deal additional damage.
- Placeholder page for "Element"
- Es gibt fünf Elemente, jedes bezieht sich auf eine Eigenschaft. Die meisten Schaden sind elementar.
- Chercher "element" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- Elementen komen in vier vormen voor:
* vast
* vloeibaar
* gasvormig
* plasma
- Slashing attacks are generally dealt by swords, axes, claws, and anything else that cuts and tears rather than stabs or bludgeons.
- Dofus heeft tot nu toe vijf Elementen: Neutraal(Neutral), Aarde(Earth), Vuur(Fire), Water en Lucht(Air).
- Element is a Cybernations alliance, located on the Black team. The alliance was formed 1/17/2008 by a bunch of former HeroesOfGaming members. The alliance grew quickly as a large amount of former HoG's moved over to the knew alliance, and in less than 100 days of existence it passed over the 200 member, 1.5 million nation strength mark. However August 2008 turned out to be a tough month for the alliance as a war split the government. Element lost 500k nation strength and 50 members in one night do to this split. Soon after Coolgreen44 proclaimed himself Emperor in an attempt to rebuild the alliance.
- Also learned exclusively from accessories. Elemental skills offer protection or immunity to elemental damage.
- An element is the smallest division of the composition of the universe and a mid- to high-level category for manifestations of magic. The elements are the building blocks which all other matter in the universe is built upon. All of the magical phenomena surrounding that essence are considered to be of the same element.
- Element is owned by -BlackXelor-. Xyger had made Element and and leveled it to 11. Then he quit and came back and quit again. Then he came back and recruited for Element.-BlackXelor- came and said make me leader I higher level.So Xyger did and -BlackXelor- made it good lots of level 100+ and active . THE END
- Element is one of the many Tech Deck avaliable. It is the most valuable. It is lighter than most boards, so it is easy to use it. Element is named after the four elements of earth- fire, water, earth and air. Element Tech Decks are rare being a popular skateboard brand.Element is a real skating company.
- There are five elements, each linked to a characteristic. Most damage sources are elemental.
- Element is a type of material used in crafting various items.
- Zvyšují poškození a to 1 bod = 1% zvýšení od základního poškození. Napřiklad: Základní poškozeni 1-10 Neutralní útok Síla: 90+110 konečné poškození: 3-30
- Elements (エレメント Eremento?) are a type of artificial life form created by Kihara Yuiitsu, which swarmed Academy City during an abnormal December heatwave.
- An element is a substance containing only one type of atom. All Elemnets are in the Periodic table.
- An element in is any material or object that can be added to the playing field and may or may not react with other elements when they are added in a number of Dan-Ball games. The word "element" is used rather loosely, however, as most of the "elements" in the game represent compounds and not chemical elements in reality. In Powder Game, for example, water is composed of the two elements hydrogen and oxygen, and is therefore a combination of elements, or a compound, rather than an element. In respect to this context, air can go through the elements, and it is only affected by the indestructible block, therefore both are usually not considered as elements.
- W Dofusie odróżniamy 5 żywiołów (ang. Elements). Image:Neutral.png Neutralny (podpięty pod Ziemię) Każdy czar atakujący ma swój żywioł, tak samo jak i broń. Wszystkie potwory (jak i gracze) mają pewne odporności wobec żywiołów np. Crackrock ma około 20% odporności od ognia, czyli jeżeli atakujemy go za 100 pkt zaklęciem opartym na ogniu to Crackrock dostaje tylko 80% obrażeń.
- In HTML and XML, an element is an individual component of a document. Documents are composed of a tree of elements and other nodes, such as text nodes. Each element can have attributes specified. Elements can also have content, including other elements and text. Elements often represent semantics, or meaning. For example, the <title></title> element represents the title of the document. In code, elements are represented by tags. Line of inheritance: Every instance of this interface will, in practice, also implement EventTarget, so those members are also documented here.
- Feuer > Eis > Wind > Erde > Donner > Wasser > Feuer ... und so weiter und so fort. Hinzu kommen Dunkelheit<--> Licht, die gegensätzliche Elemente darstellen. Oder, wenn Du Auflistungen lieber hast: Feuer schmilzt Eis Eis schädigt Wind Wind erodier Erde Erde leitet Donner ab Donner elektrifiziert Wasser Wasser löscht Feuer Licht erhellt die Dunkelheit Dunkelheit umschliesst das Licht Einige Waffenfertigkeiten haben Element-Präferenzen. Beispiel: Rote Lotos-Klinge > Feuer Siehe auch: Wetter Ninja: Elementar-Kreis
- Wakfu has 5 different elements; Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Stasis. Excluding Stasis, these are used for determining what bonuses and resistances are applied when inflicting damage.
- I tibia finns det 4 olika element som är gjorda av guden Tibiasula:
* earth (Jord)
* Sula (vatten)
* Fire (eld)
* Air (vind)
- Element beteutet Feuer,Wind,Wasser,Stein,Erde,Eis Kategorie:Element
- Element99099, who recently got his name changed to Element,is on the Metanet Forums quite a bit. He makes fairly good maps. He is partly known for his graphics skills. He is occasionally on N IRC. Element was also known as a member of The Day Of Confession, or December_16, 2006.
- Elements are magical (or "scientific") building blocks of the universe. Elements may be formed into magical creatures known as Elementals. The scientific version of the elements is called the Scientific Elements.
- On WHILS, or Wooly Hooves the Invincible Llama Sim, there are four different elements your invincible llama can be.There are fire,water,earth and air.Each start to look different over time as they move closer to their true nature.
- An Element is one of the four basic building blocks of magic. It forms some of the schools and colors of magic. The elements include fire, earth, water and air. Perhaps aether or essence makes up a fifth element that binds all the rest together. While there are schools of magic devoted specifically to each element. There are other schools devoted to the 'black' or 'white' magic as well (it is unclear if the magics of 'Darkness', 'Chaos,' 'Life' and 'Death' are associated with the elements as well). When an element takes on a sentient physical manifestation it is known as a elemental.
- An "Element" is the main item(s) in the game. The Elements are:
- Elements are the basic particles that make up the universe. They are composed of a certain number of protons, electrons, and neutrons. Earth had documented one hundred and eleven elements when the Stargate Program began. The Alliance of Four Great Races had discovered at least 146 (one hundred and forty six), and they used these to insure communication between each other. (SG1: "The Torment of Tantalus")
- In the game of Knightmare everything is made of elements. Here are the elements that EVERYTHING is made of.
* Fire
* Water
* Air
* Earth
* Aether
- Elements are categories for . Certain individuals possess a elemental resistance or immunity to one element or another.
- Element, ist ein Bestandteil der Chemielehre und juckt keine Sau HIGH-FIVE!
- The six elements in Eternal Wings exist in three opposing pairs: Fire - Water, Light - Dark, and Wind - Chrono. In Battle, when both of the elements in a pair are used in the same turn, they will cancel out each other's elemental offense or defense (i.e. 50 Water + 100 Fire = 50 Fire). Magnus without an element are referred to as Neutral or Physical.
- Die Elemente sind die zentralen Aspekte in Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente und Die Legende von Korra. Es gibt die Elemente Wasser, Erde, Feuer und Luft. Sie teilen die Welt in Nationen, können von den Bändigern kontrolliert werden und bestimmen das alltägliche Leben und auch den Charakter der jeweiligen Menschen. Nur der Avatar ist in der Lage, alle vier Elemente zu beherrschen.
- Die 4 Elemente sind
* 20pxFeuer (Feuerwaffen)
* 20pxWasser (Wasserwaffen)
* 20pxErde (Erdwaffen)
* 20pxLuft (Luftwaffen) Ihnen gegenüber steht das Neutrale Element, was aber normalerweise nicht als solches gilt. Sie kommen sowohl beim Kartenspiel als auch beim MMO vor. Bei dem Kartenspiel hat jede Monsterkarte ein Element. Bei dem MMo hat jede Waffe und (fast) jeder Angriffszauber ein Element.
- Elements are properties present on many attacks and equipment in the Breath of Fire series. Enemies and characters can Absorb, Nullify, Resist or be Weak to these properties. These elements include:
* Flame
* Frost
* Water
* Electric
* Earth
* Wind
* Shadow
* Undead
* Holy
- There are five elements in the world of Flyff: Wind, Water, Fire, Lightning and Earth. Nearly all Masquerpets in Flyff are imbued with one of these five elements. Players can take advantage of this by attacking monsters with the element they're weak to (via magician spells or elemented weapons), or protecting themselves by imbuing their armor with an element.
- An element is an attribute that is assigned to either a creature or to a damaging ability. Whenever a damaging ability with a certain element hits a creature with a certain element, the elements can affect the damage that is dealt to the creature. Instead of having an elemental attribute, both spells and creatures can have a Non-Elemental attribute as well. If an attack has the Non-Elemental attribute, or the target has the Non-Elemental attribute, elemental modifiers do not apply to that attack's damage calculation.
- The preindustrial civilization of Barkon IV incorrectly believed that the basic elements of the universe were sky, fire, rock, and water, and these elements were found in everything in existence. (TNG: "Thine Own Self" )
- The elements or members of a set or a class are all objects which make up the collection.
- Element är de grundläggande partiklarna som bygger upp universum. De består av ett visst antal protoner elektroner och neutroner. Jorden hade dokumenterat 111 element när Stargate programmet började. Alliansen av Fyra Stora Raser hade upptäckt minst 146, och de använde dessa för att försäkra kommunikation mellan varandra. (SG1: "The Torment of Tantalus") |
- Elemental Powers are forces of nature which can be accessed by many beings. There is no official definition for an Elemental Power, but many agree that to make an ability an Element, it must fulfill two prerequisites: A being must have been seen to wield it as a natural power (except for Dark Matter, Shadow, Time and Life) and for it to be a central force of nature.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Element]] element < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Element]] element < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Element]] elementum (“‘a first principle, element, rudiment’”); origin uncertain.
- Argon Element (born as Ethan Ez on Alderaan), primarily known as Darth Element was an Admiral serving in the Imperial Navy. He was one of the few consistent Dark Jedi and force-users in the Galactic Imperium. Element fought during many of the Galactic Imperium's major military conflicts. He had very close relationships with the high command. He married Patton's daughter during the Shrike War where Thrawn was his best man and friend thereafter.
- I never have fully understood the elemental and non-elemental magical powers and corresponding defenses. I find it easy to confuse them with classifications of types of damage received from either mobs or other players. viz. damage received, respectively, from .
* I'd love for somebody to write an article that spells (sic) this out clearly. When that is done this discussion can be deleted or moved to the Discussion tab. As it is written today, this is just the viewpoint of one player whose in-game experience does not go beyond the early Rank 3 or 6X range. najevi 00:20, 12 November 2008 (UTC)
- When starting a fight in the dungeon, you will notice that arrows are either red or green. Red arrows indicate that your hero will deal 25% less damage to that specific enemy. Green arrows indicate that you will deal damage without any modification with elemental types.
- In Dark Cloud 2, Georama elements are items that will be mainly used to make things in the Georama mode. There are many of Georama elements and this page lists all of them. In-game description for every Georama element : "Georama element." Since the Carpenterion can build buildings, trees, piers, etc..., Georama materials are used. But since it can also make rivers, lamps, things that produce "life", that's why Georama elements are also required. Apart from Georama, those elements are also used in Inventions, in order to make items. They can also be used to increase weapons' stats.
- The Eclipse expansion introduced enemies immune to Elemental damage, and even Physical-type damage, in the Quicksand Maze. As the diagram below shows, Venomancers' and Mystics' Wood damage is strong against Earth-type enemies and weak against Wood type enemies. Seekers' Archers' and Clerics' Metal Damage is generally strong against Wood-type enemies and weak against metal. Earth > Water > Fire > Metal > Wood > Earth etc Game abbreviations : ER > WT > FR > MT > WD > ER
- There are six different elements in Ginormo Sword: fire, water, wind, earth, light, and dark. Three of the elements have opposing relationships with the other three: fire and water are opposites, and so are wind and earth, as well as light and dark. Every enemy in the game (except the ones in the Orc family) is aligned with a particular element, and all enemies in the same family have the same element. Some enemies also have a weakness to a specific element, usually the opposite element that they're aligned with.
- Elements, also called classes, are an attribute used throughout the Shadow Hearts game universe. All player characters, fusions, enemies and magic in the Shadow Hearts games have an elemental attribute. When an attack of a certain element (e.g, fire) hits a player character or enemy of an opposing attribute (e.g, water) the attack will deal more damage. When an attack hits a player character or enemy of the same elemental attribute the damage will be less than normal. There are seven types found in the series. Six being the most "normal" and familiar: And the seventh being a special case:
- Holly Stahl es proveniente del planeta Rangerid, un planeta del sistema estelar Seinuc, ella es descendiente del Sagrado Eleko. Holly vivio con sus padres hasta los 8 años que la mandaron a la escuela donde los alumnos tenian que vivir en la escuela hasta graduarse, ella tuvo una sola amiga durante los dos años que estuvo en la escuela, en un encuentro con unas chicas agresivas que querian lastimar a su amiga, Holly golpeo a una de las chicas provocando un choque electrico dejandola inconsciente, fue expulsada de la escuela por dicho acontecimiento. A los 12 años de edad volvio a ocurrir algo parecido, su padre quiso golpear a su madre delante de ella, pero con intencion de parar el golpe de su padre, lo apunto con su mano y un golpe electrico golpeo directamente sobre el dejandolo inconsc
- The elements are the basic materials that compose physical reality. Science names 117 elements. One, less used, magical theory recognizes three physical elements, Earth, Air, and Water; energy, including magical energy and fire, is spiritual in nature, and not counted as an element. A modification of this system adds a fifth element, spirit, known by some as Akasha. The spirit element is associated with the center, as opposed to a direction, and is often considered to be represented by the heart of the practitioner in ritual magic.
- An element is something almost all Moroi vampires specialize in. They develop powers related to the elements and can move, shape and otherwise manipulate each of them. The skills of manipulating the elements is acquired throught me and practice, while many users will find one element easiest to use compared to the others. While Moroi have a low control over all of the elements, usually they specialize in one of the five elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, or the rarest, Spirit. Spirit had been forgotten over the years and was re-discovered when the last Dragomir princess, Vasilisa Dragomir, specialized in it. "While all Moroi have a low-level ability over all four (main) elements, in their teens they begin to specialize in one element in particular. It has long been forbidden to use this ma
- right|50px|Symbol des Elements Feuer in FFXIV right|50px|Symbol des Elements Eis in FFXIV right|50px|Symbol des Elements Blitz in FFXIV right|50px|Symbol des Elements Erde in FFXIV right|50px|Symbol des Elements Wind in FFXIV right|50px|Symbol des Elements Licht in FFXIV right|50px|Symbol des Elements Dunkel in FFXIV Ein Element ist ein Attribut, das einen Angriff beeinflussen kann und tritt häufig in Rollenspielen auf. Die spezifische Eigenschaft eines Elements kann entweder einem Gegenstand, einer bestimmten Handlung oder sogar einer Figur zugesprochen werden und beeinflusst das Kampfgeschehen maßgeblich. Sowohl Charaktere als auch Gegner reagieren unterschiedlich auf Elementareigenschaften und können gegen diese eine Schwäche zeigen, resistent oder immun sein, oder sie sogar absorbieren
- Elements are a gameplay concept from Chrono Cross that replace Techs and Items from Chrono Trigger. Everything and everyone in existence has an Element color. This color determines the nature of the person or object. Every character has an Element color associated with them, and this determines how and what Elements that character may use. While any character can use any Element of any color, characters who cast Elements that match their Innate color have damage multipliers. A character is resistant to attacks of their own color, but weak to attacks of the opposite color. Characters are also influenced by the Field Effect. Specific Elements, called Tech Skills, are exclusive to individual characters and always match their Innate color, with the exclusion of Pip, who evolves into different
- The Elements or Prime (精霊, Seirei, lit. "spirits") are a recurring type of demons in the series. They are named as such due to their being representations of the four elements: earth, fire, wind and water. Several titles divide them between high-level and low-level elementals. Elements are usually created by fusing two demons of the same race (except for some "high-tier" races, Element or Mitama). Fusing two different Elements will give a Mitama instead, or simply be impossible to do in some early installments.
- Als Element bezeichnet man einen einzelnen Stoff... Kategorie:Merlin Ein Element gruppiert sich im Periodensystem das mehrere Elemente gleichzeitig umfasst. Es gibt insgesamt 82 stabile Elemente. Davon heisst das erste Wasserstoff. Wie der Name schon sagt muss es etwas mit dem Wasser haben. Aber was? Vielleicht klärt uns das Element Wasser mal auf, wenn wir es fragen. Jedenfalls ist bekannt, daß Wasserstoff ein brennbares Gas ist und die Nummer H besitzt. Neben den allgemein anerkannten 82 stabilen Elementen gibt es auch noch die nicht anerkannten Elemente wie etwa die Dreckate.
- thumb|Man gab dem Boten diese Büste, auf dass er sie allen zeigen möge! Das Element ist eine neuliche Meisterleistung unseres geliebten Naturphilosophen Empedokles aus Akragas bei Syrakus. Er bewies per logischer Schlussfolgerung die Existenz von Atomen und verschiedenen Elementen. Empedokles verließ selbst Sizilia noch nicht, um einer genaueren Erkundigung zur Verfügung zu stehen, jedoch ist seine neuerliche Forschung sicherlich eine Revolution für die ionische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Das Jahr ab urbe condita DCLIV wird in die Geschichte eingehen als Umwälzung für die gesamte Menschheit. Von den Säulen des Herakles bis ins tiefste India werden die Menschen beglückt sein. Womöglich lassen sich alsbald mit der Theorie der Elemente Waffen konstruieren um die Geißel der freien Welt, das
owl:sameAs | |
Command | |
Leader | |
Level | |
Era | |
Attack | |
params | - id
- tagName
- className
- tagName , namespace
- type , listener
- type , listener , useCapture
mergedwith | |
toform | |
dcterms:subject | |
foaf:homepage | |
Habilidades | - controla:
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Anime | |
DownloadLink | |
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Nombre | |
Eyes | |
Date | |
Origin | |
Power | |
Familia | |
Affiliation | |
Server | |
returns | |
Defence | |
Hair | |
Name | - Element
- Gravity Seed
- Midnight Sun
- Flagv1.png
- Arcing Leap
- Argon Element
- Assault Disk
- Chain Orbs
- Elemental Grab
- Elementcopy.jpg
- Explosion Slash High
- Explosion Slash Low
- Flame Sweep
- Grab Crossover
- Ground Explosion A
- Ground Explosion B
- Instability Grab
- Lightning Rush
- Purple Inferno
- Shun Goku Satsu
- Tornado Forward
- Tornado Returning
Personality | - Calm, but can be temperamental
Standard | |
Romaji | |
Caption | - "Element Valkyrie"
- Element's idle sprite
Color de Cabello | |
grupos y afiliaciones | |
Color de Ojos | |
functionality | |
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Members | |
Alias | |
Created | |
Properties | - Grab Crossover
- Requires 1 Power Bar
- Requires 2 Power Bars
- Requires 3 Power Bars
Height | |
Species | |
Note | |
Color | |
dbkwik:cs.brokenhearts/property/wikiPageUsesTemplate | |
Sets | - * Soul of the Duelist
* Rise of Destiny
* Flaming Eternity
* Dark Revelation Volume 3
* Structure Deck: Dragon's Roar
* Expert Edition Volume.3
Imagen | |
Homeworld | |
Life | |
Documentation | |
Mixed | |
Inactive | |
url | |
Ja Name | |
Gender | |
Género | |
Birth | |
Creator | |
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abstract | - Oyunda kullanımda iki sınıfsal element var: Fiziksel ve Büyüsel. Ayrı olarak geri döndürme=Reductions "especially" Irkı gibi büyüleri. Physical=Fizikel büyüle neutral veya earth=toprak elementleri, Magical=Büyüsel efektler fire=ateş, water=su veya wind=hava elementleri.
- An element is any of the four tiles that match up with the four boots: fire, water, force floor or ice. Elements are immovable and only water can be removed from the game at any time, other than uses of advanced coding or the Non-Existence Glitch. The four boots allow normal passage through their corresponding element tile, but force floors and ice may be quicker to pass without boots. The official introduction to the four elements in harmony is Elementary. Often, the term is used to simplify explanations that use all four tiles at once.
- World of Warcraft has the following elemental types of damage and corresponding player resistance scores.
* Fire
* Frost
* Holy
* Shadow
* Nature
* Arcane Elemental damage can come from spells, mob abilities, or weapon buffs. The appropriate resistance can reduce or negate elemental damage. See Schools of Magic
- An element is a "[u]nit that is indivisible at a given level of abstraction and has a clearly defined boundary."
- The Elements are forces, as well as the building blocks of most matter in the Mortal Realm. The five types of elements are Air, Earth, Fire, Void and Water. Elemental spirits, or kami (not to be confused with the Kami who founded Rokugan) are present in nearly anything or being. These may be found in combination with other kami. For example, a stone may be composed of only the Earth element, while a cloud might have both Air and Water in its makeup.
- An element is a weapon used by both HiMEs and Otomes
- In the world of Infinitas there are 6 different elements.
* Life governed by Luck
* Death governed by The Placeholder
* Fire
* Water
* Air
* Earth These elements can be used by the mages of infinitas. But the mages can also cast spells not aligned with any of the elements, such spells belong to the arcane school.
- Unter den vier Elementen versteht man Erde, Wasser, Feuer und Luft. In Golden Sun werden die Elemente auch mit Planetennamen bzeichnet: Venus für Erde, Mars für Feuer, Jupiter für Wind und Merkur für Wasser. Wasser und Feuer sind gegensätzliche Elemente, ebenso wie Wind und Erde. Das heißt, das eine Attacke vom Element Feuer einem Charakter des Elements Wasser maximalen Schaden zufügt, was umgekehrt auch der Fall ist. Feuer und Erde sowie Wind und Wasser sind komplementäre Elemente, was bedeutet, dass sie sich ähneln und unterstützen. Durch diesen Effekt konnten sich Saturos und Menardi durch die Kraft des Venus-Leuchtfeuers erholen, nachdem sie von Isaacs Gruppe besiegt worden waren.
- Tabel damage yang masuk ke moster berdasarkan element. 100% adalah damage asli dari player.
- Elements are a gameplay concept from Chrono Cross that replace Techs and Items from Chrono Trigger. Everything and everyone in existence has an Element color. This color determines the nature of the person or object. Every character has an Element color associated with them, and this determines how and what Elements that character may use. While any character can use any Element of any color, characters who cast Elements that match their Innate color have damage multipliers. A character is resistant to attacks of their own color, but weak to attacks of the opposite color. Characters are also influenced by the Field Effect. Specific Elements, called Tech Skills, are exclusive to individual characters and always match their Innate color, with the exclusion of Pip, who evolves into different creatures and thus changes innates, and Sprigg, whose Tech Skill Doppelgang allows her to transform into creatures with different innate elements. Elements can be special attacks, magic spells, consumable items, or summons.
- In der Welt von Madrigal gibt es 5 verschiedene Elemente, die man auch zum Erweitern von Waffen einsetzen kann (näheres siehe Erweitern):
- Holly Stahl es proveniente del planeta Rangerid, un planeta del sistema estelar Seinuc, ella es descendiente del Sagrado Eleko. Holly vivio con sus padres hasta los 8 años que la mandaron a la escuela donde los alumnos tenian que vivir en la escuela hasta graduarse, ella tuvo una sola amiga durante los dos años que estuvo en la escuela, en un encuentro con unas chicas agresivas que querian lastimar a su amiga, Holly golpeo a una de las chicas provocando un choque electrico dejandola inconsciente, fue expulsada de la escuela por dicho acontecimiento. A los 12 años de edad volvio a ocurrir algo parecido, su padre quiso golpear a su madre delante de ella, pero con intencion de parar el golpe de su padre, lo apunto con su mano y un golpe electrico golpeo directamente sobre el dejandolo inconsciente.
- Elements are what Lore is made out of. They can be used to attack, or you can swear loyalty to elements by joining Paxian clans.
- These properties are available on all Element instances.
- Each element has a weakness and a strength. Fire → Ice → Wind → Earth → Thunder → Water → Fire Additionally Dark ← → Light are opposed elements. Image:Chart elements.jpg Or, if you like lists: Fire melts Ice Ice compacts Wind Wind erodes Earth Earth grounds Thunder Thunder shocks Water Water douses Fire Light illuminates Dark Dark eclipses Light Certain have elemental properties, as well. Ex: Red Lotus Blade > Fire See also: Weather Ninja: Elemental Wheel Calculating Magic Damage
- There are five elements in Hellgate:London: Stun, Ignite, Shock, Phase, Poison. Elements will affect both attack, as well as resistances to these attacks.
- Each element is superior or inferior to one another.~ Fire < Light < Water < Darkness < FireA superior element's attack on an inferior element: 50% additional damage. No element is always inferior to any other element and will receive 30% additional damage. Characters have no default elements. They need a fairy to get an element.
- There are six different elements in Ginormo Sword: fire, water, wind, earth, light, and dark. Three of the elements have opposing relationships with the other three: fire and water are opposites, and so are wind and earth, as well as light and dark. Every enemy in the game (except the ones in the Orc family) is aligned with a particular element, and all enemies in the same family have the same element. Some enemies also have a weakness to a specific element, usually the opposite element that they're aligned with. Each of the six elements has a corresponding jewel that can be used to enchant weapons and armor with that element.
- The Elements or Prime (精霊, Seirei, lit. "spirits") are a recurring type of demons in the series. They are named as such due to their being representations of the four elements: earth, fire, wind and water. Several titles divide them between high-level and low-level elementals. Elements are usually created by fusing two demons of the same race (except for some "high-tier" races, Element or Mitama). Fusing two different Elements will give a Mitama instead, or simply be impossible to do in some early installments. Element demons generally do not stand out as combatants. They are more often used in demon fusion, wherein which the other demon fuses with it will always result in the next higher or lower level demon of the same race. This helps the player to complete the Demonic Compendium more efficiently without fiddling with the fusion chart.
- The five main elements are considered the fundamental sources of the Glorantha:
* Darkness
* Sea or Water
* Earth
* Fire or Sky
* Storm or Air
* Lunars consider the Moon to be an element. Source: Guide to Glorantha
- Closely related to Warheads, Types and Psion.
- Content TBA
- Basics | Elements Element is a mechanic in the game. Enemy Monsters have an Element associated to them. Using Gear Weapons or Monsters that are strong against the enemies' Element will deal additional damage.
- Placeholder page for "Element"
- The elements are the basic materials that compose physical reality. Science names 117 elements. One, less used, magical theory recognizes three physical elements, Earth, Air, and Water; energy, including magical energy and fire, is spiritual in nature, and not counted as an element. The most common element system was popularized by Plato, who cited the Sicilian philosopher Empedocles (ca. 450 BC) as his source, but the system probably dates back to the beginning of creative thought among humans on this planet; this system recognized four elements, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. This system interestingly enough mirrors the scientific states of matter (solid, liquid, gas and plasma). Each element is linked to one of the cardinal directions, Earth to North, Air to East, Fire to South, and Water to West. Note that some traditions give the elements associations to different directions. A modification of this system adds a fifth element, spirit, known by some as Akasha. The spirit element is associated with the center, as opposed to a direction, and is often considered to be represented by the heart of the practitioner in ritual magic. The Asian system of elements recognizes Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood, and is wholly unrelated to the western systems above. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Es gibt fünf Elemente, jedes bezieht sich auf eine Eigenschaft. Die meisten Schaden sind elementar.
- I never have fully understood the elemental and non-elemental magical powers and corresponding defenses. I find it easy to confuse them with classifications of types of damage received from either mobs or other players. viz. damage received, respectively, from .
* I'd love for somebody to write an article that spells (sic) this out clearly. When that is done this discussion can be deleted or moved to the Discussion tab. As it is written today, this is just the viewpoint of one player whose in-game experience does not go beyond the early Rank 3 or 6X range. The following is my current best understanding:
* there are two plausible theories
* until convincingly argued otherwise theory 1 (below) is assumed for magic skill descriptions at this wiki (this primarily affects the datafield typeMagic - see skill data record schema) najevi 00:20, 12 November 2008 (UTC)
- Chercher "element" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- Elementen komen in vier vormen voor:
* vast
* vloeibaar
* gasvormig
* plasma
- Slashing attacks are generally dealt by swords, axes, claws, and anything else that cuts and tears rather than stabs or bludgeons.
- Dofus heeft tot nu toe vijf Elementen: Neutraal(Neutral), Aarde(Earth), Vuur(Fire), Water en Lucht(Air).
- Element is a Cybernations alliance, located on the Black team. The alliance was formed 1/17/2008 by a bunch of former HeroesOfGaming members. The alliance grew quickly as a large amount of former HoG's moved over to the knew alliance, and in less than 100 days of existence it passed over the 200 member, 1.5 million nation strength mark. However August 2008 turned out to be a tough month for the alliance as a war split the government. Element lost 500k nation strength and 50 members in one night do to this split. Soon after Coolgreen44 proclaimed himself Emperor in an attempt to rebuild the alliance.
- An element is something almost all Moroi vampires specialize in. They develop powers related to the elements and can move, shape and otherwise manipulate each of them. The skills of manipulating the elements is acquired throught me and practice, while many users will find one element easiest to use compared to the others. While Moroi have a low control over all of the elements, usually they specialize in one of the five elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, or the rarest, Spirit. Spirit had been forgotten over the years and was re-discovered when the last Dragomir princess, Vasilisa Dragomir, specialized in it. "While all Moroi have a low-level ability over all four (main) elements, in their teens they begin to specialize in one element in particular. It has long been forbidden to use this magic in anything but a peaceful manner, although some Moroi do begin to question this stance when it comes to fighting back against Strigoi."--Vampire Academy: The Ultimate Guide. (Pgs. 272-73)
- Also learned exclusively from accessories. Elemental skills offer protection or immunity to elemental damage.
- An element is the smallest division of the composition of the universe and a mid- to high-level category for manifestations of magic. The elements are the building blocks which all other matter in the universe is built upon. All of the magical phenomena surrounding that essence are considered to be of the same element.
- Element is owned by -BlackXelor-. Xyger had made Element and and leveled it to 11. Then he quit and came back and quit again. Then he came back and recruited for Element.-BlackXelor- came and said make me leader I higher level.So Xyger did and -BlackXelor- made it good lots of level 100+ and active . THE END
- Element is one of the many Tech Deck avaliable. It is the most valuable. It is lighter than most boards, so it is easy to use it. Element is named after the four elements of earth- fire, water, earth and air. Element Tech Decks are rare being a popular skateboard brand.Element is a real skating company.
- There are five elements, each linked to a characteristic. Most damage sources are elemental.
- Element is a type of material used in crafting various items.
- Zvyšují poškození a to 1 bod = 1% zvýšení od základního poškození. Napřiklad: Základní poškozeni 1-10 Neutralní útok Síla: 90+110 konečné poškození: 3-30
- Elements (エレメント Eremento?) are a type of artificial life form created by Kihara Yuiitsu, which swarmed Academy City during an abnormal December heatwave.
- An element is a substance containing only one type of atom. All Elemnets are in the Periodic table.
- An element in is any material or object that can be added to the playing field and may or may not react with other elements when they are added in a number of Dan-Ball games. The word "element" is used rather loosely, however, as most of the "elements" in the game represent compounds and not chemical elements in reality. In Powder Game, for example, water is composed of the two elements hydrogen and oxygen, and is therefore a combination of elements, or a compound, rather than an element. In respect to this context, air can go through the elements, and it is only affected by the indestructible block, therefore both are usually not considered as elements.
- W Dofusie odróżniamy 5 żywiołów (ang. Elements). Image:Neutral.png Neutralny (podpięty pod Ziemię) Każdy czar atakujący ma swój żywioł, tak samo jak i broń. Wszystkie potwory (jak i gracze) mają pewne odporności wobec żywiołów np. Crackrock ma około 20% odporności od ognia, czyli jeżeli atakujemy go za 100 pkt zaklęciem opartym na ogniu to Crackrock dostaje tylko 80% obrażeń.
- In HTML and XML, an element is an individual component of a document. Documents are composed of a tree of elements and other nodes, such as text nodes. Each element can have attributes specified. Elements can also have content, including other elements and text. Elements often represent semantics, or meaning. For example, the <title></title> element represents the title of the document. In code, elements are represented by tags. Line of inheritance: Every instance of this interface will, in practice, also implement EventTarget, so those members are also documented here.
- Feuer > Eis > Wind > Erde > Donner > Wasser > Feuer ... und so weiter und so fort. Hinzu kommen Dunkelheit<--> Licht, die gegensätzliche Elemente darstellen. Oder, wenn Du Auflistungen lieber hast: Feuer schmilzt Eis Eis schädigt Wind Wind erodier Erde Erde leitet Donner ab Donner elektrifiziert Wasser Wasser löscht Feuer Licht erhellt die Dunkelheit Dunkelheit umschliesst das Licht Einige Waffenfertigkeiten haben Element-Präferenzen. Beispiel: Rote Lotos-Klinge > Feuer Siehe auch: Wetter Ninja: Elementar-Kreis
- Wakfu has 5 different elements; Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Stasis. Excluding Stasis, these are used for determining what bonuses and resistances are applied when inflicting damage.
- I tibia finns det 4 olika element som är gjorda av guden Tibiasula:
* earth (Jord)
* Sula (vatten)
* Fire (eld)
* Air (vind)
- Element beteutet Feuer,Wind,Wasser,Stein,Erde,Eis Kategorie:Element
- Als Element bezeichnet man einen einzelnen Stoff... Kategorie:Merlin Ein Element gruppiert sich im Periodensystem das mehrere Elemente gleichzeitig umfasst. Es gibt insgesamt 82 stabile Elemente. Davon heisst das erste Wasserstoff. Wie der Name schon sagt muss es etwas mit dem Wasser haben. Aber was? Vielleicht klärt uns das Element Wasser mal auf, wenn wir es fragen. Jedenfalls ist bekannt, daß Wasserstoff ein brennbares Gas ist und die Nummer H besitzt. Neben den allgemein anerkannten 82 stabilen Elementen gibt es auch noch die nicht anerkannten Elemente wie etwa die Dreckate. Weiterhin finden Winkelemente bei Paraden und Demos rege Verwendung, während man das Kriminelle Element zurecht fürchtet, und es am liebsten auf immer und ewig ins Zuchthaus sperren würde...
- Element99099, who recently got his name changed to Element,is on the Metanet Forums quite a bit. He makes fairly good maps. He is partly known for his graphics skills. He is occasionally on N IRC. Element was also known as a member of The Day Of Confession, or December_16, 2006.
- Elements are magical (or "scientific") building blocks of the universe. Elements may be formed into magical creatures known as Elementals. The scientific version of the elements is called the Scientific Elements.
- On WHILS, or Wooly Hooves the Invincible Llama Sim, there are four different elements your invincible llama can be.There are fire,water,earth and air.Each start to look different over time as they move closer to their true nature.
- An Element is one of the four basic building blocks of magic. It forms some of the schools and colors of magic. The elements include fire, earth, water and air. Perhaps aether or essence makes up a fifth element that binds all the rest together. While there are schools of magic devoted specifically to each element. There are other schools devoted to the 'black' or 'white' magic as well (it is unclear if the magics of 'Darkness', 'Chaos,' 'Life' and 'Death' are associated with the elements as well). When an element takes on a sentient physical manifestation it is known as a elemental.
- An "Element" is the main item(s) in the game. The Elements are:
- Elements are the basic particles that make up the universe. They are composed of a certain number of protons, electrons, and neutrons. Earth had documented one hundred and eleven elements when the Stargate Program began. The Alliance of Four Great Races had discovered at least 146 (one hundred and forty six), and they used these to insure communication between each other. (SG1: "The Torment of Tantalus")
- In the game of Knightmare everything is made of elements. Here are the elements that EVERYTHING is made of.
* Fire
* Water
* Air
* Earth
* Aether
- right|50px|Symbol des Elements Feuer in FFXIV right|50px|Symbol des Elements Eis in FFXIV right|50px|Symbol des Elements Blitz in FFXIV right|50px|Symbol des Elements Erde in FFXIV right|50px|Symbol des Elements Wind in FFXIV right|50px|Symbol des Elements Licht in FFXIV right|50px|Symbol des Elements Dunkel in FFXIV Ein Element ist ein Attribut, das einen Angriff beeinflussen kann und tritt häufig in Rollenspielen auf. Die spezifische Eigenschaft eines Elements kann entweder einem Gegenstand, einer bestimmten Handlung oder sogar einer Figur zugesprochen werden und beeinflusst das Kampfgeschehen maßgeblich. Sowohl Charaktere als auch Gegner reagieren unterschiedlich auf Elementareigenschaften und können gegen diese eine Schwäche zeigen, resistent oder immun sein, oder sie sogar absorbieren. In der Final Fantasy- und Kingdom Hearts-Serie spielen Elemente während des Kampfverlaufs eine sehr wichtige Rolle. Sie entscheiden oftmals darüber, ob ein Kampf in einem Sieg oder einer Niederlage endet, weshalb es entscheidend ist, die Elemente zu den eigenen Gunsten geschickt einzusetzen. In den meisten Spielen existieren acht Elemente, zu denen oftmals Feuer, Eis, Blitz, Erde, Wind, Heilig und Schatten gehören. In einigen Spielen, wie etwa in Final Fantasy IV oder Final Fantasy X, tauchen jedoch weniger als acht Elemente auf. Am häufigsten werden Elemente mit Zaubern in Verbindung gebracht. Vor allem zu Feuer, Eis und Blitz finden sich in fast allen Spielen drei oder vier Zauberstufen, die diese Elemente repräsentieren; seltener besitzen andere Elemente dieselbe Zahl an Zauberstufen. Berühmt sind außerdem die ständig wiederkehrenden Beschwörungen, von denen eine nicht selten fast ausschließlich immer ein- und dasselbe Element verkörpert, wie etwa Ifrit das Feuer. Weiterhin besitzen bestimmte Gegenstände elementare Eigenschaften und können entweder ausgerüstet oder im Kampf eingesetzt werden. In Final Fantasy VIII besteht sogar die Möglichkeit, Statuswerte, den Angriff und die Verteidigung eines Charakters direkt mit einem elementaren Zauber zu verbinden und dessen Eigenschaften auf die Art zu nutzen.
- When starting a fight in the dungeon, you will notice that arrows are either red or green. Red arrows indicate that your hero will deal 25% less damage to that specific enemy. Green arrows indicate that you will deal damage without any modification with elemental types. You will also notice that some enemies will have double green arrows over them. This means that your Hero has an elemental advantage over them and will deal bonus damage. The following have elemental advantages over the second: File:Nature.png Nature beats File:Water.png Water, File:Water.png Water beats File:Fire.png Fire, and File:Fire.png Fire beats File:Nature.png Nature. File:Dark.png Dark and File:Light.png Light deal additional damage to each other. They will deal an additional 30% damage. It is important to note that you can not land critical hits (CRIT) on an enemy with an elemental disadvantage. This means File:Fire.png Fire can't CRIT File:Water.png Water, File:Nature.png Nature can't CRIT File:Fire.png Fire, and File:Water.png Water can't CRIT File:Nature.png Nature. But File:Dark.png Dark and File:Light.png Light can land crits on each other.
- Elements, also called classes, are an attribute used throughout the Shadow Hearts game universe. All player characters, fusions, enemies and magic in the Shadow Hearts games have an elemental attribute. When an attack of a certain element (e.g, fire) hits a player character or enemy of an opposing attribute (e.g, water) the attack will deal more damage. When an attack hits a player character or enemy of the same elemental attribute the damage will be less than normal. There are seven types found in the series. Six being the most "normal" and familiar:
* Dark: opposes Light
* Earth: opposes Wind
* Fire: opposes Water
* Light: opposes Dark
* Water: opposes Fire
* Wind: opposes Earth And the seventh being a special case:
* Non-Elemental Non-Elemental attacks are generally quite powerful, dealing larger amounts of damage regardless of the elemental attribute of the creature being fought. Non-Elemental attacks do not deal extra damage nor do player characters take extra damage because of element.
- Elements are categories for . Certain individuals possess a elemental resistance or immunity to one element or another.
- Element, ist ein Bestandteil der Chemielehre und juckt keine Sau HIGH-FIVE!
- The six elements in Eternal Wings exist in three opposing pairs: Fire - Water, Light - Dark, and Wind - Chrono. In Battle, when both of the elements in a pair are used in the same turn, they will cancel out each other's elemental offense or defense (i.e. 50 Water + 100 Fire = 50 Fire). Magnus without an element are referred to as Neutral or Physical.
- In Dark Cloud 2, Georama elements are items that will be mainly used to make things in the Georama mode. There are many of Georama elements and this page lists all of them. In-game description for every Georama element : "Georama element." Since the Carpenterion can build buildings, trees, piers, etc..., Georama materials are used. But since it can also make rivers, lamps, things that produce "life", that's why Georama elements are also required. Georama elements are common items that are found pretty easily in Dungeons' chests once Georama is unlocked. Like most common items, you can carry 999 of each Georama element. Apart from Georama, those elements are also used in Inventions, in order to make items. They can also be used to increase weapons' stats.
- Die Elemente sind die zentralen Aspekte in Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente und Die Legende von Korra. Es gibt die Elemente Wasser, Erde, Feuer und Luft. Sie teilen die Welt in Nationen, können von den Bändigern kontrolliert werden und bestimmen das alltägliche Leben und auch den Charakter der jeweiligen Menschen. Nur der Avatar ist in der Lage, alle vier Elemente zu beherrschen.
- Die 4 Elemente sind
* 20pxFeuer (Feuerwaffen)
* 20pxWasser (Wasserwaffen)
* 20pxErde (Erdwaffen)
* 20pxLuft (Luftwaffen) Ihnen gegenüber steht das Neutrale Element, was aber normalerweise nicht als solches gilt. Sie kommen sowohl beim Kartenspiel als auch beim MMO vor. Bei dem Kartenspiel hat jede Monsterkarte ein Element. Bei dem MMo hat jede Waffe und (fast) jeder Angriffszauber ein Element.
- Elements are properties present on many attacks and equipment in the Breath of Fire series. Enemies and characters can Absorb, Nullify, Resist or be Weak to these properties. These elements include:
* Flame
* Frost
* Water
* Electric
* Earth
* Wind
* Shadow
* Undead
* Holy
- There are five elements in the world of Flyff: Wind, Water, Fire, Lightning and Earth. Nearly all Masquerpets in Flyff are imbued with one of these five elements. Players can take advantage of this by attacking monsters with the element they're weak to (via magician spells or elemented weapons), or protecting themselves by imbuing their armor with an element.
- An element is an attribute that is assigned to either a creature or to a damaging ability. Whenever a damaging ability with a certain element hits a creature with a certain element, the elements can affect the damage that is dealt to the creature. Instead of having an elemental attribute, both spells and creatures can have a Non-Elemental attribute as well. If an attack has the Non-Elemental attribute, or the target has the Non-Elemental attribute, elemental modifiers do not apply to that attack's damage calculation.
- The preindustrial civilization of Barkon IV incorrectly believed that the basic elements of the universe were sky, fire, rock, and water, and these elements were found in everything in existence. (TNG: "Thine Own Self" )
- The elements or members of a set or a class are all objects which make up the collection.
- Element är de grundläggande partiklarna som bygger upp universum. De består av ett visst antal protoner elektroner och neutroner. Jorden hade dokumenterat 111 element när Stargate programmet började. Alliansen av Fyra Stora Raser hade upptäckt minst 146, och de använde dessa för att försäkra kommunikation mellan varandra. (SG1: "The Torment of Tantalus") |
- thumb|Man gab dem Boten diese Büste, auf dass er sie allen zeigen möge! Das Element ist eine neuliche Meisterleistung unseres geliebten Naturphilosophen Empedokles aus Akragas bei Syrakus. Er bewies per logischer Schlussfolgerung die Existenz von Atomen und verschiedenen Elementen. Empedokles verließ selbst Sizilia noch nicht, um einer genaueren Erkundigung zur Verfügung zu stehen, jedoch ist seine neuerliche Forschung sicherlich eine Revolution für die ionische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Das Jahr ab urbe condita DCLIV wird in die Geschichte eingehen als Umwälzung für die gesamte Menschheit. Von den Säulen des Herakles bis ins tiefste India werden die Menschen beglückt sein. Womöglich lassen sich alsbald mit der Theorie der Elemente Waffen konstruieren um die Geißel der freien Welt, das persische Reich, endlich in seine Schranken verweisen zu können und jene arroganten Spartaner endlich in die Knie zu zwingen. Empedokles gibt an, sich nun erstmal wieder seinen Dramen zu widmen, da die Natur hiermit vollständig erklärt wurde.
- The Eclipse expansion introduced enemies immune to Elemental damage, and even Physical-type damage, in the Quicksand Maze. As the diagram below shows, Venomancers' and Mystics' Wood damage is strong against Earth-type enemies and weak against Wood type enemies. Seekers' Archers' and Clerics' Metal Damage is generally strong against Wood-type enemies and weak against metal. Earth > Water > Fire > Metal > Wood > Earth etc Game abbreviations : ER > WT > FR > MT > WD > ER Wizards can do Fire, Earth, and Water-typed damage (and have shields that protect against those types), and Psychics' spells are the Earth and Water elements. Stormbringers have access to both Water- and Metal-typed damage. Some melee classes have abilities that do elemental, magical type damage, but for the most part their damage is Physical, rather than magical. It is empirically observable that many if not most armor loot drops are lacking one or more of the magical resistances, and that the missing element, or among the missing elements, is overwhelmingly likely to be Earth. This makes Earth-type bosses such as Qingzi, Fushma, Fugma and Gluttonix much more difficult for low level and impoverished players who rely on drops. It also is an advantage for the strategy of always selling these drops, to use the money to buy from vendors if there are no good player-made armors or Quest Gear available. Clearly, even after the release of many expansions, there is a relative shortage of Fire-typed damage available to squads, and three classes whose damage is weak to Metal, making Metal-typed enemies slightly tougher to take down, at least until a new class is released that does Fire damage.
- Elemental Powers are forces of nature which can be accessed by many beings. There is no official definition for an Elemental Power, but many agree that to make an ability an Element, it must fulfill two prerequisites: A being must have been seen to wield it as a natural power (except for Dark Matter, Shadow, Time and Life) and for it to be a central force of nature.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Element]] element < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Element]] element < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Element]] elementum (“‘a first principle, element, rudiment’”); origin uncertain.
- Argon Element (born as Ethan Ez on Alderaan), primarily known as Darth Element was an Admiral serving in the Imperial Navy. He was one of the few consistent Dark Jedi and force-users in the Galactic Imperium. Element fought during many of the Galactic Imperium's major military conflicts. He had very close relationships with the high command. He married Patton's daughter during the Shrike War where Thrawn was his best man and friend thereafter.
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