  • Spoiler
  • Spoiler
  • Spoiler
  • Spoiler
  • Spoiler
  • Spoiler
  • Spoiler
  • Spoiler
  • Spoiler
  • This page does NOT give any encyclopedic information. Instead, it lists unsure information about unreleased chapters/episodes/tankōbon. Please, DO NOT add information just because you think it might happen. Spoilers are here to give information about the soon-to-be released media. Please also try to verify that the spoilers are real and are not fake to the best of your abilities before posting.
  • COMMENT ? Vous ne savez pas ce que c'est ? En gros, ça veut dire : NE PAS METTRE D'INFORMATIONS SUR QUELQUECHOSE QUI RISQUE DE NE PAS AVOIR ENCORE ETE VU PAR LA PLUS GRANDE MAJORITE DES VISITEURS DE CE SITE Soit, pour l'instant, le Tome VII de la Tour Sombre, ou encore Territoires III. Le Tome VI est déclassifié, même si je ne l'ai pas encore lu. Je resiste à une tentation grandissante !
  • The Spoiler is a teenage superheroine in the DC Universe and an ally of Batman.
  • The Spoiler is a mailable Rank 3 Item that is used to make Race Cars. Two Spoilers are required to complete Rank 3.
  • A spoiler is any piece of information that reveals plot elements which some people may wish to remain unrevealed so that they may enjoy the source material to its fullest extent, without having any previous knowledge of the outcome. Some examples of spoilers would be the death of a major character or an unexpected plot twist. For information on how spoilers are treated on the Image Comics, see My English Wiki:Spoilers.
  • A spoiler is any piece of information that reveals plot elements which some people may wish to remain unrevealed so that they may enjoy the source material to its fullest extent, without having any previous knowledge of the outcome. Some examples of spoilers would be the death of a major character or an unexpected plot twist. When creating an article, be sure to warn readers that a Spoiler is about to be revealed.
  • Spoiler (ネタバレ, Netabare) is twelfth chapter of the Nisekoi manga series written and illustrated by Naoshi Komi, published weekly in the magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump.
  • En spoiler er informasjon om et spill, en bok, eller en films plot. Begrepet kommet fra det engelske verbet to spoil, som kan bety å ødelegge. I Quest for Booty sa Rusty Pete "spoiler alert", eller "spoiler-alarm".
  • A spoiler is an element of a summary or description of a piece of fiction that reveals a plot element which will give away the outcome of a dramatic episode within the work of fiction, or the conclusion of the entire work. It can also be used to refer to any piece of information regarding any part of a given media. Because enjoyment of fiction sometimes depends upon the dramatic tension and suspense which arises within it, the external revelation of such plot elements can "spoil" the enjoyment that some consumers of the narrative would otherwise have experienced.
  • Ein Spoiler ist eine Information, die einem Zuschauer ein Ereignis, beispielsweise in einem Film oder einer Sendung verrät, die dieser bislang noch nicht kannte. Um diesem Effekt zuvorzukommen, gibt es in der deutschsprachigen Lostpedia insgesamt drei verschiedene Warnungen. So kann jeder Besucher stets selbst entscheiden, ob er die darauffolgenden Informationen lesen möchte, oder nicht.
  • A spoiler is any piece of information that reveals plot elements which some people may wish to remain unrevealed so that they may enjoy the source material to its fullest extent, without having any previous knowledge of the outcome. Some examples of spoilers would be the death of a major character or an unexpected plot twist. For information on how spoilers are treated on the Gundam Wiki, see Gundam Wiki:Spoilers.
  • La política de Es.Fringe implica que cualquier dato de episodios aún por emitirse, con la excepción del título y de las fechas de emisión son considerados como spoilers. Esto incluye promociones oficiales (video clips y fotos), comunicados de prensa, entrevistas a actores o productores, u otros datos difundidos por internet, revistas, televisión, radio u otras fuentes. Se considera spoilers tanto a datos relacionados a las tramas internas de la serie como datos de la producción (actores que se incorporan o se van, etc.)
  • A spoiler is a summary or description of (in the case of Friends) a part of an episode that contains important plot information that is not revealed early on. This site contains lots of spoilers. If you don't want to know just about everything that happens throughout the show, don't read too much of the episode pages and character pages.
  • A spoiler is a summary or description of a narrative (or part of a narrative) that relates plot elements not revealed early in the narrative itself. Moreover, because enjoyment of a narrative sometimes depends upon the dramatic tension and suspense which undergird it, this early revelation of plot elements can "spoil" the enjoyment that some consumers of the narrative would otherwise have experienced.
  • Spoiler é uma palavra inglesa que vem do verbo "spoil", estragar. Pode ser traduzida como "estraga-prazeres" e é usada para definir revelações de fatos importantes da trama de filmes, jogos, televisão e livros.
  • Spoilers are pieces of information or somtimes even images that reveal some information that some people find will ruin a story's plot or story line to know. An example of this is when a summary of a game or novel ending is put on an article. There are a lot of spoilers on SWGames due to the content of this wiki.
  • Un spoiler es cualquier parte de información que revela importantes elementos que la gente no debería leer para poder disfrutar de la trama en todo su esplendor. Algunos ejemplos de spoiler pueden ser la muerte de un personaje principal o un giro inesperado de la trama.
  • Spoiler heißt wörtlich übersetzt "Ruinierer" oder "Verderber". Ein Spoiler beinhaltet also Informationen, die schon ziemlich viel oder gar alles zu einem Thema verraten - also möglicherweise den Entdeckergeist, die Neugier und den Spielspaß ruinieren können, weil man diese Informationen sich gerne selber erarbeiten oder sich lieber überraschen lassen würde.
  • Spoiler é uma palavra inglesa que vem do verbo "spoil", estragar. Pode ser traduzida como "estraga-prazeres" e é usada para definir revelações de fatos importantes da trama de filmes, televisão e livros.
  • A spoiler is any piece of information which reveals plot elements that some people may wish to remain unrevealed, in order to enjoy the source material to its fullest extent without previous knowledge of the outcome. Some examples of spoilers would be the death of a major character or an unexpected plot twist. For information on how spoilers are treated on Star Trek Expanded Universe, see Star Trek Expanded Universe: Spoiler policy.
  • thumb|right|180px|Spoiler wszech czasów Spoiler - jest to niepożądana informacja zdradzająca zakończenie jakiegoś utworu, filmu, książki tudzież historii. Użycie go odbiera odbiorcom przyjemność z poznawania dalszego ciągu fabuły i prowadzi do frustracji, którą trzeba czasem zwalczać przy pomocy środków uspokajających lub Mocy (tę drugą technikę mogą stosować tylko wykwalifikowani uzdrowiciele Jedi, którzy upodobali sobie za drinki spirytus salicylowy). Trudność w walce ze spoilerami polega na tym, iż jest to często broń używana nieświadomie i w dobrej wierze, dlatego spoilerowanie jest zaliczane do jednej z technik stosowanych przez użytkowników CSM.
  • A spoiler is where either the plot or any other format is revealed. These things can be found here, in fansites, forums and important articles.
  • A spoiler is a piece of information that, released too early, might spoil someones enjoyment of a book, movie, story, etc. For example, information about who-done-it spoils a mystery; information about who-ends-up-with-whom could spoil a romantic story; or information about who wins the battle and who dies could spoil an epic about a war between good and evil. Anything about plot twists or surprises could be a spoiler. Spoiler notices or alerts are sometimes included in article before the potentially spoiling content in order to warn readers.
  • A Spoiler is a warning to not read or watch anything more that may spoil a movie or book for those who have not seen or read it.
  • Spoiler is a fictional SCUM agent who first appeared in the 1991-92 animated television series James Bond Jr., portrayed by Michael Gough.
  • File:Spoiler Hz.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • A spoiler is a summary or description of a narrative (or part of a narrative) that relates plot elements not revealed early in the narrative itself. Moreover, because enjoyment of a narrative sometimes depends upon the dramatic tension and suspense which undergird it, this early revelation of plot elements can "spoil" the enjoyment that some consumers of the narrative would otherwise have experienced. However, some users like to know what happens in advance, such as some fans of The Bill, who look forward to reading spoilers for episodes that will air a few weeks ahead.
  • The Spoiler is a level 1 unit that has the ability to build explosive landmines; the mines it builds vary in damage and range, with the shorter range/damage mines costing the least to build. It is relatively useless, due to its slow movement speed, so it can't build mines in different locations at a pace that would most likely be necessary. Its ARM counterpart is the Podger.
  • Spoiler - vyzrazení pointy děje nebo významných částí dějové linie např. filmu, knihy, hry, apod.
  • "Spoiler" is a name given to occasional leaks of information that arguably reveal more than a large portion of the world population would like to know. These people, apathetic to knowledge, are the same people who won't go to college.
  • Atención: Aquí se habla del argumento y final de la historia. No sigas leyendo para no descubrir la trama.
  • Regarded as a troublemaker, only reason Decepticons haven’t dismantled him is because he is good at what he does: cause destruction, mayhem and general confusion wherever he goes. As a robot, has two arm mounted machine-guns that fire armor piercing bullets. As an aerospace fighter, can fly at speeds around mach 5, and carries specially modified missiles capable of high altitude combat. Greatest weakness is his lack of intelligence. Once mocked Scourge to his face. Would have been killed if it wasn’t for the intervention of one of his buddies. Only redeeming quality is his loyalty to the Decepticons.
  • UWAGA: Podane tutaj treści nie podają żadnych informacji encyklopedycznych. Zawierają informacje kiedy pojawi się przyszły odcinek, rozdział, tankōbon. Nie dodawaj tu informacji, które są tylko przemyśleniami. Te informacje powinny być potwierdzone.
  • thumb|right|Uwaga Spoiler! Spoiler - jest to niepożądana informacja zdradzająca zakończenie jakiegoś utworu, filmu, książki tudzież historii. Użycie go odbiera odbiorcom przyjemność z poznawania dalszego ciągu fabuły i prowadzi do frustracji, którą trzeba czasem zwalczać przy pomocy środków uspokajających lub Mocy (tę drugą technikę mogą stosować tylko wykwalifikowani uzdrowiciele Jedi, którzy upodobali sobie za drinki spirytus salicylowy). Trudność w walce ze spoilerami polega na tym, iż jest to często broń używana nieświadomie i w dobrej wierze, dlatego spoilerowanie jest zaliczane do jednej z technik stosowanych przez użytkowników CSM.
  • Spoiler was turned in to a Cyborg and has lost all memory of his past.
  • Generally, a spoiler is anything which reveals an ending or ruins a surprise. In the NetHack sense, a spoiler is a file documenting the behaviour of the game in great detail. Hundreds of different spoilers exist, from tables of weapons and monsters, to FAQs, to comprehensive guides. Many are now out of date; be sure to check which version of NetHack the spoiler was written for. Wikihack articles, collectively, constitute a spoiler. See also: This page is a . You could probably [ expand this page] should you wish to do so.
  • A spoiler is a revealing fact about a movie which people who have seen a movie tell to other people who have not seen that movie to piss them off. Because pissing off people is fun, this page will list as many spoilers as our evil little hearts desire.
  • The Tenth Doctor first heard the term from River when they met in the Library, (TV: Silence in the Library) but River first heard it from the Eleventh Doctor in Berlin. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler) The Tenth Doctor also used the term to refer to reading books from Donna Noble's future; the Doctor taking a 51st century book away from Donna so as not to read ahead and "spoil all the surprises". Donna questioned if travelling in time with the Doctor was "one big spoiler". The Doctor responded that he tried to keep her away from major plot developments, which he also said he seemed to be "very bad" at. (TV: Silence in the Library)
  • Un spoiler es una información que, aprendida muy temprano, podría arruinar el disfrute de alguien de un libro, película, historia, etc. Por ejemplo, información de quien lo hizo arruina un misterio; información de quién termina con quién podría arruinar una historia romántica; o quien gana la batalla y quién muere podría arruinar una historia épica de una guerra entre el bien y el mal. Cualquier sorpresa, o cambios en la trama puede ser un spoiler. En el Wiki de El Legado, las alertas de spoilers están puestas encima de la página. Se ven como
  • Hello ! Je dis Hello ! car je pratique couramment le bilinguisme. Admire donc mon bilinguisme, cher téléspectateur. D'ailleurs non.Tu n'es pas un cher téléspectateur pour moi. Je ne t'aime pas. Tu pues. Beerk ! Caca ! Tu sens le vomi d'oie séché ! As-tu déjà senti le vomi d'oie séché, cher téléspectateur ? [...] Oh non ! Je suis trop nul, regarde la phrase juste avant. Non, pas Oh non !, mais celle encore juste avant. Ne remarques-tu rien qui cloche ? Si, évidemment. Je t'ai une nouvelle fois appelé cher téléspectateur alors que j'avais précisé juste avant que tu ne m'étais pas cher. Même pas dix euros. Admire mon humour cher téléspectateur. Ne le trouves-tu pas tout simplement hilarant, voire même drôle ? Si, bien sûr que si. Je suis quelqu'un de très amusant. Et je dis ça en toute modest
  • Un spoiler es cualquier pieza de información que revela importantes elementos que la gente no debería leer para poder disfrutar de la trama en todo su esplendor. El término viene del verbo inglés "to spoil", malograr o arruinar. Algunos ejemplos de spoiler pueden ser la muerte de un personaje principal o un giro inesperado de la trama.
  • A spoiler reveals a part of the plot or ending, for example what finally happened to that One Ring. If you have not yet read The Lord of the Rings (or the concerned work), then you might not want to read a spoiler.
  • A spoiler is information about a book, movie, show, or game that may not yet be commonplace or generally well-known, if knowing it would tarnish the experience for a new audience. Major plot twists and character developments are usually considered spoilers by most people, but even trivial information can be considered a spoiler by someone who doesn't want to know anything about a work before they experience it firsthand. On the other hand, even a major reveal may become so well-known over time that even someone who has never seen the work can reasonably be expected to know it already. A good example of this is the identity of Luke Skywalker's father. We won't give it away here, just in case, but if you don't know it's [Darth Vader], where have you been the past few decades?
  • Lo spoiler è quella cosa che ti capita all'improvviso quando qualcuno, senza previa autorizzazione (che gusto c'è sennò?) ti anticipa il finale di qualcosa, tipo che il protagonista alla fine muore, che è schizofrenico o che è solo impazzito, creandosi una personalità fittizia costruita a immagine e somiglianza del suo migliore amico ormai deceduto. E alla fine l'unico a salvarsi è il ritardato.
  • 10
Items Needed
  • None
Tech Level
  • 1
  • None
  • 0
  • Yes
Build Time
  • 1740
Previous Chapter
  • Aerofighter
Chapter Title
  • Spoiler
How to Obtain
  • Mail Pedalman Wheelie a Tire
Turn Rate
  • 38
Japanese Title
  • ネタバレ
Next Chapter
  • Decepticon
  • Dark
translation title
  • Netabare
  • Active
  • 1.893456E8
  • (SCUM)
First Appearance
  • Black, short
  • Spoiler
  • Spoiler
  • OC
Built by
  • Aerospace Fighter
  • Comic Sans MS
  • Zia May
Unit Name
  • Spoiler
  • Building Race Cars, Rank 2 and 3
  • 0.130000
  • Rank 3
  • Used in the creation of Race and Stunt Cars.
Last Appearance
  • Spoiler
  • (SCUM) operative
Image File
  • 250
  • 5
Chapter Number
  • 12
Metal Cost
  • 187
Energy Cost
  • 1117
Max Velocity
  • 9.600000
  • This page does NOT give any encyclopedic information. Instead, it lists unsure information about unreleased chapters/episodes/tankōbon. Please, DO NOT add information just because you think it might happen. Spoilers are here to give information about the soon-to-be released media. Please also try to verify that the spoilers are real and are not fake to the best of your abilities before posting.
  • COMMENT ? Vous ne savez pas ce que c'est ? En gros, ça veut dire : NE PAS METTRE D'INFORMATIONS SUR QUELQUECHOSE QUI RISQUE DE NE PAS AVOIR ENCORE ETE VU PAR LA PLUS GRANDE MAJORITE DES VISITEURS DE CE SITE Soit, pour l'instant, le Tome VII de la Tour Sombre, ou encore Territoires III. Le Tome VI est déclassifié, même si je ne l'ai pas encore lu. Je resiste à une tentation grandissante !
  • A spoiler reveals a part of the plot or ending, for example what finally happened to that One Ring. If you have not yet read The Lord of the Rings (or the concerned work), then you might not want to read a spoiler. This particular wiki sometimes warns readers of approaching spoilers. Many already know the plot and ending of The Lord of the Rings and Tolkien's other works, so the spoiler warnings might be unnecessary; many articles do not have them. However, some documents open with a few spoiler-free paragraphs, then give a warning before providing any spoilers. This is probably a legacy of adapting some content from Wikipedia, a general encyclopedia that attracts more readers who are less familiar with Tolkien.
  • The Spoiler is a teenage superheroine in the DC Universe and an ally of Batman.
  • Hello ! Je dis Hello ! car je pratique couramment le bilinguisme. Admire donc mon bilinguisme, cher téléspectateur. D'ailleurs non.Tu n'es pas un cher téléspectateur pour moi. Je ne t'aime pas. Tu pues. Beerk ! Caca ! Tu sens le vomi d'oie séché ! As-tu déjà senti le vomi d'oie séché, cher téléspectateur ? [...] Oh non ! Je suis trop nul, regarde la phrase juste avant. Non, pas Oh non !, mais celle encore juste avant. Ne remarques-tu rien qui cloche ? Si, évidemment. Je t'ai une nouvelle fois appelé cher téléspectateur alors que j'avais précisé juste avant que tu ne m'étais pas cher. Même pas dix euros. Admire mon humour cher téléspectateur. Ne le trouves-tu pas tout simplement hilarant, voire même drôle ? Si, bien sûr que si. Je suis quelqu'un de très amusant. Et je dis ça en toute modestie bien sur. Oui, car je pratique également la modestie à temps plein. Mes trois principales qualités sont donc, tu devrais les connaître si tu as bien suivi, mes trois principales qualités sont: 1. * Petit un:Je pratique couramment le bilinguisme 2. * Petit deux:Je suis amusant 3. * Petit trois:Je possède un humour décapant, mais ça ne compte pas dans le décompte des mes qualités parce que ça ressemble trop au petit deux (voir plus haut si tu ne te souviens plus bien de ce que c'était le petit deux) 4. * Petit quatre:Je pratique parfaitement la modestie 5. * Petit cinq:Y'a pas de petit cinq, mais je trouvais que mettre un petit cinq alors qu'il n'y en a pas en fait ferait rigoler mon fan-club 6. * Petit six:lol 7. * Petit sept:Je continue parce que c'est bien et que les administrateurs ne m'ont pas encore demandé d'arrêter 8. * Petit sept:Moi, j'aime pas beaucoup les huit. Sans doute un rapport avec le jour de la mort de ma grand-mère, le 15 avril 2004. Alors je remet un petit sept parce que c'est plutôt rigolo en plusC'est rigolo ? Trop ! Ouais ! Hyper ! Cool ! Je ris ! T'es le best ! Putain, mais ferme ton putain de clapet et viens en au fait ! 1. * Petit neuf:Je vais essayer d'aller jusqu'au petit dix, ça va être trop bien 2. * Petit dix:Ouais !!! 3. * Petit mille XD:Allez, on a bien assez ri, revenons au cours normal de mon exposé. Hello, je disais donc, avant de me faire violemment interrompre par ta méchanceté de téléspectateur cruel et vil. Tu ne m'es pas cher ! Non, la seule personne qui m'est vraiment chère, c'est la chanteuse Cher. Hi ! Hi ! Assez rigolé. D'ailleurs elle n'est pas seulement chanteuses comme certaines personnes voudraient nous le faire croire, elle est aussi actrice et même productrice. Mais pas réalisatrice, c'est beaucoup trop compliqué pour une femme d'être réalisatrice. D'ailleurs Stanley Kubrick a décidé de devenir un homme exprès pour réaliser des films. J'aime pas Orange Mécanique. Ça prouve que c'est une femme. Kathryn Bigelow, elle a un nom rigolo. En tout cas moi je trouve. Y'a peut-être des gens qui trouvent pas ça. Mais moi je suis en train de me pisser dessus tellement elle a un nom rigolo. Oh merde ! Je me pisse effectivement dessus. C'est dégueulasse... Mais ça sent bon. C'est peut-être à cause des Brownies qui étaient vachement savoureux que j'ai mangé hier soir avant de regarder la télé. Je sais plus le film que j'ai regardé mais il était rigolo. D'ailleurs ça me fait penser que je m'étais déjà pissé dessus hier soir. Ma femme me dit que je devrais porter des couches. Mais moi je dis « Non chérie ! », parce que j'ai ma fierté quand même. Attends moi,cher téléspectateur, je vais changer de culotte et je reviens. Tu vas voir, j'ai encore des trucs rigolos à raconter.
  • The Spoiler is a mailable Rank 3 Item that is used to make Race Cars. Two Spoilers are required to complete Rank 3.
  • A spoiler is any piece of information that reveals plot elements which some people may wish to remain unrevealed so that they may enjoy the source material to its fullest extent, without having any previous knowledge of the outcome. Some examples of spoilers would be the death of a major character or an unexpected plot twist. For information on how spoilers are treated on the Image Comics, see My English Wiki:Spoilers.
  • A spoiler is any piece of information that reveals plot elements which some people may wish to remain unrevealed so that they may enjoy the source material to its fullest extent, without having any previous knowledge of the outcome. Some examples of spoilers would be the death of a major character or an unexpected plot twist. When creating an article, be sure to warn readers that a Spoiler is about to be revealed.
  • A spoiler is a revealing fact about a movie which people who have seen a movie tell to other people who have not seen that movie to piss them off. Because pissing off people is fun, this page will list as many spoilers as our evil little hearts desire. Fight Club:Tyler Durden and The Narrator are the same person -- Tyler is a separate personality of The Narrator. The Narrator "kills" Tyler by shooting himself through the side of the face. Iron Man:Tony Stark publicly reveals at the end of the film that he is Iron Man. After the credits, Stark receives a visit from Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD (Samuel L. Jackson, baby!), who is there to talk with Stark about "Avenger Initiative." Kill Bill:The Bride kills Bill using the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique. Spider-Man 3:Harry Osborne realizes Peter didn't kill his father and dies helping Peter/Spider-Man fight Eddie Brock/Venom. Peter destroys the Venom symbiote, and Brock dies in the process. The Sandman explains that he killed Uncle Ben on accident. Peter forgives him and lets him leave. Peter and Mary Jane mourn Harry's death, then get back together. Now you don't have to watch the movie -- I did you a favor, trust me. Star Trek II:Spock dies. Star Trek III:Spock is revived after his katra is placed back in his own head. Star Trek Nemesis:Data dies. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street:It turns out Mrs. Lovett lied about Sweeney's wife's death and Sweeney slits his wife's throat, not recognizing her. When he does recognize her, he throws Lovett into the furnace then gets his own throat slit by Toby. Thelma & Louise:Rather than be captured by the police, Thelma & Louise decide to drive off a cliff. The Crying Game:She's a man, alright. A man. Soylent Green:It's peeeeeeeeopplllle. The Planet of the Apes:is Earth, you maniacs. Citizen Kane:Rosebud is a sled. Forbidden Planet:Professor Morbius' id killed everybody.
  • Spoiler (ネタバレ, Netabare) is twelfth chapter of the Nisekoi manga series written and illustrated by Naoshi Komi, published weekly in the magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump.
  • En spoiler er informasjon om et spill, en bok, eller en films plot. Begrepet kommet fra det engelske verbet to spoil, som kan bety å ødelegge. I Quest for Booty sa Rusty Pete "spoiler alert", eller "spoiler-alarm".
  • A spoiler is an element of a summary or description of a piece of fiction that reveals a plot element which will give away the outcome of a dramatic episode within the work of fiction, or the conclusion of the entire work. It can also be used to refer to any piece of information regarding any part of a given media. Because enjoyment of fiction sometimes depends upon the dramatic tension and suspense which arises within it, the external revelation of such plot elements can "spoil" the enjoyment that some consumers of the narrative would otherwise have experienced.
  • Ein Spoiler ist eine Information, die einem Zuschauer ein Ereignis, beispielsweise in einem Film oder einer Sendung verrät, die dieser bislang noch nicht kannte. Um diesem Effekt zuvorzukommen, gibt es in der deutschsprachigen Lostpedia insgesamt drei verschiedene Warnungen. So kann jeder Besucher stets selbst entscheiden, ob er die darauffolgenden Informationen lesen möchte, oder nicht.
  • A spoiler is any piece of information that reveals plot elements which some people may wish to remain unrevealed so that they may enjoy the source material to its fullest extent, without having any previous knowledge of the outcome. Some examples of spoilers would be the death of a major character or an unexpected plot twist. For information on how spoilers are treated on the Gundam Wiki, see Gundam Wiki:Spoilers.
  • La política de Es.Fringe implica que cualquier dato de episodios aún por emitirse, con la excepción del título y de las fechas de emisión son considerados como spoilers. Esto incluye promociones oficiales (video clips y fotos), comunicados de prensa, entrevistas a actores o productores, u otros datos difundidos por internet, revistas, televisión, radio u otras fuentes. Se considera spoilers tanto a datos relacionados a las tramas internas de la serie como datos de la producción (actores que se incorporan o se van, etc.)
  • A spoiler is a summary or description of (in the case of Friends) a part of an episode that contains important plot information that is not revealed early on. This site contains lots of spoilers. If you don't want to know just about everything that happens throughout the show, don't read too much of the episode pages and character pages.
  • A spoiler is a summary or description of a narrative (or part of a narrative) that relates plot elements not revealed early in the narrative itself. Moreover, because enjoyment of a narrative sometimes depends upon the dramatic tension and suspense which undergird it, this early revelation of plot elements can "spoil" the enjoyment that some consumers of the narrative would otherwise have experienced.
  • Spoiler é uma palavra inglesa que vem do verbo "spoil", estragar. Pode ser traduzida como "estraga-prazeres" e é usada para definir revelações de fatos importantes da trama de filmes, jogos, televisão e livros.
  • Un spoiler es una información que, aprendida muy temprano, podría arruinar el disfrute de alguien de un libro, película, historia, etc. Por ejemplo, información de quien lo hizo arruina un misterio; información de quién termina con quién podría arruinar una historia romántica; o quien gana la batalla y quién muere podría arruinar una historia épica de una guerra entre el bien y el mal. Cualquier sorpresa, o cambios en la trama puede ser un spoiler. Noticias o alertas de spoilers a veces están incluidos en un artículo antes del contenido que potencialmente puede arruinar la lectura, para advertir a los lectores. En el Wiki de El Legado, las alertas de spoilers están puestas encima de la página. Se ven como pero aparecerá en la esquina superior derecha de la página.
  • Spoilers are pieces of information or somtimes even images that reveal some information that some people find will ruin a story's plot or story line to know. An example of this is when a summary of a game or novel ending is put on an article. There are a lot of spoilers on SWGames due to the content of this wiki.
  • Un spoiler es cualquier parte de información que revela importantes elementos que la gente no debería leer para poder disfrutar de la trama en todo su esplendor. Algunos ejemplos de spoiler pueden ser la muerte de un personaje principal o un giro inesperado de la trama.
  • Spoiler heißt wörtlich übersetzt "Ruinierer" oder "Verderber". Ein Spoiler beinhaltet also Informationen, die schon ziemlich viel oder gar alles zu einem Thema verraten - also möglicherweise den Entdeckergeist, die Neugier und den Spielspaß ruinieren können, weil man diese Informationen sich gerne selber erarbeiten oder sich lieber überraschen lassen würde.
  • Spoiler é uma palavra inglesa que vem do verbo "spoil", estragar. Pode ser traduzida como "estraga-prazeres" e é usada para definir revelações de fatos importantes da trama de filmes, televisão e livros.
  • A spoiler is any piece of information which reveals plot elements that some people may wish to remain unrevealed, in order to enjoy the source material to its fullest extent without previous knowledge of the outcome. Some examples of spoilers would be the death of a major character or an unexpected plot twist. For information on how spoilers are treated on Star Trek Expanded Universe, see Star Trek Expanded Universe: Spoiler policy.
  • Generally, a spoiler is anything which reveals an ending or ruins a surprise. In the NetHack sense, a spoiler is a file documenting the behaviour of the game in great detail. Hundreds of different spoilers exist, from tables of weapons and monsters, to FAQs, to comprehensive guides. Many are now out of date; be sure to check which version of NetHack the spoiler was written for. Wikihack articles, collectively, constitute a spoiler. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to ascend without consulting spoilers. The Guidebook is generous if you pay close enough attention, The Oracle provides clues to the more arcane aspects of the game, and sheer bloody-minded persistence will see you through eventually. The first well-documented instance of a totally unspoiled player ascending is in this RGRN post. See also: This page is a . You could probably [ expand this page] should you wish to do so.
  • thumb|right|180px|Spoiler wszech czasów Spoiler - jest to niepożądana informacja zdradzająca zakończenie jakiegoś utworu, filmu, książki tudzież historii. Użycie go odbiera odbiorcom przyjemność z poznawania dalszego ciągu fabuły i prowadzi do frustracji, którą trzeba czasem zwalczać przy pomocy środków uspokajających lub Mocy (tę drugą technikę mogą stosować tylko wykwalifikowani uzdrowiciele Jedi, którzy upodobali sobie za drinki spirytus salicylowy). Trudność w walce ze spoilerami polega na tym, iż jest to często broń używana nieświadomie i w dobrej wierze, dlatego spoilerowanie jest zaliczane do jednej z technik stosowanych przez użytkowników CSM.
  • A spoiler is where either the plot or any other format is revealed. These things can be found here, in fansites, forums and important articles.
  • A spoiler is a piece of information that, released too early, might spoil someones enjoyment of a book, movie, story, etc. For example, information about who-done-it spoils a mystery; information about who-ends-up-with-whom could spoil a romantic story; or information about who wins the battle and who dies could spoil an epic about a war between good and evil. Anything about plot twists or surprises could be a spoiler. Spoiler notices or alerts are sometimes included in article before the potentially spoiling content in order to warn readers.
  • A Spoiler is a warning to not read or watch anything more that may spoil a movie or book for those who have not seen or read it.
  • Un spoiler es cualquier pieza de información que revela importantes elementos que la gente no debería leer para poder disfrutar de la trama en todo su esplendor. El término viene del verbo inglés "to spoil", malograr o arruinar. Algunos ejemplos de spoiler pueden ser la muerte de un personaje principal o un giro inesperado de la trama. En la Star Wars Wiki en español, un spoiler es considerado un spoiler hasta un mes después de la fecha de lanzamiento del producto en particular en el país de origen, ya sea una película, novela, cómic, videojuego, etc. Por lo tanto, toda la nueva información de dicha fuente debe contener una plantilla de spoiler hasta pasado un mes del lanzamiento del producto.
  • Spoiler is a fictional SCUM agent who first appeared in the 1991-92 animated television series James Bond Jr., portrayed by Michael Gough.
  • File:Spoiler Hz.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • A spoiler is a summary or description of a narrative (or part of a narrative) that relates plot elements not revealed early in the narrative itself. Moreover, because enjoyment of a narrative sometimes depends upon the dramatic tension and suspense which undergird it, this early revelation of plot elements can "spoil" the enjoyment that some consumers of the narrative would otherwise have experienced. However, some users like to know what happens in advance, such as some fans of The Bill, who look forward to reading spoilers for episodes that will air a few weeks ahead.
  • The Spoiler is a level 1 unit that has the ability to build explosive landmines; the mines it builds vary in damage and range, with the shorter range/damage mines costing the least to build. It is relatively useless, due to its slow movement speed, so it can't build mines in different locations at a pace that would most likely be necessary. Its ARM counterpart is the Podger.
  • Spoiler - vyzrazení pointy děje nebo významných částí dějové linie např. filmu, knihy, hry, apod.
  • "Spoiler" is a name given to occasional leaks of information that arguably reveal more than a large portion of the world population would like to know. These people, apathetic to knowledge, are the same people who won't go to college.
  • Atención: Aquí se habla del argumento y final de la historia. No sigas leyendo para no descubrir la trama.
  • Regarded as a troublemaker, only reason Decepticons haven’t dismantled him is because he is good at what he does: cause destruction, mayhem and general confusion wherever he goes. As a robot, has two arm mounted machine-guns that fire armor piercing bullets. As an aerospace fighter, can fly at speeds around mach 5, and carries specially modified missiles capable of high altitude combat. Greatest weakness is his lack of intelligence. Once mocked Scourge to his face. Would have been killed if it wasn’t for the intervention of one of his buddies. Only redeeming quality is his loyalty to the Decepticons.
  • UWAGA: Podane tutaj treści nie podają żadnych informacji encyklopedycznych. Zawierają informacje kiedy pojawi się przyszły odcinek, rozdział, tankōbon. Nie dodawaj tu informacji, które są tylko przemyśleniami. Te informacje powinny być potwierdzone.
  • thumb|right|Uwaga Spoiler! Spoiler - jest to niepożądana informacja zdradzająca zakończenie jakiegoś utworu, filmu, książki tudzież historii. Użycie go odbiera odbiorcom przyjemność z poznawania dalszego ciągu fabuły i prowadzi do frustracji, którą trzeba czasem zwalczać przy pomocy środków uspokajających lub Mocy (tę drugą technikę mogą stosować tylko wykwalifikowani uzdrowiciele Jedi, którzy upodobali sobie za drinki spirytus salicylowy). Trudność w walce ze spoilerami polega na tym, iż jest to często broń używana nieświadomie i w dobrej wierze, dlatego spoilerowanie jest zaliczane do jednej z technik stosowanych przez użytkowników CSM.
  • A spoiler is information about a book, movie, show, or game that may not yet be commonplace or generally well-known, if knowing it would tarnish the experience for a new audience. Major plot twists and character developments are usually considered spoilers by most people, but even trivial information can be considered a spoiler by someone who doesn't want to know anything about a work before they experience it firsthand. On the other hand, even a major reveal may become so well-known over time that even someone who has never seen the work can reasonably be expected to know it already. A good example of this is the identity of Luke Skywalker's father. We won't give it away here, just in case, but if you don't know it's [Darth Vader], where have you been the past few decades? Spoilers can be a problem in a fast-moving fandom after a new release if people do not make note of spoilers in discussions or fanfic. Not warning for spoilers when discussing a new release is considered rude, and spoiling a person or community that has asked not to be spoiled is extremely rude no matter how long the work in question has been available. It also does no good to go "Spoiler alert: spoilerific spoilery spoiler!" without hiding the information or at at least putting in a few line breaks between it and the warning. Conversely, some people thrive on spoilers, either reading them or giving them. This is okay as long as everyone in the group agrees it is.
  • Lo spoiler è quella cosa che ti capita all'improvviso quando qualcuno, senza previa autorizzazione (che gusto c'è sennò?) ti anticipa il finale di qualcosa, tipo che il protagonista alla fine muore, che è schizofrenico o che è solo impazzito, creandosi una personalità fittizia costruita a immagine e somiglianza del suo migliore amico ormai deceduto. La pratica, molto comune specialmente negli ambienti di spocchiosi snob intellettuali dalla spropositata cultura, che daranno per scontata la tua conoscenza dell'argomento, e tra i bimbiminkia, che com'è noto hanno la sensibilità di un cubo di porfido (vedremo più avanti), è universalmente considerata contraria a qualunque norma di viver civile, in quanto lede i diritti fondamentali del cittadino. E alla fine l'unico a salvarsi è il ritardato.
  • Spoiler was turned in to a Cyborg and has lost all memory of his past.
  • The Tenth Doctor first heard the term from River when they met in the Library, (TV: Silence in the Library) but River first heard it from the Eleventh Doctor in Berlin. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler) The Tenth Doctor also used the term to refer to reading books from Donna Noble's future; the Doctor taking a 51st century book away from Donna so as not to read ahead and "spoil all the surprises". Donna questioned if travelling in time with the Doctor was "one big spoiler". The Doctor responded that he tried to keep her away from major plot developments, which he also said he seemed to be "very bad" at. (TV: Silence in the Library) The Eleventh Doctor used this to the Tenth Doctor when he asked him how he could forget after 400 years how many children there were on Gallifrey the day they remembered the War Doctor destroying the planet. (TV: The Day of the Doctor) Of course, neither the Doctor nor River was the originator of the term. The Doctor had certainly heard and used it long before meeting River. While being tortured by Little Brother of Faction Paradox in San Francisco, the Eighth Doctor strongly cautioned him against revealing any spoilers. (PROSE: Unnatural History) The Tenth Doctor also said the term to Donna shortly before River's archaeological expedition arrived on the Library. (TV: Silence in the Library) Other companions besides River also knew the term. Fitz Kreiner once wrote a song called "Contains Spoilers" which he assured his audience did indeed contain spoilers. (PROSE: The Gallifrey Chronicles)
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