  • Normal
  • Normal
  • Normal
  • Normal
  • Normal
  • Write the first section of your article here.
  • Normal ist im üblichen deutschen Sprachgebrauch ein Synonym für durchschnittlich. Hierzu der Spruch:Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom Um ein tadelloses Mitglied einer Schafherde sein zu können, muß man vor allem ein Schaf sein. Albert Einstein
  • "Normal" is the eleventh episode of Season Four of Criminal Minds.
  • Normal ist ein "Typ". Wird eine Attacke vom Typ "Normal" eingesetzt, so ist diese Attacke auf keinen anderen Typ sehr effektiv, jedoch auf die Typen Gestein, Stahl und Drache wenig effektiv und auf Geist wirkungslos. Wird ein Pokémon vom Typ "Normal" von einer Attacke vom Typ Kampf angegriffen, so ist die Attacke sehr effektiv.
  • The type is one of the eighteen Pokémon elemental types. It is not super effective against any other types. It is not very effective against File:Rock.pngRock, File:Steel.pngSteel and File:Ghost.pngGhost. It is weak to File:Fighting.pngFighting
  • Attrition Bélier Bluff Bomb'Œuf Cadeau Charge Combo-Griffe Constriction Coud'Krâne Coup d'Boule Coup Double Coupe Croc de Mort Croc Fatal Damoclès Dernier Recours Destruction Don Naturel Éclategriffe Écras'Face Écrasement Empal'Korne Escalade Étreinte Explosion Façade Faux-Chage Fléau Force Force Cachée Force-Nature Force Poigne Frénésie Frustration Furie Giga Impact Griffe Guillotine Jackpot Koud'Korne Ligotage Mania Peignée Picanon Pilonnage Plaquage Plumo-Queue Poing Comète Presse Retenue Retour Ruse Souplesse Stimulant Torgnoles Tour Rapide Tranche Ultimapoing Ultimawashi Uppercut Vengeance Vit.Extrême Vive-Attaque
  • Este grado de dificultad sería el intermedio ya que aunque el daño que se recibe a veces es demasiado no es lo suficientemente difícil como para no poderse superar con un poco de estrategia, además solo aparece en los Gears of War 2 y 3. El nivel de los enemigos aumenta un poco, pero no demasiado ya que podras recibir hasta 3 golpes y dos flechas del Arco Explosivo. Este nivel de dificultad es para jugadores que sepan jugar, moverse y disparar bien ya que si cometes muchos errores podrías morir. Los enemigos siguen cometiendo errores pero no serán tan frecuentes como en Informal.
  • McDonalds is gay my computer exploded 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111welcomb to mchacker do you want gernades with that? i only speak latian i want more war and gold no turkeys in harry potter Image:Penciltree.jpg
  • In World of Warcraft, normal means a couple of things: 1. * A player's default condition. When a character spends time at an inn or in a city, the character's condition changes to rested. When the player uses up all of the bonus "bubbles" acquired while resting, the player's condition changes back to normal. When in normal condition, the player's experience bar will be colored purple.See also Rest. 2. * A type of realm also called PvE. 3. * Dungeon difficulty, there are two settings for post-TBC dungeons, normal and heroic.
  • The calculator will try to avoid printing numbers in scientific notation. Any number less than and greater than .001 will be displayed without the usage of scientific notation. To use scientific notation all the time, use Sci or Eng.
  • Normal villagers (私 Watashi, or 普通 Futsū) (sometimes called sweet or sweetie villagers) are female characters in the Animal Crossing series. The name comes from their neutral opinion on things such as hobbies and other characters such as the player, villagers , and special visitors. They are often kind to the player. As of now, there are 71 normal villagers, making them the most common female personality.
  • [[Archivo:Clueca.png|thumb|128px|Clueca, una vecina normal.]] Las vecinas normales son aquellas que se sienten maternales y se preocupan por el jugador y los otros vecinos. Su nombre viene de su opinión neutral en respecto los hobbies y de lo que piensa de otros vecinos.
  • You call yourself normal? Tagline for Normal. Normal is the 2nd easiest difficulty and reccmended for players who are okay at the game.
  • In some cases, items that have been re-granted to users by Steam support (after being either accidentally deleted or stolen) were assigned Normal quality. The hexadecimal color code for Normal items is #B2B2B2. Item Qualities
  • Normal is the default difficulty rating on Halo: Combat Evolved, 2, 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo Wars and Halo: Reach. It is ranked second in the list of four difficulties.
  • , THEY ARE PLANTS! Isn't that the darndest thing? They're fuckin' plants! Sheesh, I shoulda known. I'm gonna go back to my plain white house and tell my wife Martha all about this conversation! My, what a normal day I'm having. Isn't the sky looking extra-ordinary today? Everything is calm and unsuspicious.
  • Kategorie:StubNormal ist die Bezeichnung für den leichtesten Schwierigkeitsgrad , den man beim Durchspielen eines Spiels aus der Metroid Prime: Trilogy wählen kann. Er ist von Anfang an auswählbar und es ist damit einfach, alle Spiele durchzuspielen, ohne zu sterben. Kategorie:Metroid Prime Kategorie:Metroid Prime 3 Kategorie:Metroid Prime 2 Kategorie:Spiele Kategorie:Stub Kategorie:Schwierigkeit
  • they appear a lot more then special pokemon e.g. Dark,Shiny,Metal,and Ghost.
  • In Normal difficulty single-player, when a player loses all of their health they will simply be downed, and can be revived by teammates as long as they do not take additional damage (unlike Hardcore or Insane, where running out of health results in an instant death). Additionally, the player has somewhat more health than on Hardcore; for example, the player can survive a direct Torque Bow hit on Normal, which would be instantly fatal on Hardcore.
  • → antonyme(s) : anormal
  • Normal is the 1st stage in the Battle Bame of Bomberman Party Edition; it is a variation of the classic Bomberman Battle Game stage. With no traps, this stage is the true test of skill. File:Normalicon.png * Items: * File:BPEbombup.png File:BPEbombup.png File:BPEbombup.png * File:BPEfireup.png File:BPEfireup.png
  • [[Fichier:Léa.png|thumb|100px|Léa, une villageoise normale]] Normal est un type de personnalité propre aux villageoises dans toute la série Animal Crossing. Elles ont une opinion neutre, que ce soit au niveau des loisirs ou encore des personnages tels que le joueur, les villageois ou les personnages spéciaux. Elles sont souvent très aimables avec le joueur.
  • Normal (a.k.a. Reagan Ronald) was the boss of Max Guevara.
  • Normal is the most common terrain in WorldBuilder and WorldBuilder 2. In the game
  • Normal is a difficulty setting in Crysis. It is for people who want a little more of a challenge than what Easy provides.
  • Normal is the second easiest difficulty in all Halo Games. This is currently the hardest level according to the noobs who quoted above. They took 3 days and 22 hours to fully complete it. Many people choose Easy or Heroic, so no one except the Noob group and very few, who are probably lying, know about Normal. We interviewed the Noob Team and they said this: 1t w42 th3 h4rd327 d1ff1culty 3vr!!!! Which can be roughly translated into this:
  • Normal ACs, usually shortened to Normals, are in essence the first generation of Armored Cores within the Armored Core 4 Universe. Unlike in earlier Armored Core games, Normals are relatively low cost, mass produced, and non-customizable mechanized units, similar to General Purpose Armored Cores. They are used as the primary ground forces of the companies, usually deployed with conventional units and saw widespread use in the National Dismantlement War.
  • A normal is the direction a polygon's main surface faces. In displaying 3D models, rendering out geometry can be expensive, especially if that geometry is never seen by the viewer. For example, a box or sphere, unless there are holes in the geometry, we'll never see the surface of the interior. To reduce the impact of rendering this unseen geometry, a technique called back-face culling is used where polygons whose normal is not pointing towards the camera are not rendered by the engine, speeding up the render process.
  • 4
Portrayed By
  • 11
  • "Brothers in Arms"
  • 2645459
  • 2007-12-13
  • Alive
First Appearance
  • Normal
  • Normal ACs
  • 2008-12-17
  • Armored Core 4
Hair Color
  • Brown
Real Name
  • Reagan Ronald
  • AC4
  • Manager
  • Vehicle
Eye Color
  • Green
  • Male
  • "Soul Mates"
wikipage disambiguates
  • Write the first section of your article here.
  • Normal is the second easiest difficulty in all Halo Games. This is currently the hardest level according to the noobs who quoted above. They took 3 days and 22 hours to fully complete it. Many people choose Easy or Heroic, so no one except the Noob group and very few, who are probably lying, know about Normal. We interviewed the Noob Team and they said this: 1t w42 th3 h4rd327 d1ff1culty 3vr!!!! Which can be roughly translated into this: * This is the hardest difficulty ever in the games of Halo. * It's very hard to get around fat ass Brutes. * Cake is a lie! * The Cabal is a lie, too! * Jackal being jackasses and Grunts, with their Gruntiness, own everyone! * We had to eat shitty MRE's, we were going to throw it until we saw the video about Cortana being naked.
  • Normal ist im üblichen deutschen Sprachgebrauch ein Synonym für durchschnittlich. Hierzu der Spruch:Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom Um ein tadelloses Mitglied einer Schafherde sein zu können, muß man vor allem ein Schaf sein. Albert Einstein
  • "Normal" is the eleventh episode of Season Four of Criminal Minds.
  • Normal ist ein "Typ". Wird eine Attacke vom Typ "Normal" eingesetzt, so ist diese Attacke auf keinen anderen Typ sehr effektiv, jedoch auf die Typen Gestein, Stahl und Drache wenig effektiv und auf Geist wirkungslos. Wird ein Pokémon vom Typ "Normal" von einer Attacke vom Typ Kampf angegriffen, so ist die Attacke sehr effektiv.
  • The type is one of the eighteen Pokémon elemental types. It is not super effective against any other types. It is not very effective against File:Rock.pngRock, File:Steel.pngSteel and File:Ghost.pngGhost. It is weak to File:Fighting.pngFighting
  • Normal ACs, usually shortened to Normals, are in essence the first generation of Armored Cores within the Armored Core 4 Universe. Unlike in earlier Armored Core games, Normals are relatively low cost, mass produced, and non-customizable mechanized units, similar to General Purpose Armored Cores. They are used as the primary ground forces of the companies, usually deployed with conventional units and saw widespread use in the National Dismantlement War. Normals do not use Kojima Particles. They have been shown in battle to be ineffective against NEXTs unless deployed in massive numbers, and even then are still ineffective against skilled Lynx.
  • Attrition Bélier Bluff Bomb'Œuf Cadeau Charge Combo-Griffe Constriction Coud'Krâne Coup d'Boule Coup Double Coupe Croc de Mort Croc Fatal Damoclès Dernier Recours Destruction Don Naturel Éclategriffe Écras'Face Écrasement Empal'Korne Escalade Étreinte Explosion Façade Faux-Chage Fléau Force Force Cachée Force-Nature Force Poigne Frénésie Frustration Furie Giga Impact Griffe Guillotine Jackpot Koud'Korne Ligotage Mania Peignée Picanon Pilonnage Plaquage Plumo-Queue Poing Comète Presse Retenue Retour Ruse Souplesse Stimulant Torgnoles Tour Rapide Tranche Ultimapoing Ultimawashi Uppercut Vengeance Vit.Extrême Vive-Attaque
  • Este grado de dificultad sería el intermedio ya que aunque el daño que se recibe a veces es demasiado no es lo suficientemente difícil como para no poderse superar con un poco de estrategia, además solo aparece en los Gears of War 2 y 3. El nivel de los enemigos aumenta un poco, pero no demasiado ya que podras recibir hasta 3 golpes y dos flechas del Arco Explosivo. Este nivel de dificultad es para jugadores que sepan jugar, moverse y disparar bien ya que si cometes muchos errores podrías morir. Los enemigos siguen cometiendo errores pero no serán tan frecuentes como en Informal.
  • McDonalds is gay my computer exploded 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111welcomb to mchacker do you want gernades with that? i only speak latian i want more war and gold no turkeys in harry potter Image:Penciltree.jpg
  • In World of Warcraft, normal means a couple of things: 1. * A player's default condition. When a character spends time at an inn or in a city, the character's condition changes to rested. When the player uses up all of the bonus "bubbles" acquired while resting, the player's condition changes back to normal. When in normal condition, the player's experience bar will be colored purple.See also Rest. 2. * A type of realm also called PvE. 3. * Dungeon difficulty, there are two settings for post-TBC dungeons, normal and heroic.
  • The calculator will try to avoid printing numbers in scientific notation. Any number less than and greater than .001 will be displayed without the usage of scientific notation. To use scientific notation all the time, use Sci or Eng.
  • Normal villagers (私 Watashi, or 普通 Futsū) (sometimes called sweet or sweetie villagers) are female characters in the Animal Crossing series. The name comes from their neutral opinion on things such as hobbies and other characters such as the player, villagers , and special visitors. They are often kind to the player. As of now, there are 71 normal villagers, making them the most common female personality.
  • [[Archivo:Clueca.png|thumb|128px|Clueca, una vecina normal.]] Las vecinas normales son aquellas que se sienten maternales y se preocupan por el jugador y los otros vecinos. Su nombre viene de su opinión neutral en respecto los hobbies y de lo que piensa de otros vecinos.
  • You call yourself normal? Tagline for Normal. Normal is the 2nd easiest difficulty and reccmended for players who are okay at the game.
  • In some cases, items that have been re-granted to users by Steam support (after being either accidentally deleted or stolen) were assigned Normal quality. The hexadecimal color code for Normal items is #B2B2B2. Item Qualities
  • Normal is the default difficulty rating on Halo: Combat Evolved, 2, 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo Wars and Halo: Reach. It is ranked second in the list of four difficulties.
  • , THEY ARE PLANTS! Isn't that the darndest thing? They're fuckin' plants! Sheesh, I shoulda known. I'm gonna go back to my plain white house and tell my wife Martha all about this conversation! My, what a normal day I'm having. Isn't the sky looking extra-ordinary today? Everything is calm and unsuspicious.
  • Kategorie:StubNormal ist die Bezeichnung für den leichtesten Schwierigkeitsgrad , den man beim Durchspielen eines Spiels aus der Metroid Prime: Trilogy wählen kann. Er ist von Anfang an auswählbar und es ist damit einfach, alle Spiele durchzuspielen, ohne zu sterben. Kategorie:Metroid Prime Kategorie:Metroid Prime 3 Kategorie:Metroid Prime 2 Kategorie:Spiele Kategorie:Stub Kategorie:Schwierigkeit
  • they appear a lot more then special pokemon e.g. Dark,Shiny,Metal,and Ghost.
  • In Normal difficulty single-player, when a player loses all of their health they will simply be downed, and can be revived by teammates as long as they do not take additional damage (unlike Hardcore or Insane, where running out of health results in an instant death). Additionally, the player has somewhat more health than on Hardcore; for example, the player can survive a direct Torque Bow hit on Normal, which would be instantly fatal on Hardcore.
  • → antonyme(s) : anormal
  • A normal is the direction a polygon's main surface faces. In displaying 3D models, rendering out geometry can be expensive, especially if that geometry is never seen by the viewer. For example, a box or sphere, unless there are holes in the geometry, we'll never see the surface of the interior. To reduce the impact of rendering this unseen geometry, a technique called back-face culling is used where polygons whose normal is not pointing towards the camera are not rendered by the engine, speeding up the render process. Just about all 3D games utilize back-face culling because of the rendering speed increase, allowing for more and higher poly models to be displayed on the screen at once. Of course, if you are modeling something and wish to have the opposite side be shown, you'd have to duplicate the face and flip the normal's direction.
  • Normal is the 1st stage in the Battle Bame of Bomberman Party Edition; it is a variation of the classic Bomberman Battle Game stage. With no traps, this stage is the true test of skill. File:Normalicon.png * Items: * File:BPEbombup.png File:BPEbombup.png File:BPEbombup.png * File:BPEfireup.png File:BPEfireup.png
  • [[Fichier:Léa.png|thumb|100px|Léa, une villageoise normale]] Normal est un type de personnalité propre aux villageoises dans toute la série Animal Crossing. Elles ont une opinion neutre, que ce soit au niveau des loisirs ou encore des personnages tels que le joueur, les villageois ou les personnages spéciaux. Elles sont souvent très aimables avec le joueur.
  • Normal (a.k.a. Reagan Ronald) was the boss of Max Guevara.
  • Normal is the most common terrain in WorldBuilder and WorldBuilder 2. In the game
  • Normal is a difficulty setting in Crysis. It is for people who want a little more of a challenge than what Easy provides.
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is Type of
is Personality of
is Typ of
is Terrain of
is Character of
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