  • Supreme Council
  • The Supreme Council was the judicial branch of the government of the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion. It was convened twice a Tionese month on Tion in the capital city known as Tionica in order to hear and make decisions on the most important, but various judicial cases in the entire Union. They dealt with cases such as rebellion, piracy, taxes raises, tax cuts, and other criminal acts. Though the Supreme Council had no visible political power, the Council was required in order to pass any law, declare war on any other political entity or government, or pass other legislation. Even though the Council wielded this power it was still defunct, as the judges were appointed by the Grand Tions based on the similarity of views between themselves and the judges. Thus making the Supreme Council j
  • The Super Metroid manual relates the events that immediately preceded Metroid II: Return of Samus thusly: Because Samus was ordered to SR388 by the Galactic Federation, it can be assumed that from this information, the Supreme Council is the ruling body of the Federation. The members of the Council are unknown. Presumably, some or most are human, as most of the members of the Federation seem to in other Metroid games. It is possible, however, that individuals of other species may also be members. The council may be depicted in the Metroid Manga on Daiban with Chairman Keaton and Chairman Vogl.
  • The council is made up of thirteen Black sisters led by the Head of the Council, who is in fact the nominal leader of the entire Black Ajah. However, the Head of the Council is selected by and accountable to the Forsaken, who give the Supreme Council their overall directives. If a member of the Council dies she is immediately replaced, maintaining the number of thirteen. This number, perhaps not coincidentally, is the number of channelers required along with thirteen Myrddraal to turn a channeler to the Dark One against their will.
  • The Supreme Council was the judicial branch of the government of the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion. It was convened twice a Tionese month on Tion in the capital city known as Tionica in order to hear and make decisions on the most important, but various judicial cases in the entire Union. They dealt with cases such as rebellion, piracy, taxes raises, tax cuts, and other criminal acts. Though the Supreme Council had no visible political power, the Council was required in order to pass any law, declare war on any other political entity or government, or pass other legislation. Even though the Council wielded this power it was still defunct, as the judges were appointed by the Grand Tions based on the similarity of views between themselves and the judges. Thus making the Supreme Council just a puppet organization that would approve every law or order that the Grand Tion would like to pass. The Supreme Council was composed of fifty elder statesmen, and military leaders who were either to old for active duty, or who were too lazy to pursue any other task with vigor. As such, the various members of the Supreme Council would not aggressively act on a case. The entire judicial system would take months if not years to complete or pass a decision on even the most simple of cases. Many judges could be bought as well, meaning that more often than not criminals were not punished unless the Supreme Council was given a directive by the Grand Tion saying for them to do so. At least sixty five percent of the Supreme Council had to approve a declaration of war. Only twenty five percent had to approve of a law, and only forty percent had to agree in order to approve an order of the Grand Tion. Thus making it easy for the current Grand Tion to manipulate the Council into doing everything exactly as he or she wished.
  • The Super Metroid manual relates the events that immediately preceded Metroid II: Return of Samus thusly: Because Samus was ordered to SR388 by the Galactic Federation, it can be assumed that from this information, the Supreme Council is the ruling body of the Federation. The members of the Council are unknown. Presumably, some or most are human, as most of the members of the Federation seem to in other Metroid games. It is possible, however, that individuals of other species may also be members. The council may be depicted in the Metroid Manga on Daiban with Chairman Keaton and Chairman Vogl. This information is mostly speculative. The specific nature of the Federation's ruling body is as of yet unknown.
  • The council is made up of thirteen Black sisters led by the Head of the Council, who is in fact the nominal leader of the entire Black Ajah. However, the Head of the Council is selected by and accountable to the Forsaken, who give the Supreme Council their overall directives. If a member of the Council dies she is immediately replaced, maintaining the number of thirteen. This number, perhaps not coincidentally, is the number of channelers required along with thirteen Myrddraal to turn a channeler to the Dark One against their will. If normal Black sisters are shrouded in secrecy, the members of the Council are even more so. Their meetings are attended hooded and cloaked to disguise their identities even from each other and also their voices are disguised. If one of the members are out of the Tower, another member is brought in to make up the numbers . In fact, the Head of the Council is the only member with knowledge of every sister in the Black Ajah. The current Head of the Council is Alviarin Freidhen, She was handpicked by Ishamael, replacing Jarna Malari after she had Tamra put to the question. Galina Casban also belonged to the Council, as second of Alviarin; but Galina is currently a slave to Shaido Aiel Wise Ones. It is unknown if she was replaced and who the remaining members of the Council are, but there is a strong suspicion that Sheriam Bayanar held one of its seats; she is mentioned in Verin Mathwin's book as a "leader among the Black Ajah", clearly signalizing her status within the Ajah of her true allegiance. Ordinary members of the Black Ajah are brought before the Supreme Council only if they are being honoured, being given a very important assignment or being put to the question.