  • Tk
  • TK
  • TK
  • Tk
  • TK
  • TK
  • Tk
  • Tk
  • thumb|TK em mind over mutant, TK é uma Uma mistura de pássaro com verme dentro de um globo eletrificado ele pode levitar , atirar e explodir quase tudo no jogo Ele tambem é conhecido como Monstro michael Jackson porque ele faz os passos do dançarino que morreu
  • TK is a film based on Carrie.
  • Tk was the nezumi term for "far".
  • When Crash or Coco are on a TK and either of them talk to the translator in Ratcicle Kingdom, she will say that a telekinetic chicken doesn't impress the man next to her (she, however, thinks that it is hot), and other locals have made references to birds of it, so there is a possibility that it could have a partial avian heritage.
  • "The threshold for tolerating constant arguments and disputes, is very low these days. It will get lower." (TK 8th Dec '08) Terry Koeckritz (December 28, 1950 - December 17, 2010), alias "TK", "The Knife", "Team Killer", and even "TeacaKe", [2] had accounts at both Conservapedia and RationalWiki. He was defrocked as a sysop for a few months in 2008, but was rehired to enforce Andrew Schlafly's iron will. People tend to think he was loyal to nobody but himself, and terminally power hungry. He was inclined to be quite abrasive, and used to tear communities down skilfully.
  • "TK" is a mysterious character who speaks in semi-nonsensical English quoted from pop culture depending on the situation of the scene. He saves the team many times and does know some Japanese but rarely speaks it, and it seems he understands what the others say to him. And he is talented in almost anything (mostly in dancing). He was always seen dancing even though fighting his enemies. His real identity and his name are unknown to characters in the show, even to the SSS, so they identify him as "TK", a nickname he gave himself. However behind character names in the opening sequence their Romaji name can be seen written in faint letters, and behind "TK" it says "Thei Kai".
  • thumb|TK em mind over mutant, TK é uma Uma mistura de pássaro com verme dentro de um globo eletrificado ele pode levitar , atirar e explodir quase tudo no jogo Ele tambem é conhecido como Monstro michael Jackson porque ele faz os passos do dançarino que morreu
  • TK is a film based on Carrie.
  • Tk was the nezumi term for "far".
  • "TK" is a mysterious character who speaks in semi-nonsensical English quoted from pop culture depending on the situation of the scene. He saves the team many times and does know some Japanese but rarely speaks it, and it seems he understands what the others say to him. And he is talented in almost anything (mostly in dancing). He was always seen dancing even though fighting his enemies. His real identity and his name are unknown to characters in the show, even to the SSS, so they identify him as "TK", a nickname he gave himself. However behind character names in the opening sequence their Romaji name can be seen written in faint letters, and behind "TK" it says "Thei Kai". One particular trait of his is his inability to remain still, as he is in constant movement whenever he is not doing anything at all (although at times he can be seen not in constant movement). Also, his catchphrases appear to be 'Just a wild heaven' and 'kiss you'.
  • When Crash or Coco are on a TK and either of them talk to the translator in Ratcicle Kingdom, she will say that a telekinetic chicken doesn't impress the man next to her (she, however, thinks that it is hot), and other locals have made references to birds of it, so there is a possibility that it could have a partial avian heritage.
  • "The threshold for tolerating constant arguments and disputes, is very low these days. It will get lower." (TK 8th Dec '08) Terry Koeckritz (December 28, 1950 - December 17, 2010), alias "TK", "The Knife", "Team Killer", and even "TeacaKe", [2] had accounts at both Conservapedia and RationalWiki. He was defrocked as a sysop for a few months in 2008, but was rehired to enforce Andrew Schlafly's iron will. People tend to think he was loyal to nobody but himself, and terminally power hungry. He was inclined to be quite abrasive, and used to tear communities down skilfully.
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