  • Natasi Daala (SDt)
  • Natasi Daala was a Human female who became the first woman to reach the rank of admiral in the Imperial Navy, and was named Grand Admiral in the Second Galactic Empire's Imperial Navy. Daala enlisted in the Imperial Navy on Carida, but was discriminated against due to her sex. However, she achieved success thanks to Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, who discovered her after she defeated many skilled Imperial opponents in simulated battles, using an alias to hide her true identity. Tarkin took her under his wing, and as he rose in the ranks, so did she. She became his lover and was eventually promoted to admiral by him. Shortly after, she was sent to oversee the top-secret Imperial research facility known as the Maw Installation. There, some of the best scientists in the galaxy worked on new concepts, d
  • * * * * *
  • Green
  • * ** *Imperial Remnant *Second Galactic Empire
  • Copper; eventually, graying
  • Natasi Daala
  • 6.0
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  • Natasi Daala was a Human female who became the first woman to reach the rank of admiral in the Imperial Navy, and was named Grand Admiral in the Second Galactic Empire's Imperial Navy. Daala enlisted in the Imperial Navy on Carida, but was discriminated against due to her sex. However, she achieved success thanks to Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, who discovered her after she defeated many skilled Imperial opponents in simulated battles, using an alias to hide her true identity. Tarkin took her under his wing, and as he rose in the ranks, so did she. She became his lover and was eventually promoted to admiral by him. Shortly after, she was sent to oversee the top-secret Imperial research facility known as the Maw Installation. There, some of the best scientists in the galaxy worked on new concepts, designing superweapons for the Empire. She resided there with four Imperial I-class Star Destroyers for eleven years, unaware of what was happening in the galaxy. In 11 ABY, Natasi once again was drawn into communication with Imperial Forces and learned everything that had transpired since she had taken post her last post in the Maw Instillation, after Sander Delvardus and Carnor Jax's executions the forces of Sander Delvardus commanded by Colonel Cronus was sent to Daala. These forces included 112 Victory-class Star Destroyers among which Crimson Command was also found, taking the Knight Hammer as her new Flagship, she left the Gorgon and four Victory-class Star Destroyers to guard The Maw while she went on to plague the New Republic. She primarily took part in the Decennial War's Operation Revenge where she attacked the shipyards of Mon Calamari in conjunction with Gilad Pellaeon's attack on the shipyards of Kuat, after the ending of aggression by Operation Ceasefire she went about hunting Pirates throughout Kessel's territory and Sith space. By the Yuuzhan Vong War, she had become a Grand Admiral and she defended Kessel, the Maw and Sith space alongside Grand Moff Ryan Kilran and the two of them seemingly fell in love, their guarded territory expanded after the Yuuzhan Vong war and did so further during the Second Galactic Civil War.