  • Relinquished
  • Her mouth stands to convey swarms of plague, time slowly corrodes as her jaws have locked into place. At the grips of her own hands this woman carries her victims to their passing, they hold back tight. they hold back tight. time slowly corrodes as her jaws have locked into place. this woman carries her victims to their passing, For when this woman arches back her skin sheds from her bare limbs, As their flesh, begins to pile, at their own feet As their flesh begins to pile, at their own feet.
  • 1
fr name
  • Le Renoncé
es lore
  • Puedes Invocar esta carta por Ritual con "Ritual de la Ilusión Negra". Una vez por turno: puedes seleccionar 1 monstruo que controle tu adversario; equípa ese objetivo a esta carta . El ATK y DEF de esta carta se convierten en los del monstruo equipado. Si esta carta fuera a ser destruida en batalla, destruye ese monstruo equipado en su lugar. Mientras esté equipada con ese monstruo, cualquier daño de batalla que recibas de batallas que involucren a esta carta inflige igual daño de efecto a tu adversario.
ygo sets
  • Pack 15
el name
  • Εγκαταλελειμμένος
gx1 sets
  • Rituals Invitation to the Dark Spellcaster's Dance Dorothy's Gift
fm for
  • * Millennium-Eyes Restrict * Thousand-Eyes Restrict
Romaji Name
  • Sakurifaisu
hr name
  • Žrtvoliki
ja lore
  • 「イリュージョンの儀式」により降臨。①:1ターンに1度、相手フィールドのモンスター1体を対象として発動できる。その相手モンスターを装備カード扱いとしてこのカードに装備する(1体のみ装備可能)。②:このカードの攻撃力・守備力は、このカードの効果で装備したモンスターのそれぞれの数値になり、このカードが戦闘で破壊される場合、代わりに装備したそのモンスターを破壊する。③:このカードの効果でモンスターを装備したこのカードの戦闘で自分が戦闘ダメージを受けた時、相手も同じ数値分の効果ダメージを受ける。
tsc lore
  • A horrifying monster that has a single malevolent eye. It can steal the abilities of a monster on the foe's field.
it lore
  • Puoi Evocare tramite Rituale questa carta con "Rito Illusione Nera". Una volta per turno: puoi scegliere come bersaglio 1 mostro controllato dal tuo avversario; equipaggia quel bersaglio a questa carta. L'ATK e il DEF di questa carta diventano pari a quelli di quel mostro equipaggiato. Se questa carta sta per essere distrutta in battaglia, distruggi invece quel mostro equipaggiato. Mentre è equipaggiato con quel mostro, qualsiasi danno da combattimento che subisci da battaglie che coinvolgono questa carta infligge pari danno da effetto al tuo avversario.
pt name
  • Renunciado
  • You can Ritual Summon this card with "Black Illusion Ritual". Once per turn: You can target 1 monster your opponent controls; equip that target to this card. This card's ATK and DEF become equal to that equipped monster's. If this card would be destroyed by battle, destroy that equipped monster instead. While equipped with that monster, any battle damage you take from battles involving this card inflicts equal effect damage to your opponent.
gx1 dp
  • 1000
pt lore
  • Você pode Invocar este card por Invocação-Ritual com "Ritual de Ilusão Negra". Uma vez por turno: você pode escolher 1 monstro que seu oponente controla: equipe o alvo a este card. O ATK e DEF deste card se tornam iguais aos do monstro equipado. Se este card seria destruído em batalha, em vez disso, destrua o monstro equipado. Enquanto estiver equipado com este monstro, qualquer dano de batalha que você sofrer de batalhas envolvendo este card causam o mesmo dano de efeito ao seu oponente.
zh lore
  • 儀式:「幻想的儀式」降臨。 1回合1次,可以選擇對方場上存在的1隻怪獸,當作裝備卡使用只有1隻給這張卡裝備。這張卡的攻擊力·守備力變成這張卡的效果裝備的怪獸的各自數值。因這個效果有怪獸裝備的場合,給予對方基本分和自己受到的戰鬥傷害相同的傷害。此外,這張卡被戰鬥破壞的場合,作為代替把這張卡的效果裝備的怪獸破壞。
it name
  • Abbandono
stat change
  • * Changes own ATK value * Changes own DEF value
gx1 lore
  • This monster can take on the ATK and DEF of 1 opponent's monster on the field . Treat the selected monster as an Equip Spell Card and use it to equip "Relinquished". You may use this effect only once per turn and can equip "Relinquished" with only 1 monster at a time. When your opponent's monster attacks this monster with an ATK higher than "Relinquished", the equipped monster is destroyed instead of "Relinquished". Any Life Point damage you receive from the attacking monster when "Relinquished" is equipped is also inflicted on your opponent.
trans name
  • Sacrifice
  • * Treats monsters as Equip Cards * Redirects destruction
  • 64631466
ko lore
  • "환술의 의식"에 의해 의식 소환. ①: 1턴에 1번, 상대 필드의 몬스터 1장을 대상으로 하고 발동할 수 있다. 그 상대 몬스터를 장착 카드 취급하여 이 카드에 장착한다. ②: 이 카드의 공격력 / 수비력은, 이 카드의 효과로 장착한 몬스터 각각의 수치가 되고, 이 카드가 전투로 파괴될 경우, 대신에 장착한 그 몬스터를 파괴한다. ③: 이 카드의 효과로 몬스터를 장착한 이 카드의 전투로 자신이 전투 데미지를 받았을 때, 상대도 같은 수치만큼의 효과 데미지를 받는다.
de lore
  • Du kannst diese Karte mit „Schwarze-Illusion-Ritual“ als Ritualbeschwörung beschwören. Einmal pro Spielzug: Du kannst 1 Monster wählen, das dein Gegner kontrolliert; rüste diese Karte mit dem gewählten Ziel aus. Die ATK und DEF dieser Karte werden dieselben wie die des ausrüstenden Monsters. Falls diese Karte durch Kampf zerstört würde, zerstöre stattdessen das ausrüstende Monster. Solange diese Karte mit dem Monster ausgerüstet ist, fügt jeglicher Kampfschaden, den du aus Kämpfen mit dieser Karte erhältst, deinem Gegner genauso viel Effektschaden zu.
gx1 number
  • 332
ko name
  • 새크리파이스
related to archseries
  • * Eyes Restrict * Fusion
  • Aufgegeben
es name
  • Renunciado
wc6 sets
  • Spell Ruler Spellcaster Collection A All at Random
fr lore
  • Vous pouvez Invoquer Rituellement cette carte avec "Rituel de la Noire Illusion". Une fois par tour : vous pouvez cibler 1 monstre contrôlé par votre adversaire ; équipez la cible à cette carte. L'ATK/DEF de cette carte deviennent égales à celles du monstre équipé. Si cette carte va être détruite au combat, détruisez le monstre équipé à la place. Tant qu'elle est équipée avec le monstre, les dommages de combat que vous recevez de combats impliquant cette carte sont aussi infligés à votre adversaire comme dommages d'effet.
Life points
  • Damages your opponent
gx02 sets
  • Never Give Up
  • 0
ntr sets
  • Cursed Darkness
effect types
  • Summoning condition, Ignition, Continuous, Continuous, Continuous
database id
  • 4737
eds lore
  • This monster can take on the ATK and DEF of 1 opponent's monster on the field
  • * Cover Cards * Limited activations
  • Ritual
  • Effect
  • Spellcaster
  • Black Illusion Ritual
dds number
  • 731
zh name
  • 納祭之魔
  • 0
  • DARK
ar name
  • الخارق
Ja Name
  • サクリファイス
  • Equips monsters from the opponent's field to itself
  • Her mouth stands to convey swarms of plague, time slowly corrodes as her jaws have locked into place. At the grips of her own hands this woman carries her victims to their passing, they hold back tight. they hold back tight. time slowly corrodes as her jaws have locked into place. this woman carries her victims to their passing, For when this woman arches back her skin sheds from her bare limbs, As their flesh, begins to pile, at their own feet As their flesh begins to pile, at their own feet. This disease continues to dilate as it immerses through the air, Immerses through the air she can no longer hide what she is. what she is. Contamination grows in the town where she lays Contamination grows in the town where she lays And where she sleeps Her people before her beg only for forgiveness Beg only for forgiveness From their bare limbs Her mouth stands open to convey Swarms of plague Their flesh piles at their feet Their flesh piles at their feet Their flesh piles at their feet
is cover card of