  • CDC
  • CDC
  • CDC
  • CDC
  • CDC
  • ChinaDotCom
  • Escuchad también el Rye Remix.
  • Das Center for Disease Control (zu Deutsch: Behörde für Seuchenkontrolle, kurz CDC) ist eine Fraktion aus Call of thumb|Das Logo der CDCDuty: Black Ops II aus den Spielmodi Schmerz und Überleben. Die Fraktion gehört der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika an. In Schmerz treten sie gegen die CIA an und versuchen, länger zu überleben als diese. Die CDC trägt dicke gelbe Strahlenschutzanzüge und Gasmasken. Das Modell für ihre Hände gleicht dem von Jason Hudson in der Mission Wiedergeburt, mit gelben Ärmeln und schwarzen Handschuhen. Man kann während des Spiels keine Gespräche zwischen den vier Charaktern hören, auch alleine sagen sie nichts.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (or CDC) is a United States federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services based in Atlanta, Georgia. It works to protect public health and safety by providing information to enhance health decisions, and it promotes health through partnerships with state health departments and other organizations. The CDC focuses national attention on developing and applying disease prevention and control (especially infectious diseases), environmental health, occupational safety and health, health promotion, prevention and education activities designed to improve the health of the people of the United States.
  • CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, рус. Центры по контролю и профилактике болезней) — подразделение, которое появляется в режиме зомби, выживании, как одно из двух возможных. В Дохлых Героях появляется один боец CDC (у игрока желтого цвета) Также появляется в "Беде", где им приходится сражаться против зомби вместе с ЦРУ.
  • The Centers for Diseases to expose - the government agency charged with finding new ways to spread diseases. The Healthkidah works in conjunction with the CDC.
  • The acronym CDC may refer to: * Call Data Channel * Centers for Disease Control and Prevention * Core data center
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, or CDC for short, is the primary information for infectious diseases in the United States. It is the primary government agency for the identification and diagnosis of epidemic or pandemic diseases and advises the government on measures to prevent their spread. Its work has been largely successful and has resulted in few or no deaths from the uncontrolled spread of disease in the United States since it was founded. The actions and protocols of the CDC have served as a plot point in several episodes of House:
  • The CDC (Center for Disease Control) are a faction in the RGS (Richtofen's Grand Scheme) and DOA (Dead Ops Arcade) Zombies Storylines, being playable in Dead Ops Arcade (one Agent only), Nuketown Zombies, Town, Farm, Bus Depot, Diner (one Agent only), Borough (one Agent on Turned only), and Dead Ops Arcade 2: Cyber's Avenging (one Agent only). In Survival, they are playable and switch places randomly with CIA Agents. In Grief, they survive with or against the CIA Agents and their fate depends on who survives longer. In Turned, only one is playable and can be switched with other players by killing the CDC Agent.
Row 4 info
Row 1 info
  • U.S. Government
  • Assistant Director George Barkley
  • США
  • Фотография отряда
Row 4 title
  • Level
Row 2 info
Row 1 title
  • Leader
Row 5 info
  • None
Row 2 title
  • Appears in
Row 5 title
  • Known Members
Row 3 info
  • U.S.A.
Row 3 title
  • Country
Box Title
  • Center for Disease Control
  • Survivants
  • Etats-Unis
  • CDC
  • Mode Zombies
  • 1946
  • ChinaDotCom
  • Escuchad también el Rye Remix.
  • Das Center for Disease Control (zu Deutsch: Behörde für Seuchenkontrolle, kurz CDC) ist eine Fraktion aus Call of thumb|Das Logo der CDCDuty: Black Ops II aus den Spielmodi Schmerz und Überleben. Die Fraktion gehört der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika an. In Schmerz treten sie gegen die CIA an und versuchen, länger zu überleben als diese. Die CDC trägt dicke gelbe Strahlenschutzanzüge und Gasmasken. Das Modell für ihre Hände gleicht dem von Jason Hudson in der Mission Wiedergeburt, mit gelben Ärmeln und schwarzen Handschuhen. Man kann während des Spiels keine Gespräche zwischen den vier Charaktern hören, auch alleine sagen sie nichts.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (or CDC) is a United States federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services based in Atlanta, Georgia. It works to protect public health and safety by providing information to enhance health decisions, and it promotes health through partnerships with state health departments and other organizations. The CDC focuses national attention on developing and applying disease prevention and control (especially infectious diseases), environmental health, occupational safety and health, health promotion, prevention and education activities designed to improve the health of the people of the United States.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, or CDC for short, is the primary information for infectious diseases in the United States. It is the primary government agency for the identification and diagnosis of epidemic or pandemic diseases and advises the government on measures to prevent their spread. Its work has been largely successful and has resulted in few or no deaths from the uncontrolled spread of disease in the United States since it was founded. CDC scientists were instrumental in the identification of legionellosis, a previously unknown infection, as well as preventing its spread by identifying the source as stagnant water from air conditioning systems. The CDC also played a pivotal role in the identification of AIDS and the subsequent measures to prevent its spread. The actions and protocols of the CDC have served as a plot point in several episodes of House: * In Poison, the mother of one of the patients wanted a second opinion from the CDC before allowing House to treat her son for pesticide poisoning. House got Chase to fake a phone call with a southern accent to convince the mother the CDC wasn't going to take any action. * In Euphoria (Part 2), Cuddy won't allow House to perform an autopsy on a dead patient who died of a mysterious illness until the CDC arrives to perform the autopsy under quarantine conditions. * In Sleeping Dogs Lie, House tells his team to call the CDC once he realizes his patient has an extremely contagious disease - plague. * In A Pox on Our House, when smallpox is suspected, Dr. Dave Broda from the CDC comes to Princeton-Plainsboro to treat the patient.
  • CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, рус. Центры по контролю и профилактике болезней) — подразделение, которое появляется в режиме зомби, выживании, как одно из двух возможных. В Дохлых Героях появляется один боец CDC (у игрока желтого цвета) Также появляется в "Беде", где им приходится сражаться против зомби вместе с ЦРУ.
  • The CDC (Center for Disease Control) are a faction in the RGS (Richtofen's Grand Scheme) and DOA (Dead Ops Arcade) Zombies Storylines, being playable in Dead Ops Arcade (one Agent only), Nuketown Zombies, Town, Farm, Bus Depot, Diner (one Agent only), Borough (one Agent on Turned only), and Dead Ops Arcade 2: Cyber's Avenging (one Agent only). In Survival, they are playable and switch places randomly with CIA Agents. In Grief, they survive with or against the CIA Agents and their fate depends on who survives longer. In Turned, only one is playable and can be switched with other players by killing the CDC Agent. The CDC wear bright yellow hazmat suits and gas masks. Their first-person hand models are identical to Hudson's hand model from Rebirth Island, with black gloves and yellow sleeves, as well as Edward Richtofen's first-person-hand model in Black Ops. The third-person models are very identical to the CIA hazmat suits which were also from Rebirth Island.
  • The Centers for Diseases to expose - the government agency charged with finding new ways to spread diseases. The Healthkidah works in conjunction with the CDC.
  • The acronym CDC may refer to: * Call Data Channel * Centers for Disease Control and Prevention * Core data center
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