  • Concert At The Funplex
  • You cannot ask the White Fairy to resurrect Pam Tanner! Even if you want Stephanie, DJ, Michelle, Danny, and Jesse to be reunited with her! If you ask the White Fairy to resurrect Pam Tanner and the White Fairy resurrects her, then Charlotte Barnes and her band (from Bandslam) will have to come to the Funplex and you will have to hear them play "Amphetamine"! At least, the Dragon Ninjas and the Guardian Warriors will keep you company
  • You cannot ask the White Fairy to resurrect Pam Tanner! Even if you want Stephanie, DJ, Michelle, Danny, and Jesse to be reunited with her! If you ask the White Fairy to resurrect Pam Tanner and the White Fairy resurrects her, then Charlotte Barnes and her band (from Bandslam) will have to come to the Funplex and you will have to hear them play "Amphetamine"! At least, the Dragon Ninjas and the Guardian Warriors will keep you company