  • List of Final Fantasy Legend II items
  • The following is a list of items from Final Fantasy Legend II.
  • This list of items in Final Fantasy Legend II shows all of the items, including weapons and armor, and their various attributes. Other robot stat modifier - For weapons and shields, this column also indicates which stat can be trained if a human or mutant uses the weapon or shield. Damage multiplier / fixed damage / healing - "x fixed" means that the item attempts to deal x damage minus the target's defense (if applicable). "x/y healing" means the item heals x HP outside battle and y HP inside battle.
  • The following is a list of items from Final Fantasy Legend II.
  • This list of items in Final Fantasy Legend II shows all of the items, including weapons and armor, and their various attributes. Other robot stat modifier - For weapons and shields, this column also indicates which stat can be trained if a human or mutant uses the weapon or shield. Damage multiplier / fixed damage / healing - "x fixed" means that the item attempts to deal x damage minus the target's defense (if applicable). "x/y healing" means the item heals x HP outside battle and y HP inside battle. x% y block/reflect - After the item is used, each attempt of an attack of type y by the opposing party will have an x% probability of being blocked/reflected.