  • New New York
  • New New York
  • New New York is located on a man-made island across from Old New York. It is twice as large and is a major metropolis of Planet Earth. It is the location of the Old Titan Headquarters, which are now on Adonias.
  • The city had a population of at least ten million. The Tenth Doctor jovially noted that it should have been called "New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York", because it was the fifteenth New York built. (TV: Gridlock)
  • In the year 1999 at new years eve a delivery boy named Fry went to deliver pizza to a lab but when he dozes off he falls into a frozen container set to 1000 years. He wakes up finding out everyone he knew is dead.
  • The City of New New York is a major city on the planet Earth located in the State of New New York, and is where the Planet Express building is located. The city is built directly on top of the ruins of Old New York, which is still accessible via the New New York Sewer System. However, the residents of New New York consider the older city dangerous, as it is populated by mysterious and repulsive Mutants.
  • thumb|320px|Die Skyline von New New York thumb|320px|Die Skyline von New New York im Abendlicht New New York ist eine Stadt, bzw. ein Stadtstaat auf dem Planeten New Earth. Die Stadt wird von einem Senat regiert, dem vermutlich der Herzog von Manhattan vorsteht. Der Zehnte Doctor und Rose Tyler besuchen im Jahr das Hospital von New New York (New Earth).
Row 1 info
  • Futurama
Row 2 info
  • Leela
Row 1 title
  • Origin
Row 2 title
  • Party Member
  • New humans
Row 3 info
  • Delivery Ship
Row 3 title
  • Gateway
Box Title
  • New New York
  • City
  • New Earth
  • New New York City
Image File
  • Untitled2.png
  • The City of New New York is a major city on the planet Earth located in the State of New New York, and is where the Planet Express building is located. The city is built directly on top of the ruins of Old New York, which is still accessible via the New New York Sewer System. However, the residents of New New York consider the older city dangerous, as it is populated by mysterious and repulsive Mutants. As with any major city, New New York is a cosmopolitan place rife with crime, vices, and corruption. Similar to the cultural melting pot of Old New York, New New York is home to a number of alien minorities. Old New York was heavily damaged or destroyed in 2308 by Bender while working for the Nude people in Bender's Big Score. This destruction was first seen as part of the first episode, Space Pilot 3000.
  • New New York is located on a man-made island across from Old New York. It is twice as large and is a major metropolis of Planet Earth. It is the location of the Old Titan Headquarters, which are now on Adonias.
  • thumb|320px|Die Skyline von New New York thumb|320px|Die Skyline von New New York im Abendlicht New New York ist eine Stadt, bzw. ein Stadtstaat auf dem Planeten New Earth. Die Stadt wird von einem Senat regiert, dem vermutlich der Herzog von Manhattan vorsteht. Der Zehnte Doctor und Rose Tyler besuchen im Jahr das Hospital von New New York (New Earth). Das Krankenhaus befindet sich an der Oberfläche des Planeten, die hauptsächlich den oberen Gesellschaftsschichten vorbehalten ist. Die unteren Schichten halten sich in den unterirdischen Stadtteilen auf. Ebenfalls unterirdisch befindet sich eine riesige Autobahn. Als irgendwann nach dem Besuch des Doctors die Bewohner des gesamten Planeten getötet werden, ist die letzte Amtshandlung des Senats von New New York, die unterirdische Autobahn vollständig abzuriegeln. Der Verkehr dort läuft mindestens 23 Jahre weiter, ohne dass die Millionen Autofahrer zurück an die Oberfläche können. Außerdem fallen immer wieder die Autofahrer, die in die Schnellstraßenebene, die sich in der untersten Ebene befindet, den Macra zum Opfer, die sich von den giftigen Abgasen ernähren. Erst der Doctor macht diesem Zustand im Jahr ein Ende (Gridlock). Kategorie:Doctor Who Handlungsorte Kategorie:Städte und Ortschaften
  • The city had a population of at least ten million. The Tenth Doctor jovially noted that it should have been called "New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York", because it was the fifteenth New York built. (TV: Gridlock)
  • In the year 1999 at new years eve a delivery boy named Fry went to deliver pizza to a lab but when he dozes off he falls into a frozen container set to 1000 years. He wakes up finding out everyone he knew is dead.
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is Origin of
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