  • CAN
  • CAN
  • Can
  • CAN
  • CAN
  • CAN
  • Can
  • Can
  • Can
  • [Bu wiki'yi kkirletmeyelim]
  • The Can also has a cameo appearance in The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, where it lives in a trash box and gives a reward to the Servbot that finds the Can. It is also mentioned by Violen in Mega Man X2, showing that it existed for millennia.
  • The terms can and cannot "indicate the possibility of something occurring." "The word 'can,' equivalent to 'is able to,' is used to indicate possibility and capability, whether material or physical."
  • A can is a junk item in Fallout 4.
  • A can was captured by the enemies in Marshmelows war.
  • One of the continents into which Scientology management divides the world for administrative purposes. It corresponds roughly to the geographical area of Canada. This page is a stub, roughly equivalent to a glossary entry. Please help our Scienowiki community by [ expanding it.]
  • A can used to some sort of food. The unknown Prisoner used a can for SP347v2.0's body. Created By:Kurt Elfman
  • In Manhunt 1 and 2, Cash/Danny/Leo can kill hunters, by throwing a can multiple times in the hunters head.
  • The acronym CAN may refer to * Airborne communications node * Campus area network * Controller area network
  • Can is a friend of Backwards, who has known him since he was a kid. Backwards thought he died when Mr. Krabs knocked Can to the ground, although Can gets up, saying he's alright, and hops away, but even so Backwards swears vengeance on Krabs. Afterwards Eugene H. Krabs and SpongeBob SquarePants, were being chased by Backwards and his gang to pay anyways. The Can is voiced by John DiMaggio.
  • Can is a friend of Backwards, who has known him since he was a kid. Backwards thought he died when Mung Daal knocked Can to the ground, although Can gets up, saying he's alright, and hops away, but even so Backwards swears vengeance on Mung. Afterwards Mung Daal and Chowder, were being chased by Backwards and his gang to pay anyways. The Can is voiced by John DiMaggio.
  • La linia presente de canes ia es domada de lupos gris sirca 15 000 anios ante aora. An si la restas de canes domada ia es trovada en Sibir e Beljia de sirca 33 000 anios ante aora, nun de los linias pare survive la masima glasial plu resente. An si mADN esaminas sujesta un fende evolual entre canes e lupos sirca 100 000 anios ante aora, no esemplos ante 33 000 anios ante aora es clar can domada en morfolojia.
  • Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. "Todo el mundo sabe qué es el CAN pero nadie sabe quién es" — Lema del CAN. El CAN es el Cuerpo de Asalto del Negro. Siempre vigilante bajo la más absoluta discreción, su misión es mantener el Status Quo del colegio, interviniendo cuando éste peligra por cualquier situación. Viene siendo un cuerpo de élite tipo GEOS, pero en plan psicológico. El signo de identidad del CAN es el perro de raza Bulldog. Si está en apuros y se los encuentra, tal vez pueda contratarlos.
  • In the first half of the 1970s, "krautrock" pioneers like Can, Faust, and Neu! were regularly featured in the playlists of Peel's shows. The DJ was known to like bands with an experimental approach and, indeed, he continued to play Can's music into the 21st century. The band also became a widely acknowledged influence on later generations of musicians featured on Peel's shows. In later years, Can's singer was namechecked by Peel favourites the Fall on 'I Am Damo Suzuki'.
  • Can ist ein Waldelefant im Zoo Abidjan in der Elfenbeinküste. Über das Geschlecht des einzigen überlebenden Elefanten in diesem Zoo gibt es verschiedene Angaben. Can wurde am 26.01.1992 im Zoo Abidjan geboren. Nach seiner Halbschwester Kony ist Can der zweite im Zoo Abidjan geborene Elefant und bislang auch der letzte. Cans Vater Bozo starb 1993, die Mutter Azagny und Cans Halbschwester Kony sowie die Kuh Taya, die als Waise aus dem Tai-Nationalpark nach Abidjan gebracht wurden, lebten noch 1997. Für sie wird teilweise das Todesjahr 2000 angegeben (an anderer Stelle wird vermerkt, dass der bislang vorletzte Elefant im Jahr 2007 gestorben ist). Mit den Todesfällen und auch aufgrund der politischen Situation in der Elfenbeinküste ist die Zucht Afrikanischer Waldelefanten in einem Zoo zum Erl
  • Can was a German experimental rock band formed in Cologne, West Germany in 1968. Later labeled as one of the first krautrock groups, they transcended mainstream influences and incorporated strong minimalist and world music elements into their often psychedelic music.
  • 24485
  • Plzeň
  • 11.020000
  • 1
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  • can
  • no
  • Tools
  • 15
  • CAN
  • FO4
  • a
  • Brown
  • *Galactic Republic **Grand Army of the Republic ***Gold Squadron
  • Pilsen PMDP.png
  • Black
  • Can
  • Galactic Republic
  • breakdown
  • junk
  • 2
  • 0.100000
  • Steel x2
  • 1.83
  • Human
  • CAN lijn2 T3.jpg
  • Can
  • Nine cans have been knocked down in a game of can knockdown played during Tibia's 20th Anniversary; one is left standing.
  • Een Tatra T3 tram op lijn 2
wikipage disambiguates
  • [Bu wiki'yi kkirletmeyelim]
  • The Can also has a cameo appearance in The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, where it lives in a trash box and gives a reward to the Servbot that finds the Can. It is also mentioned by Violen in Mega Man X2, showing that it existed for millennia.
  • The terms can and cannot "indicate the possibility of something occurring." "The word 'can,' equivalent to 'is able to,' is used to indicate possibility and capability, whether material or physical."
  • In the first half of the 1970s, "krautrock" pioneers like Can, Faust, and Neu! were regularly featured in the playlists of Peel's shows. The DJ was known to like bands with an experimental approach and, indeed, he continued to play Can's music into the 21st century. The band also became a widely acknowledged influence on later generations of musicians featured on Peel's shows. For their first session, Can recorded a long track which was unnamed (although it was listed as "Spare a Light" on BBC logs[1]). During the 29 October 2004 tribute, DJ and Peel friend Anne Nightingale recounted the episode: "Apparently, during a Peel session a long, long time ago, recorded a track that doesn't have a title. So John has a competition for someone to suggest a title for this track, and for years and years and years I never even knew about this and now it's somewhat of a classic. Again, this is another story featuring a competition winner, and I don't know who the competition winner was, but they came up with a title 'Up The Bakerloo Line With Annie Nightingale'." In later years, Can's singer was namechecked by Peel favourites the Fall on 'I Am Damo Suzuki'.
  • A can is a junk item in Fallout 4.
  • A can was captured by the enemies in Marshmelows war.
  • One of the continents into which Scientology management divides the world for administrative purposes. It corresponds roughly to the geographical area of Canada. This page is a stub, roughly equivalent to a glossary entry. Please help our Scienowiki community by [ expanding it.]
  • La linia presente de canes ia es domada de lupos gris sirca 15 000 anios ante aora. An si la restas de canes domada ia es trovada en Sibir e Beljia de sirca 33 000 anios ante aora, nun de los linias pare survive la masima glasial plu resente. An si mADN esaminas sujesta un fende evolual entre canes e lupos sirca 100 000 anios ante aora, no esemplos ante 33 000 anios ante aora es clar can domada en morfolojia. La valua de canes per xasores-coliores antica ia causa ce los deveni cuasi universal tra la cultures de la mundo. Canes servi multe roles per umanas, como aida per xasores e pastores, trae benes, proteje, aida per polisiores e militares, como cameradas, e plu resente aida per persones descapasida. En la mundo ueste, los ia reseta la nometa "la plu bon ami de umana". En otra cultures, los furni ance carne. On estima ce ave sirca 400 milion canes en la mundo (2001). La plu de linias de canes es no plu ce alga sentos de anios de eda, con formas e conduis elejeda par umanas per roles usosa. Tra esta eleje jenetica, la can ia developa a sentos de razas variosa, e mostra plu varia de forma e condui ca cualce otra mamal teral. Per esemplo, la altia estende de 150 mm de la chihuahua a sirca 76 cm de la lepror eres. Color varia de blanca, tra gris, a negra, e brun pal a brun oscur, en un varia de motifes. La pelos pote es corta o longa, ru o lanin, reta, risa, o lisa. La plu de razas perde periodal alga de se pelo.
  • A can used to some sort of food. The unknown Prisoner used a can for SP347v2.0's body. Created By:Kurt Elfman
  • In Manhunt 1 and 2, Cash/Danny/Leo can kill hunters, by throwing a can multiple times in the hunters head.
  • The acronym CAN may refer to * Airborne communications node * Campus area network * Controller area network
  • Can was a German experimental rock band formed in Cologne, West Germany in 1968. Later labeled as one of the first krautrock groups, they transcended mainstream influences and incorporated strong minimalist and world music elements into their often psychedelic music. Can constructed their music largely through collective spontaneous composition –– which the band differentiated from improvisation in the jazz sense –– sampling themselves in the studio and editing down the results; bassist/chief engineer Holger Czukay referred to Can's live and studio performances as "instant compositions". They had occasional commercial success, with singles such as "Spoon" and "I Want More" reaching national singles charts. Through albums such as Monster Movie (1969), Tago Mago (1971), Ege Bamyasi (1972) and Future Days (1973), the band exerted a considerable influence on avant-garde, experimental, underground, ambient, new wave and electronic music.
  • Can is a friend of Backwards, who has known him since he was a kid. Backwards thought he died when Mr. Krabs knocked Can to the ground, although Can gets up, saying he's alright, and hops away, but even so Backwards swears vengeance on Krabs. Afterwards Eugene H. Krabs and SpongeBob SquarePants, were being chased by Backwards and his gang to pay anyways. The Can is voiced by John DiMaggio.
  • Can ist ein Waldelefant im Zoo Abidjan in der Elfenbeinküste. Über das Geschlecht des einzigen überlebenden Elefanten in diesem Zoo gibt es verschiedene Angaben. Can wurde am 26.01.1992 im Zoo Abidjan geboren. Nach seiner Halbschwester Kony ist Can der zweite im Zoo Abidjan geborene Elefant und bislang auch der letzte. Cans Vater Bozo starb 1993, die Mutter Azagny und Cans Halbschwester Kony sowie die Kuh Taya, die als Waise aus dem Tai-Nationalpark nach Abidjan gebracht wurden, lebten noch 1997. Für sie wird teilweise das Todesjahr 2000 angegeben (an anderer Stelle wird vermerkt, dass der bislang vorletzte Elefant im Jahr 2007 gestorben ist). Mit den Todesfällen und auch aufgrund der politischen Situation in der Elfenbeinküste ist die Zucht Afrikanischer Waldelefanten in einem Zoo zum Erliegen gekommen. Die Todesursache wird in Krankheiten und Hunger gesehen, da der Zoo in den letzten Jahren verwahrlost ist. Die Informationen zu Cans Geschlecht sind widersprüchlich. Einmal als Bulle vorgestellt, wurde vom Zoo die Information herausgegeben, Can sei doch eine Kuh, was andererseits anscheinend nicht ganz überzeugend schien (s. die Berichte im Literaturverzeichnis). Allerdings gibt es spätestens seit 2011 Überlegungen, für Can einen Bullen zu finden, um die Zucht wieder aufzunehmen, was also doch annehmen lässt, es handelt sich um ein weibliches Tier. Die Berichte aus den Jahren 2008/2009 zeichneten ein düsteres Bild vom Zustand der Haltung von Can und anderen Tieren im Zoo Abidjan. Demnach wurde das Elefantenhaus von einer Schimpansin bewohnt, während Can als Außengehege nur eine schattenlose Grasfläche zur Verfügung hatte. Das Badebecken war leer. Zum Unterhalt wurden einige Spenden über den Verein Elefanten-Schutz Europa e.V. gesammelt. thumb|300px|right|Zoom sur CAN, le seul Éléphant du Zoo d'Abidjan Zuletzt gab es ein Video von Can von Februar 2012, in dem versucht wurde, ihr einen Fußball näherzubringen.
  • Can is a friend of Backwards, who has known him since he was a kid. Backwards thought he died when Mung Daal knocked Can to the ground, although Can gets up, saying he's alright, and hops away, but even so Backwards swears vengeance on Mung. Afterwards Mung Daal and Chowder, were being chased by Backwards and his gang to pay anyways. The Can is voiced by John DiMaggio.
  • Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. "Todo el mundo sabe qué es el CAN pero nadie sabe quién es" — Lema del CAN. El CAN es el Cuerpo de Asalto del Negro. Siempre vigilante bajo la más absoluta discreción, su misión es mantener el Status Quo del colegio, interviniendo cuando éste peligra por cualquier situación. Viene siendo un cuerpo de élite tipo GEOS, pero en plan psicológico. El signo de identidad del CAN es el perro de raza Bulldog. Aunque mucha gente lo pueda tener asociado a unas determinadas personas, el CAN nunca tomó forma homomórfica. Más bien, quien cree que se está cometiendo una injusticia en el negro, acude al CAN para solucionarlo. Se podría entender que es un Equipo A del Negro, pero sin cadenas, crestas, ni tío wapo. Si está en apuros y se los encuentra, tal vez pueda contratarlos.
  • Can was a German experimental rock band formed in Cologne, West Germany in 1968. Later labeled as one of the first krautrock groups, they transcended mainstream influences and incorporated strong minimalist and world music elements into their often psychedelic music. Can constructed their music largely through collective spontaneous composition—which the band differentiated from improvisation in the jazz sense—sampling themselves in the studio and editing down the results; bassist/chief engineer Holger Czukay referred to Can's live and studio performances as "instant compositions". They had occasional commercial success, with singles such as "Spoon" and "I Want More" reaching national singles charts. Through albums such as Monster Movie (1969), Tago Mago (1971), Ege Bamyasi (1972) and Future Days (1973), the band exerted a considerable influence on avant-garde, experimental, underground, ambient, new wave and electronic music.
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