  • Whazzap
  • Whazzap is where Bud Bison falls from the sky after Rogue fights Geo Stelar in Echo Ridge and sends his Brothers to different locations with the Kamikakushi. Bud hits his head and loses his memory, and as he felt from the sky, the population believes he is a herald of Mu and calls him the great Budicus. Geo and his friends find him and try to make him remember who he is, but aren't successful in their first attempt.
  • Whazzap is where Bud Bison falls from the sky after Rogue fights Geo Stelar in Echo Ridge and sends his Brothers to different locations with the Kamikakushi. Bud hits his head and loses his memory, and as he felt from the sky, the population believes he is a herald of Mu and calls him the great Budicus. Geo and his friends find him and try to make him remember who he is, but aren't successful in their first attempt. Solo appears to investigate the area due to its relation with Mu, and is angry to see a fake claiming to be from Mu, attacking Budicus. Rogue (Solo) is fought a second time, and after Mega Man defeats Rogue, Hollow takes an injured Solo back to Lady Vega. Bud loses consciousness, but after Luna Platz gives him his favorite food, he awakens and recovers his memory, leaving Whazzap with his friends. The Shaman is not happy to see the great Budicus leave, and Hyde gives him an Ancient Star Carrier with Condor to become Terra Condor in exchange of information regarding Mu. Later, when Mega Man is about to go back to Echo Ridge by the Sky Wave, Bud calls Geo and tells him that a giant bird (Terra Condor), has kidnapped him, Luna, and Zack. After a few challenges in the Whazzap Ruins, Mega Man fights Terra Condor, who threatens to tickle Geo's friends forever to send their laughter as an offering to Mu. After the battle, the Shaman returns to normal and apologizes for his actions, and thanks to Bud's idea, Whazzap gains more tourists with their spare ribs.